All Crossword Puzzles

tester 2024-04-24

tester crossword puzzle
  1. rock that alffgoenvonsldfkseo
  1. owne aeka ek al

2 Clues: owne aeka ek alrock that alffgoenvonsldfkseo

tester 2024-04-24

tester crossword puzzle
  1. rock that alffgoenvonsldfkseo
  1. owne aeka ek al

2 Clues: owne aeka ek alrock that alffgoenvonsldfkseo

Water Cycle Crossword Puzzle 2024-04-24

Water Cycle Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. water in the form of a gas present in the air
  2. water that contains a lot of salt and it is not safe for human consumption.
  3. condition of the atmosphere at a particular place and time, including for example temperature, humidity, wind.
  1. plants releasing water vapor into the air
  2. a measure of how hot or cold something is.
  3. process in which water vapor in the air turns back into liquid water.
  4. water falling from the sky in the form of rain, snow.
  5. water that doesn't have a lot of salt in it and humans can drink it safely.
  6. storing water from different sources.
  7. process in which water turns from liquid into gas.

10 Clues: storing water from different sources.plants releasing water vapor into the aira measure of how hot or cold something is.water in the form of a gas present in the airprocess in which water turns from liquid into gas.water falling from the sky in the form of rain, snow.process in which water vapor in the air turns back into liquid water....

Alfred Tennyson Career 2024-04-24

Alfred Tennyson Career crossword puzzle
  1. what job was Alfred Tennyson best known for
  2. how old was Alfred Tennyson when his first poem was published
  3. what honorable title was he given
  4. where did Alfred Tennyson go to study? _____ College
  5. which poem did he write that compares death to crossing a river and a flood
  1. what is the name of the poem he wrote that expresses his sadness towards his friends death
  2. he has this title because he is a Baron
  3. around how many poems did Alfred Tennyson write
  4. how old was Alfred Tennyson when he wrote a 6000 word poem
  5. where did Alfred Tennyson work

10 Clues: where did Alfred Tennyson workwhat honorable title was he givenhe has this title because he is a Baronwhat job was Alfred Tennyson best known foraround how many poems did Alfred Tennyson writewhere did Alfred Tennyson go to study? _____ Collegehow old was Alfred Tennyson when he wrote a 6000 word poem...

Heat Transfers and Generating Electricity 2024-04-24

Heat Transfers and Generating Electricity crossword puzzle
  1. The energy stored in an object by raising it up. If it fell down to the ground all of this would be converted into kinetic/heat.
  2. A form of hydroelectric power that uses the flow of the tides for electricity. Not necessarily waves.
  3. Measure of how much matter an object has in a unit volume (cubic meter or cubic centimeter).
  4. Thermal energy generated by the earth. Normally hot water heated by volcanic activity.
  5. Heat Energy
  6. The total amount of some quantity does not change
  7. In heat conduction, energy is transferred from molecule to molecule by direct contact
  8. “Heavy atoms are split into smaller lighter atoms, releasing kinetic energy.” Fission is started by colliding a slow moving neutron with a nucleus.
  1. Electricity provided by the energy of flowing water. This is often in dams created for this purpose.
  2. A form of heat transfer by electromagnetic waves (infrared radiation). These are emitted or absorbed by the surface of objects.
  3. Energy that is expressed through the movement of particles.
  4. Movement Energy
  5. An energy resource that will not run out for many human lifetimes. It is essentially infinite. The sun is a good example of this.
  6. The percentage of energy that is used for a useful task and how much is wasted.
  7. Material or process that prevents the transfer of heat by conduction, convection or radiation.
  8. The unit for energy. [J]
  9. Process by which heat is transferred by movement of a heated fluid such as air or water
  10. Oil, Coal, Natural gas and other fuels that are made from the remains of buried dead organisms. Created over millions of years by intense pressure.

18 Clues: Heat EnergyMovement EnergyThe unit for energy. [J]The total amount of some quantity does not changeEnergy that is expressed through the movement of particles.The percentage of energy that is used for a useful task and how much is wasted.In heat conduction, energy is transferred from molecule to molecule by direct contact...

Heat Transfers and Generating Electricity 2024-04-24

Heat Transfers and Generating Electricity crossword puzzle
  1. The energy stored in an object by raising it up. If it fell down to the ground all of this would be converted into kinetic/heat.
  2. A form of hydroelectric power that uses the flow of the tides for electricity. Not necessarily waves.
  3. Measure of how much matter an object has in a unit volume (cubic meter or cubic centimeter).
  4. Thermal energy generated by the earth. Normally hot water heated by volcanic activity.
  5. Heat Energy
  6. The total amount of some quantity does not change
  7. In heat conduction, energy is transferred from molecule to molecule by direct contact
  8. “Heavy atoms are split into smaller lighter atoms, releasing kinetic energy.” Fission is started by colliding a slow moving neutron with a nucleus.
  1. Electricity provided by the energy of flowing water. This is often in dams created for this purpose.
  2. A form of heat transfer by electromagnetic waves (infrared radiation). These are emitted or absorbed by the surface of objects.
  3. Energy that is expressed through the movement of particles.
  4. Movement Energy
  5. An energy resource that will not run out for many human lifetimes. It is essentially infinite. The sun is a good example of this.
  6. The percentage of energy that is used for a useful task and how much is wasted.
  7. Material or process that prevents the transfer of heat by conduction, convection or radiation.
  8. The unit for energy. [J]
  9. Process by which heat is transferred by movement of a heated fluid such as air or water
  10. Oil, Coal, Natural gas and other fuels that are made from the remains of buried dead organisms. Created over millions of years by intense pressure.

