legendary Lands

  1. 3. - Hypothetical lost continent in the Indian Ocean
  2. 4. - Mythical island in Arthurian legend, associated with King Arthur's final resting place
  3. 6. - Homeland of the Amazons in Greek mythology
  4. 8. fo Thuinn - Undersea kingdom in Irish mythology
  5. 9. - Mythical land submerged off the coast of Cornwall in Arthurian legend
  6. 11. Mell - Celtic otherworld associated with pleasure and plenty
  7. 12. - Phantom island off the coast of Ireland in Celtic mythology
  8. 15. - Subterranean realm in esoteric and mythological lore
  9. 17. - Seven legendary cities of gold sought by Spanish conquistadors
  10. 19. na nÓg - Land of eternal youth in Irish mythology
  1. 1. - Mythical city or land of gold sought by Spanish explorers
  2. 2. - Land of eternal youth in Irish mythology
  3. 4. - Legendary island civilization said to have sunk into the ocean
  4. 5. - Mythical land beyond the North Wind in Greek mythology
  5. 7. - Legendary continent believed to have sunk into the Pacific Ocean
  6. 10. - Mythical Himalayan utopia of eternal youth and happiness
  7. 13. - Legendary castle and court associated with King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table
  8. 14. - Mythical island home of the nymph Calypso in Greek mythology
  9. 16. - Mythical utopian region of Greece, symbolizing pastoral simplicity and harmony with nature
  10. 18. - Legendary ancestral home of the Aztecs