web & chat crossword

  1. 2. Something you need for a videoconference
  2. 6. http means ........ transfer protocol
  3. 9. a place where to buy and sell personal ítems in online auctions
  4. 10. VOIP voice over internet........
  5. 12. 3-D character used in virtual worlds
  6. 13. code of behaviour for communicating online
  7. 15. ASAP as ..... as posible
  8. 16. famous virtual world
  9. 19. BBS ......board system
  10. 20. URL.......
  11. 21. the box you use to look for information
  1. 1. a space where to chat privately
  2. 3. a list of friends or contact list
  3. 4. A conferencing program
  4. 5. you need this to log in
  5. 7. TIA ......in advance
  6. 8. BTW by the........
  7. 11. IMO in my........
  8. 14. www means ....... ....... web
  9. 17. fixed Price for internet services
  10. 18. an audio broadcast distributed over the internet
  11. 22. a place where to buy books and DVDs