18 Clues: Heat EnergyMovement EnergyThe unit for energy. [J]The total amount of some quantity does not changeEnergy that is expressed through the movement of particles.The percentage of energy that is used for a useful task and how much is wasted.In heat conduction, energy is transferred from molecule to molecule by direct contact...

Unit 17: Can I Trust You? 2024-04-24

Unit 17: Can I Trust You? crossword puzzle
  1. (adj)-not having any doubt about something;convinced or sure.
  2. (adj)-able to be believed;reasonable to trust or believed.
  3. (v)-to make something false;to change something in order to make people believe something that is not true.
  4. (adj)-too ready to believe things easily fooled or cheated.
  5. (adj)-having a fear of being in closed or small spaces;used to describe a small closed in room with little space.
  1. (adj)-not real or genuine;used to say that something is not really what it seems to be;not true or accurate.
  2. (n)-belief that something is true;the quality of being believed or accepted as something true or real.
  3. (n)-a statement of the basic beliefs of a religion;an idea or set of beliefs that guides the actions of a person or group.
  4. (n)-an extremely strong dislike or fear of someone or something.
  5. (n)-a wrong belief;a false or mistaken idea.

10 Clues: (n)-a wrong belief;a false or mistaken idea.(adj)-able to be believed;reasonable to trust or believed.(adj)-too ready to believe things easily fooled or cheated.(adj)-not having any doubt about something;convinced or sure.(n)-an extremely strong dislike or fear of someone or something....

Ilene's 50th 2024-04-24

Ilene's 50th crossword puzzle
  1. Sixth Grade Teacher
  2. Girl we Typewritered off the chair
  3. H&H Order
  4. Our Favorite Good Humor Man
  1. Never to be drank again
  2. Scott for real
  3. Best Feline Friend
  4. 1st one to get off the brabies
  5. Color of bedroom wall
  6. First "ride"

10 Clues: H&H OrderFirst "ride"Scott for realBest Feline FriendSixth Grade TeacherColor of bedroom wallNever to be drank againOur Favorite Good Humor Man1st one to get off the brabiesGirl we Typewritered off the chair

pc 04 2024-04-24

pc 04 crossword puzzle
  1. Tristeza.
  2. Usada na cobertura de casas.
  3. bebida do pirata.
  4. Recurço para o auno com dificuldades de aprender.
  5. Local.
  6. Comer em inglês.
  7. Brinquedo apreciado pelas meninas.
  8. O fruto gomo a uva.
  1. Atormentado supliciado.
  2. Aquele que faz concerto em.
  3. Caminha a humanidade sucesso de Lulu Santos.
  4. Líder da revolução russa.
  5. Adorar.
  6. Substantivo usado em argamassa.
  7. Animal formador dos atóis.
  8. Objeto pequeno.
  9. Estremado;delimitado.
  10. O bife enrolado e recheado.
  11. Torrão natal.
  12. História do maluco.

20 Clues: Local.Adorar.Tristeza.Torrão natal.Objeto pequeno.Comer em inglês.bebida do pirata.História do maluco.O fruto gomo a uva.Estremado;delimitado.Atormentado supliciado.Líder da revolução russa.Animal formador dos atóis.Aquele que faz concerto em.O bife enrolado e recheado.Usada na cobertura de casas.Substantivo usado em argamassa....


ODONTOLOGIA FORENSE crossword puzzle
  1. daño que le puede ocurrir a un diente cuando las bacterias que causan caries que se encuentran en la boca producen ácidos que atacan la superficie del diente o esmalte
  2. Mordedura
  3. es un esquema gráfico en el que el dentista puede localizar todas las piezas dentales del paciente y realizar anotaciones sobre cada una de ellas
  4. Acción y efecto de identificar o identificarse
  1. forma parte de las denominadas radiografías intraorales
  2. aquel que realiza el daño, el sufrimiento, el padecimiento, o agresión
  3. La radiografía captura los maxilares y los dientes completos en una sola toma
  4. es el principio del tracto digestivo

8 Clues: Mordeduraes el principio del tracto digestivoAcción y efecto de identificar o identificarseforma parte de las denominadas radiografías intraoralesaquel que realiza el daño, el sufrimiento, el padecimiento, o agresiónLa radiografía captura los maxilares y los dientes completos en una sola toma...

Colors! 2024-04-24

Colors! crossword puzzle
  1. むらさき
  2. 黄色
  3. オレンジ
  1. 茶色
  2. 緑色

9 Clues: 黄色茶色緑色むらさきオレンジ

Unit 8/Court cases 2024-04-24

Unit 8/Court cases crossword puzzle
  1. Filed by interested parties to provide additional information to the court.
  2. Court's authority to review decisions from lower courts.
  3. The court's authority to hear a case first.
  4. Courts can review and invalidate laws or actions that violate the Constitution.
  5. takes what the Constitution states literally
  6. More than one court can hear the same case.
  1. Courts interpret the Constitution to promote social change.
  2. Four justices must agree to hear a case.
  3. Courts limit their power and defer to elected officials.
  4. Interprets the Constitution broadly.
  5. Formal request for Supreme Court review.
  6. A judge's opinion agrees with the majority's decision but for different reasons.
  7. (1803) Established judicial review.
  8. Reviews decisions from lower courts or agencies.

