Hungry Yet?

  1. 5. Give me a break!
  2. 7. An exotic nut
  3. 10. A royal British dish
  4. 12. It won't melt in some mouths
  5. 14. Bibb, butter or iceberg
  6. 17. Maybe breakfast before the fox hunt
  7. 19. Sweet, sweet, sweet
  8. 21. A seedy fruit
  9. 24. Layered Italian goodness
  10. 25. A microwave staple
  11. 26. Mr. Newburgh's favorite shellfish
  12. 27. The quicker picker upper
  13. 28. The bees' knees!
  14. 29. Ova easy
  15. 30. A colorful wine
  16. 31. Flexing seafood
  1. 1. Sparkling wine
  2. 2. Danish ones are best
  3. 3. What everything tastes like
  4. 4. Give me some hot stuff
  5. 6. The other brown bread
  6. 8. Lady of the morning
  7. 9. A Halloween staple
  8. 11. Mary had one, maybe a chop
  9. 13. Gobble it up
  10. 15. Not a Republican's favorite vegetable
  11. 16. Say it with a smile
  12. 18. The best part of the pig
  13. 20. Mellow yellow fruit
  14. 21. What's the beef
  15. 22. As American as
  16. 23. From cows and human kindness