Crossword Puzzle for “Million Dollar Throw” by Mike Lupica

  1. 4. Feeling good about yourself
  2. 8. A young star
  3. 11. Giving gratitude on a day in November
  4. 13. Feeling of stress
  5. 15. Another name for a score in football
  6. 16. Someone you look up to
  7. 17. Loss of eyesight
  8. 18. An object usually a circle used for accuracy
  9. 19. Player in football who throws the ball
  10. 20. A place where you go learn
  1. 1. One of the greatest QB's in NFL history
  2. 2. The state of being poor
  3. 3. The name of all currencies
  4. 5. A bond between two friends
  5. 6. A decline substantially
  6. 7. Someone who is skillful in painting and drawing
  7. 9. Name of Patriot's stadium
  8. 10. NFL team that plays in New England
  9. 12. Pro football league
  10. 14. Sport played by NFL players