14 Clues: (1803) Established judicial review.Interprets the Constitution broadly.Four justices must agree to hear a case.Formal request for Supreme Court review.The court's authority to hear a case first.More than one court can hear the same case.takes what the Constitution states literallyReviews decisions from lower courts or agencies....

LIFE IN SPACE 2024-04-24

LIFE IN SPACE crossword puzzle
  1. After the moon, what is the next target for deep space exploration?
  2. The name of the first helicopter to fly on another planet
  3. The name of the rover that first landed on Mars in 2012.
  4. How many moons does Mars have?
  5. Mars is characterized by strong _____
  6. In which seat were you sitting in the air jet?
  7. To simulate the space environment, future astronauts are training under ______
  8. What are humans trying to grow and study on the ISS?
  1. What would be helpful for humans to stabilize their posture in space?
  2. Against which country was the US competing to reach the moon in the 1960s?
  3. What type of technology astronauts were using to train in approaching and docking the International Space Station (ISS)
  4. How many months would it take to go to Mars with the current technology?
  5. How long has there been a human presence on the ISS?
  6. What color is the sunset on Mars?

14 Clues: How many moons does Mars have?What color is the sunset on Mars?Mars is characterized by strong _____In which seat were you sitting in the air jet?How long has there been a human presence on the ISS?What are humans trying to grow and study on the ISS?The name of the rover that first landed on Mars in 2012....

Ch. 3 Earth's Movement TNN 2024-04-24

Ch. 3 Earth's Movement TNN crossword puzzle
  1. a part of the circumference of a circle or other curve
  2. the curved path of a celestial object or spacecraft around a star, planet, or moon
  3. the shape of a ball
  4. a dark area or shape produced by a body coming between rays of light and a surface
  5. move or cause to move in a circle around an axis or center
  6. an area or division
  7. able to be seen
  8. half of a sphere; half of the earth
  9. each of the four divisions of the year (spring, summer, autumn, and winter)
  1. a repeated design
  2. fastened securely in position
  3. a group of stars forming a recognizable pattern
  4. move in a circle on a central axis
  5. turn or cause to turn or whirl around quickly
  6. the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid
  7. an imaginary line through the center of an object

16 Clues: able to be seena repeated designthe shape of a ballan area or divisionfastened securely in positionmove in a circle on a central axishalf of a sphere; half of the earthturn or cause to turn or whirl around quicklya group of stars forming a recognizable patternan imaginary line through the center of an object...

John 3:14-21 2024-04-24

John 3:14-21 crossword puzzle
  1. What is the nature of the deeds of those who hate the light?
  2. According to John 3:18, unbelievers are condemned because they did not _____?
  3. What is the state of those who believe not?
  4. What kind of life is promised to those who believe in Him?
  5. Unto what purpose did God send His Son according to John 3:17?
  6. What is Jesus likened to when He is lifted up?
  7. Those who do not believe in God's only begotten Son will ________.
  1. What is repeatedly mentioned as necessary for eternal life?
  2. The Son of Man must be lifted up so that all will have ________?
  3. Every one that loves evil loves the ________.
  4. According to John 3:20, everyone that doeth evil _______ the light?.
  5. God _____ His only begotten Son.
  6. What does John 3:17 say God did not send His Son into the world to do?
  7. Who did Jesus refer to when discussing being lifted up?
  8. How are deeds wrought in God shown according to John 3:21 - through the ______?
  9. Why did God give His only begotten Son according to John 3:16?
  10. What came into the world, causing men to love darkness?
  11. Men love darkness because of their ______ according to John 3:19?

18 Clues: God _____ His only begotten Son.What is the state of those who believe not?Every one that loves evil loves the ________.What is Jesus likened to when He is lifted up?Who did Jesus refer to when discussing being lifted up?What came into the world, causing men to love darkness?What kind of life is promised to those who believe in Him?...

Jacobs Q3 Reflection Project 2024-04-24

Jacobs Q3 Reflection Project crossword puzzle
  1. I’m the best shuffler in all the lands
  2. I like to steal the sun’s rays
  3. I named the famous Stingray Point from my very treacherous accident
  4. I have the most fossils and the best beaches
  5. I don’t like algae to block the spotlight
  6. when dust builds up over time
  7. When magma cools down
  8. A variety of different species
  1. Water has worn me down over the years as I get more slumped I begin to create rivers
  2. I’m very shallow but you should be warned I have many little critters who can be sharp as a thorn
  3. John smith captured fish with them when he didn’t have the right equipment
  4. I may be delicious but you have to leave me to do my vacuuming
  5. Crabs use this to crush and cut a delicious meal
  6. Earth's shell
  7. They can ruin ecosystems
  8. Oysters can do this to around 1.3 million gallons of water

16 Clues: Earth's shellWhen magma cools downThey can ruin ecosystemswhen dust builds up over timeI like to steal the sun’s raysA variety of different speciesI’m the best shuffler in all the landsI don’t like algae to block the spotlightI have the most fossils and the best beachesCrabs use this to crush and cut a delicious meal...

