
  1. 2. What does pp mean in dynamics
  2. 4. The lines of bass clef
  3. 6. A half note
  4. 8. The Italian word for moderately soft
  5. 9. What does f mean in dynamics
  6. 10. Tell us how many beats there are to a bar
  7. 11. What is the word for getting louder,dynamics
  8. 12. How minims in a semibreve
  9. 14. What does mf mean in dynamics
  10. 17. Fast and lively
  11. 18. Slow tempo
  12. 19. What does ff mean in dynamics
  13. 21. The space for treble clef
  1. 1. What is the thing separating the bars
  2. 3. The Italian word for loud
  3. 5. A whole note
  4. 7. what does mp mean in dynamics
  5. 10. What’s the name of the sign at the start
  6. 13. What does p mean in dynamics
  7. 15. At a walking pace
  8. 16. What indicates the end of the piece
  9. 20. The Italian word for moderately loud
  10. 22. One beat