Atomic Structure and scientist

  1. 1. This scientist used the cathode-ray tube experiment to discover electrons.
  2. 6. A positive charged particle
  3. 7. This scientist is the founder of the atomic theory.
  4. 9. The _____ number is the number of protons and neutrons.
  5. 11. The atomic mass _______ is what elements on the periodic table are measured.
  6. 12. Subatomic particles with a mass of 9.1 x 10-28 g
  7. 13. This scientist believed that matter was continuous.
  8. 15. This scientist discovered the mass of the proton to be equal to 1.6 x 10-24 g.
  9. 16. The subatomic particle that has both mass and charge
  10. 18. The smallest particle of an element that can exist alone or combined.
  1. 2. This scientist discovered the mass of an electron during the oil drop experiment.
  2. 3. Rutherford used the gold-foil experiment to discover this part of the atom.
  3. 4. This scientist discovered neutrons in the nucleus.
  4. 5. A negative charged particle
  5. 8. These forces hold the sub atomic particles together in the nucleus.
  6. 10. The atomic __________ is the identity and arrangement of smaller particles in an atom.
  7. 13. The ____________ atomic mass is used for the mass of an element, which has isotopes.
  8. 14. Atoms of the same element that have a different atomic mass.
  9. 17. The atomic is the amount of protons in the nucleus of an atom.