Protein Interactions 2024-04-24

Protein Interactions crossword puzzle
  1. Group of proteins called the MADS-Domain _________ factors.
  2. Lost throughout evolution
  3. triplication: gamma whole ___________ ___________
  4. proteins that interact with many other proteins
  1. SEP3 changes shape in a ________ complex
  2. Lost conformational flexibility by acquiring _________.
  3. highly complex substances present in all living things
  4. clade: group of protein found in plants
  5. a glue like protein

9 Clues: a glue like proteinLost throughout evolutionclade: group of protein found in plantsSEP3 changes shape in a ________ complexproteins that interact with many other proteinstriplication: gamma whole ___________ ___________highly complex substances present in all living thingsLost conformational flexibility by acquiring _________....

Vocab 12 2024-04-24

Vocab 12 crossword puzzle
  1. Thin, light, delicate
  2. Laws that are harsh
  3. The fact of appearing everywhere or of being very common
  4. Scathingly harsh
  5. Dry shrunken, and wrinkled
  6. To produce, cause, or bring about; to cause to exist or develop
  7. To trouble with demands
  8. To break up and drive off
  9. A member of a European military unit formerly composed of heavily armed cavalrymen
  10. Moving from topic to topic without order
  11. Study of human speech
  1. Elusive, sly, ambiguous
  2. Courtesy especially to superior or elder
  3. Unique, of its own kind, in a class by itself
  4. Perceptible by touch
  5. A natural/artificial channel through which something is conveyed
  6. Briefly and clearly expressed
  7. To thoroughly overwhelm and reduce to submission or passivity
  8. May refer to a species of tree but refers to a token of achievement
  9. Of the same kind

20 Clues: Scathingly harshOf the same kindLaws that are harshPerceptible by touchThin, light, delicateStudy of human speechElusive, sly, ambiguousTo trouble with demandsTo break up and drive offDry shrunken, and wrinkledBriefly and clearly expressedCourtesy especially to superior or elderMoving from topic to topic without order...

História e Fontes Históricas 2024-04-24

História e Fontes Históricas crossword puzzle
  1. A arte e o trabalho do historiógrafo; estudo e descrição da história.
  2. Cientistas que estudam restos de animais e plantas conservadas durante os séculos, embaixo do solo, nas rochas ou no fundo de oceanos e rios.
  3. Sucessiva geração de uma família. Exemplo: filhos, netos, bisnetos de um casal, geração de filhos, a partir dos pais.
  4. Ciência que estuda as mudanças e as permanências ocorridas nas sociedades humanas ao longo do tempo.
  5. Grupo familiar que viveu em épocas antigas, ancestrais.
  1. Estudo da origem e da formação das palavras de uma língua.
  2. Cartas, leis, livros, entre outros, foram, durante muitos séculos, os únicos vestígios considerados legítimos para o historiador recuperar o passado.
  3. Local onde estão localizadas várias coleções de acessórios, obras de arte, móveis, objetos, oficiais, documentos, armas, peças, selos, meios de transporte, peças de artigos etc.
  4. Aqueles que estudam os grupos humanos, por meio dos vestígios de materiais naturais, como restos de casas, instrumentos de trabalho, pinturas feitas em rochas e vasos.
  5. Ossos ou esqueletos, ovos, pegadas, árvores-, que, pela ação do tempo, foram ressecando com o solo em que estavam depositados, ficando petrificados, ou seja, duros como pedras.

10 Clues: Grupo familiar que viveu em épocas antigas, ancestrais.Estudo da origem e da formação das palavras de uma língua.A arte e o trabalho do historiógrafo; estudo e descrição da história.Ciência que estuda as mudanças e as permanências ocorridas nas sociedades humanas ao longo do tempo....

MJB 01 2024-04-24

MJB 01 crossword puzzle
  1. Você quer uma resposta, faça uma...
  2. O tempo não é um problema com esta resposta
  3. Um conjunto completo
  1. Não muito caro! Na verdade, muito...
  2. Qual mais a idade é claramente o melhor
  3. O melhor jogador do Brazil, mas sem seu sotaque

6 Clues: Um conjunto completoVocê quer uma resposta, faça uma...Não muito caro! Na verdade, muito...Qual mais a idade é claramente o melhorO tempo não é um problema com esta respostaO melhor jogador do Brazil, mas sem seu sotaque

Body parts 2024-04-24

Body parts crossword puzzle
  1. pies
  2. mano
  3. pierna
  4. pecho
  5. cabeza
  6. cabello
  7. boca
  1. hombro
  2. pie
  3. dientes
  4. espalada
  5. rodilla
  6. brazo

13 Clues: piepiesmanobocapechobrazohombropiernacabezadientesrodillacabelloespalada

SMART goals 2024-04-24

SMART goals crossword puzzle
  1. "Be clear on what you want to accomplish and ask yourself how this goal will put you in a better financial situation."
  2. "One of the biggest obstacles to reaching a goal is setting your expectations too high."
  3. "Express your goals in clear numbers, so you'll know where you are and when you've succeeded."
  1. "When setting the goal, assess the steps you plan to take to achieve the goal. Ask yourself if those steps are correlate with your current circumstances."
  2. "Give yourself a time frame to achieve this goal."

5 Clues: "Give yourself a time frame to achieve this goal.""One of the biggest obstacles to reaching a goal is setting your expectations too high.""Express your goals in clear numbers, so you'll know where you are and when you've succeeded.""Be clear on what you want to accomplish and ask yourself how this goal will put you in a better financial situation."...

