Dinosaurs & Taylor

  1. 2. The egg of theropods
  2. 6. City Taylor Swift was born in (2 words)
  3. 7. The study of dinosaurs
  4. 9. The artist Taylor Swift was named after
  5. 11. The island that houses Jurassic Park (2 words)
  6. 14. “This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things” references this book (3 words)
  7. 16. Mr. Grant’s first name
  8. 17. Taylor’s childhood best friend
  9. 19. Who fights the t-Rex in Jurassic Park 3
  10. 20. The brand Taylor Swift modeled for
  1. 1. A dinosaur discovered in 1991 in Cedar, Utah
  2. 3. Taylor’s favorite color
  3. 4. Travis Kelce’s middle name
  4. 5. Andrea Swift’s maiden name
  5. 8. Dr. ________: Paleo botanist, ecologist, and nonfiction author (2 words)
  6. 10. 2022 film that Taylor appeared in
  7. 12. Taylor’s first single
  8. 13. The egg of sauropods and hadrosaurs
  9. 15. Blue’s baby
  10. 18. Jurassic Park is off the Coast of ______ (2 words)