
  1. 2. How many sisters does the Princess in The Little Mermaid have
  2. 4. Means Family
  3. 8. No one gets left behind or _____
  4. 9. Green Fairy from Sleeping Beauty
  5. 12. Sister in yellow dress
  6. 14. A blue alien that landed on Earth
  7. 16. Princess in The Little Mermaid
  8. 17. The Beauty's Dad
  9. 18. Bad guy in Sleeping Beauty
  10. 19. The Beauty
  11. 21. Prince in The Little Mermaid
  12. 23. Prince in Cinderella
  13. 25. What the Beast didn't accept
  14. 28. _____ cats wreak havoc on Lady's house
  15. 30. Mythical creature that the bad guy from Sleeping Beauty turns into
  16. 33. Princess' best friend in The Little Mermaid
  17. 34. The Beauty's Love
  18. 37. Famous saying from Fairy Godmother
  19. 39. Gaston's sidekick
  1. 1. Adopts stitch thinking he is a weird species of dog
  2. 3. The Beauty's Admirer
  3. 5. Princess from Sleeping Beauty
  4. 6. Owner of the cats in Lady and the Tramp
  5. 7. Red Fairy from Sleeping Beauty
  6. 10. Stitch favorite book
  7. 11. Blue Fairy from Sleeping Beauty
  8. 13. What time is Cinderella dress going to disappear
  9. 14. Tramp is a ____ dog
  10. 15. How many pup do Lady and the Tramp have
  11. 20. Stitch dresses up as him
  12. 22. Princess' dad's name in The Little Mermaid
  13. 24. Lilo older sister
  14. 26. Lady is a ____ dog
  15. 27. I am a candlestick
  16. 29. Sister in purple dress
  17. 31. The state that stitch landed in
  18. 32. I am a clock
  19. 35. Prince from Sleeping Beauty
  20. 36. What Aurora touched that made her fall asleep
  21. 38. What color is Cinderella's dress