Defining Dulcie 2024-04-24

Defining Dulcie crossword puzzle
  1. The thing that Dulcie sent to her mom and Frank
  2. Something Dulcie ate on the back of her truck
  3. What Frank does as work
  4. The place Dulcies mom decided to move to
  5. What Roxanne and Dulcie cleaned from under the tables
  1. The place Frank and Dulcie visited
  2. What Roxanne showed Dulcie that was in memory of her dad
  3. Dulcies prized possesion
  4. What Roxanne and Dulcie got before they went to work
  5. What Dulcie did when she went from California to Newsbury
  6. What Mrs.Soule tried throwing at Roxanne

11 Clues: What Frank does as workDulcies prized possesionThe place Frank and Dulcie visitedThe place Dulcies mom decided to move toWhat Mrs.Soule tried throwing at RoxanneSomething Dulcie ate on the back of her truckThe thing that Dulcie sent to her mom and FrankWhat Roxanne and Dulcie got before they went to work...

Defining Dulcie 2024-04-24

Defining Dulcie crossword puzzle
  1. The thing that Dulcie sent to her mom and Frank
  2. Something Dulcie ate on the back of her truck
  3. What Frank does as work
  4. The place Dulcies mom decided to move to
  5. What Roxanne and Dulcie cleaned from under the tables
  1. The place Frank and Dulcie visited
  2. What Roxanne showed Dulcie that was in memory of her dad
  3. Dulcies prized possesion
  4. What Roxanne and Dulcie got before they went to work
  5. What Dulcie did when she went from California to Newsbury
  6. What Mrs.Soule tried throwing at Roxanne

11 Clues: What Frank does as workDulcies prized possesionThe place Frank and Dulcie visitedThe place Dulcies mom decided to move toWhat Mrs.Soule tried throwing at RoxanneSomething Dulcie ate on the back of her truckThe thing that Dulcie sent to her mom and FrankWhat Roxanne and Dulcie got before they went to work...

Kids Cross Word Puzzle 2024-04-24

Kids Cross Word Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. A toy that flies high in the air when you run with it.
  2. A game where you hit a ball with a bat.
  3. A fluffy frozen treat.
  4. Something you use to color.
  1. A four-legged animal with spots and a very long neck.
  2. A type of vehicle that travels on tracks.
  3. The color of the sky on a sunny day.
  4. A small, buzzing insect that makes honey.
  5. A yellow fruit that monkeys love.
  6. A place where you can borrow books.

10 Clues: A fluffy frozen treat.Something you use to color.A yellow fruit that monkeys love.A place where you can borrow books.The color of the sky on a sunny day.A game where you hit a ball with a bat.A type of vehicle that travels on tracks.A small, buzzing insect that makes honey.A four-legged animal with spots and a very long neck....

Oilfield Accident Injury 2024-04-24

Oilfield Accident Injury crossword puzzle
  1. an action, or failure to act, that intentionally or negligently causes damages or injury to another person.
  2. A claim by someone who has paid the damages or health care costs of another person, to recover their payments from a third person who caused the injury or damages. T
  3. The blame or fault in a personal injury claim. Liability is synonymous with responsibility, who is responsible for causing the injury.
  4. Failure to exercise the degree of care expected of a person of ordinary prudence in like circumstances in protecting others from a foreseeable and unreasonable risk of harm in a particular circumstance.
  1. A statutory scheme to provide medical care and payments to workers injured while performing their job.
  2. Occupational Safety and Health Organization
  3. It is necessary to prove that a person or company caused the injury to the other person or company in order to recover money damages.
  4. A claim by someone (usually a health care provider) who has provided services to an injured individual to be paid from their recovery.

8 Clues: Occupational Safety and Health OrganizationA statutory scheme to provide medical care and payments to workers injured while performing their action, or failure to act, that intentionally or negligently causes damages or injury to another person....

irregular verbs 2024-04-24

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. base form of(said)
  2. past participle of sleep
  3. base form of(brought)
  4. past form of the verb lose
  5. past participle of have
  6. base form of(came)
  7. past form of the verb hurt
  8. past form of the verb run
  9. past participle of the verb speak
  10. past participle of begin
  11. past form of the verb keep
  12. past participle of make
  13. past form of the verb hear
  14. past form of the verb fall
  15. past form of the verb cost
  16. past participle of be
  17. past form of the verb beat
  18. base form of hid
  19. past participle of sell
  20. past form of the verb draw
  21. past participle of steal
  22. past form of the verb forget
  23. past form of the verb do
  24. base form of(driven)
  25. past participle of go
  26. past participle of leave
  27. past participle of put
  28. base form of (built)
  29. past participle of the verb choose
  30. past participle of the verb(spend)
  31. past participle of get
  32. past form of the verb meet
  1. past participle of the verb buy
  2. past form of the verb sit
  3. base form (held)
  4. base form of(caught)
  5. base form of the verb (became)
  6. past participle of be grow
  7. past participle of the verb drink
  8. past participle of fight
  9. past participle of read
  10. past form of the verb see
  11. past participle of give
  12. past form of the verb eat
  13. past form of the verb fly
  14. base form of(let)
  15. past participle of cut
  16. past form of the verb sing
  17. base form of(fed)
  18. past participle of the verb pay
  19. past form of the verb bleed
  20. base form of(blew)
  21. past participle of find
  22. base form of(known)
  23. past form of the verb ride
  24. past form of the verb stand
  25. past form of the verb send
  26. past participle of hit
  27. past participle of feel
  28. base form of the verb (bit)
  29. past participle of break
  30. past form of the verb swim
  31. past form of the verb take

63 Clues: base form (held)base form of hidbase form of(let)base form of(fed)base form of(said)base form of(came)base form of(blew)base form of(known)base form of(caught)base form of(driven)base form of (built)base form of(brought)past participle of bepast participle of gopast participle of cutpast participle of hitpast participle of putpast participle of get...

Russian Revolution 2024-04-24

Russian Revolution crossword puzzle
  1. the guard is passing confidential papers to the enemy
  2. someone that advocates or practices a political phlosophy
  3. ordered the kingdom to look for an enemy in the village
  4. a regimen forced to overlook Russia
  5. a city of Russia near the Baltic port
  6. to pass out or give to
  1. a bold or brave person
  2. a government that has been organized and makes money
  3. a communist party of that seized Russia
  4. someone or something that helps to nurture or grow
  5. something that is to help or support
  6. a pro-soviet in the SSR
  7. an order of the government or social order
  8. a word that means ruled by the people
  9. a debate or argument against the government or the people
  10. Russia's council or advisory

16 Clues: a bold or brave personto pass out or give toa pro-soviet in the SSRRussia's council or advisorya regimen forced to overlook Russiasomething that is to help or supporta word that means ruled by the peoplea city of Russia near the Baltic porta communist party of that seized Russiaan order of the government or social order...

Financial Terms 2024-04-24

Financial Terms crossword puzzle
  1. A type of contract that specify through differents clauses the use, goal and purpose of a specific product that is agreed between two parties.
  2. The time between the first time you pay your statement of your credit card and the next time that you have to pay again is called?
  3. A card that allow you to make transactions or payments with the money that is substracted of your associated account.
  4. Process by which you reduce from the total payment, spreading out the loan in small payments each month to paying's off the interest of a loan and the principal.
  5. That score that is given to you when you have a credit history and increases depending on how you are with your credit card payments and how much credit card you have.
  1. Type of transaction where you send money to a different place, city or country and it doesn't need an account.
  2. It's that information page that has all the information about your account, all your movements, transactions, payments, etc.
  3. A card that you can use to do payments or buy something and it is limited to a certain quantity of money.
  4. When you get out some money of a ATM or when you pay something and the money is substracted of your account.
  5. Is an agreement where you borrow a quantity of money to the bank and the bank as a insurance that you're going to pay, it take the title of a property that you have.

10 Clues: A card that you can use to do payments or buy something and it is limited to a certain quantity of money.When you get out some money of a ATM or when you pay something and the money is substracted of your account.Type of transaction where you send money to a different place, city or country and it doesn't need an account....

Eamon Smyth 4-24-24 Bio311 Chapter 9 Crossword 2024-04-24

Eamon Smyth 4-24-24 Bio311 Chapter 9 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. how common an allele is in a population
  2. artificially made DNA strand that is formed by the combination of two or more gene sequences
  3. The condition where a gene pool is not changing in frequency across generations
  4. a process that uses laboratory-based technologies to alter the DNA makeup of an organism
  5. the change in frequency of an existing gene variant in the population due to random chance
  6. complete set of DNA in an organism
  7. the transfer of genetic material from one population to another
  8. a substance, organism or agent capable of causing cancer
  9. An abnormal mass of tissue that forms when cells grow and divide more than they should or do not die when they should
  10. failure of the chromosomes to separate, which produces daughter cells with abnormal numbers of chromosomes
  11. laboratory technique for determining the exact sequence of nucleotides, or bases, in a DNA molecule
  12. the loss of genetic variation that occurs after outside forces destroy most of a population
  1. having three or more sets of chromosomes
  2. the insertion or deletion of nucleotide bases in numbers that are not multiples of three
  3. a disease caused when cells divide uncontrollablely and spread into surrounding tissues
  4. an animal, plant, or microbe whose DNA has been altered using genetic engineering techniques
  5. differences between organisms within the same species
  6. an organism or cell whose genome has been altered by the introduction of one or more foreign DNA sequences from another species by artificial means
  7. laboratory method used to make many copies of a specific piece of DNA from a sample that contains very tiny amounts of that DNA
  8. protein isolated from bacteria that cleaves DNA sequences at sequence-specific sites, producing DNA fragments with a known sequence at each end
  9. structures made from DNA sequences and proteins found at the ends of chromosomes
  10. a circular piece of DNA distinct from chromosomal DNA; found in bacteria
  11. the reduction in genomic variability that occurs when a small group of individuals becomes separated from a larger population
  12. chemical or physical agent capable of inducing changes in DNA called mutations
  13. the combination of all the alleles and genes present in a reproducing population or species
  14. occurs in a genome when a single base pair is added, deleted or changed
  15. a chemical test that shows the genetic makeup of a person or other living things
  16. a technique that uses a gene to treat, prevent or cure a disease or medical disorder

28 Clues: complete set of DNA in an organismhow common an allele is in a populationhaving three or more sets of chromosomesdifferences between organisms within the same speciesa substance, organism or agent capable of causing cancerthe transfer of genetic material from one population to another...

Eamon Smyth 4-24-24 Bio311 Chapter 9 Crossword 2024-04-24

Eamon Smyth 4-24-24 Bio311 Chapter 9 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. how common an allele is in a population
  2. artificially made DNA strand that is formed by the combination of two or more gene sequences
  3. The condition where a gene pool is not changing in frequency across generations
  4. a process that uses laboratory-based technologies to alter the DNA makeup of an organism
  5. the change in frequency of an existing gene variant in the population due to random chance
  6. complete set of DNA in an organism
  7. the transfer of genetic material from one population to another
  8. a substance, organism or agent capable of causing cancer
  9. An abnormal mass of tissue that forms when cells grow and divide more than they should or do not die when they should
  10. failure of the chromosomes to separate, which produces daughter cells with abnormal numbers of chromosomes
  11. laboratory technique for determining the exact sequence of nucleotides, or bases, in a DNA molecule
  12. the loss of genetic variation that occurs after outside forces destroy most of a population
  1. having three or more sets of chromosomes
  2. the insertion or deletion of nucleotide bases in numbers that are not multiples of three
  3. a disease caused when cells divide uncontrollablely and spread into surrounding tissues
  4. an animal, plant, or microbe whose DNA has been altered using genetic engineering techniques
  5. differences between organisms within the same species
  6. an organism or cell whose genome has been altered by the introduction of one or more foreign DNA sequences from another species by artificial means
  7. laboratory method used to make many copies of a specific piece of DNA from a sample that contains very tiny amounts of that DNA
  8. protein isolated from bacteria that cleaves DNA sequences at sequence-specific sites, producing DNA fragments with a known sequence at each end
  9. structures made from DNA sequences and proteins found at the ends of chromosomes
  10. a circular piece of DNA distinct from chromosomal DNA; found in bacteria
  11. the reduction in genomic variability that occurs when a small group of individuals becomes separated from a larger population
  12. chemical or physical agent capable of inducing changes in DNA called mutations
  13. the combination of all the alleles and genes present in a reproducing population or species
  14. occurs in a genome when a single base pair is added, deleted or changed
  15. a chemical test that shows the genetic makeup of a person or other living things
  16. a technique that uses a gene to treat, prevent or cure a disease or medical disorder

28 Clues: complete set of DNA in an organismhow common an allele is in a populationhaving three or more sets of chromosomesdifferences between organisms within the same speciesa substance, organism or agent capable of causing cancerthe transfer of genetic material from one population to another...

Seasons and more 2024-04-24

Seasons and more crossword puzzle
  1. The time or date (twice each year) at which the sun crosses the celestial equator, when day and night are of approximately equal length (about 22 September and 20 March)
  2. the season after winter and before summer, in which vegetation begins to appear, in the northern hemisphere from March to May and in the southern hemisphere from September to November
  3. a half of the earth, usually as divided into northern and southern halves by the equator, or into western and eastern halves by an imaginary line passing through the poles
  4. autumn
  5. the season after summer and before winter, in the northern hemisphere from September to November and in the southern hemisphere from March to May
  1. situated in the south or directed towards or facing the south
  2. situated in the north, or directed towards or facing the north
  3. The time or date (twice each year) at which the sun reaches its maximum or minimum declination, marked by the longest and shortest days (about 21 June and 22 December)
  4. the warmest season of the year, in the northern hemisphere from June to August and in the southern hemisphere from December to February
  5. the coldest season of the year, in the northern hemisphere from December to February and in the southern hemisphere from June to August
  6. each of the four divisions of the year (spring, summer, autumn, and winter) marked by particular weather patterns and daylight hours, resulting from the earth's changing position with regard to the sun

11 Clues: autumnsituated in the south or directed towards or facing the southsituated in the north, or directed towards or facing the norththe warmest season of the year, in the northern hemisphere from June to August and in the southern hemisphere from December to February...

Vocabulary bank 2024-04-24

Vocabulary bank crossword puzzle
  1. sending money to a recipient who live abroad
  2. the interval of time between billing statements
  3. Three digit number banging from 300 to 850
  4. let money at interest in extra change for taking tittle of the debtor's
  1. a person who purchases services
  2. account where save your money
  3. document that reflects all transaction
  4. Employer whose responsibility include the handing of customer
  5. information about your card activity
  6. the process of paying cash amount

10 Clues: account where save your moneya person who purchases servicesthe process of paying cash amountinformation about your card activitydocument that reflects all transactionThree digit number banging from 300 to 850sending money to a recipient who live abroadthe interval of time between billing statements...

Unfinished Words 2024-04-24

Unfinished Words crossword puzzle
  1. MLK Jr.'s birth month (3 letters)
  2. MLK Jr.'s wife and civil rights activist (5 letters)
  3. Inspirational civil rights leader (7 letters)
  4. Nobel Peace Prize recipient in 1964 (3 letters)
  5. City where MLK Jr. delivered his "I Have a Dream" speech (9 letters)
  6. Civil rights organization led by MLK Jr. (3 letters)
  1. MLK Jr.'s profession (8 letters)
  2. MLK Jr.'s alma mater for his Ph.D. (6 letters)
  3. Famous speech delivered in 1963 (8 letters)
  4. The landmark legislation signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964, a key victory for the Civil Rights Movement (7 letters)
  5. MLK Jr.'s famous protest method (10 letters)

11 Clues: MLK Jr.'s profession (8 letters)MLK Jr.'s birth month (3 letters)Famous speech delivered in 1963 (8 letters)MLK Jr.'s famous protest method (10 letters)Inspirational civil rights leader (7 letters)MLK Jr.'s alma mater for his Ph.D. (6 letters)Nobel Peace Prize recipient in 1964 (3 letters)MLK Jr.'s wife and civil rights activist (5 letters)...

Fundamentals of Energy 2024-04-24

Fundamentals of Energy crossword puzzle
  1. A form of energy that can be stored
  2. The quantity of matter in a body. It is measured in kg
  3. The percentage of energy that is used for a useful task and how much is wasted.
  4. A form of energy that results in one energy store becoming another type of energy store.
  5. The energy stored in an object by raising it up high. If it fell down to the ground all of this would be converted into kinetic/heat.
  6. A visual representation of the conservation of energy that shows how much energy is useful and how much energy is wasted from a give input.
  1. The value is kept constant before and after a change.
  2. The unit for energy. [J]
  3. The rate of energy transfer (work done per second).
  4. Unit of Power
  5. Material or process that prevents the transfer of heat by conduction, convection or radiation.
  6. Heat energy.
  7. The energy used to move an object a certain distance.
  8. Movement energy

14 Clues: Heat energy.Unit of PowerMovement energyThe unit for energy. [J]A form of energy that can be storedThe rate of energy transfer (work done per second).The value is kept constant before and after a change.The energy used to move an object a certain distance.The quantity of matter in a body. It is measured in kg...

Black Tuesday. 2024-04-24

Black Tuesday. crossword puzzle
  1. The cost of something.
  2. A day of week.
  3. Great _______.
  4. A investment you can buy into.
  5. Relating to job loss.
  1. Buying something with ____.
  2. President elected in 1928.
  3. Black _______.
  4. Having good fortune.
  5. A person that puts money into financial plans.

10 Clues: A day of week.Black _______.Great _______.Having good fortune.Relating to job loss.The cost of something.President elected in 1928.Buying something with ____.A investment you can buy into.A person that puts money into financial plans.

1 tri sociologia 2024-04-24

1 tri sociologia crossword puzzle
  1. significa todo aquele complexo que inclui o conhecimento, a arte, as crenças, a lei, a moral, os costumes e todos os hábitos e aptidões adquiridos pelo ser humano.
  2. para esse autor o capitalismo promovia a desigualdade entre os seres humanos.
  3. é a capacidade do ser humano de criar diretrizes com o objetivo de organizar seu modo de vida, também faz menção a tudo o que está vinculado ao Estado, ao governo e à administração pública.
  4. é a classe dos trabalhadores que precisa vender sua força de trabalho.
  5. refere-se a qualquer conhecimento ou prática sistêmica, adquirido com base no método científico.
  6. é considerado um problema social
  7. ocorre quando algo na sociedade não cumpre sua função, impedindo o seu progresso.
  8. é o nome do método criado por Émile Durkheim
  1. é a classe social detentora dos meios de produção.
  2. São formas coletivas de agir, pensar e sentir que são exteriores ao indivíduo e exercem coerção social sobre sua consciência.
  3. é um dos maiores problemas do nosso país sendo decorrente da distribuição desigual da renda nesses país.
  4. sobrenome do autor que elaborou a teoria do fato social.
  5. sistema econômica que predomina a propriedade privada e a obtenção do lucro.
  6. é um conjunto de seres que convivem de forma organizada. A palavra vem do Latim societas, que significa "associação amistosa com outros".

14 Clues: é considerado um problema socialé o nome do método criado por Émile Durkheimé a classe social detentora dos meios de produção.sobrenome do autor que elaborou a teoria do fato social.é a classe dos trabalhadores que precisa vender sua força de trabalho.sistema econômica que predomina a propriedade privada e a obtenção do lucro....

Lesson 5 Vocab 2024-04-24

Lesson 5 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. bed
  2. happy
  3. love
  4. tired
  5. angry
  6. friendly
  7. key
  8. disorderly
  9. confused
  10. employee
  11. comfortable
  1. open
  2. happy
  3. camp
  4. elevator
  5. boring
  6. content
  7. closed
  8. embarrassed
  9. clean
  10. floor

21 Clues: bedkeyopenlovecamphappyhappytiredangrycleanfloorboringclosedcontentelevatorfriendlyconfusedemployeedisorderlyembarrassedcomfortable

Pregnancy Induced Hypertension 2024-04-24

Pregnancy Induced Hypertension crossword puzzle
  1. Upon urinalysis, presence of ______ was discovered.
  2. <100,000 to be diagnostic of preeclampsia.
  3. This is noticed while rechecking the patient's BP.
  4. Patient to provide sample in order to assess for proteinuria.
  5. Treatment with Magnesium decreases these.
  6. Labs ordered to check for an elevation of ___, that can indicate complications.
  7. Unrelieved with medication.
  8. Upon results from testing, as well as patient history, she is diagnosed with ______.
  1. MUST be kept on hand in case of MG overdose!
  2. Complaint of seeing blurry spots during assessment.
  3. Auscultation of ____ may discover crackling in the lungs.
  4. Patient in the clinic has come in stating that over the past 4 hours, she has measured her BP at 146/93.
  5. Partial treatment in "HELLP" syndrome.
  6. Patient is started on infusion with a loading dose of 4 grams to infuse over 20 min.
  7. Eclampsia symptom
  8. Prescribed to patient to help decrease the work of her heart.
  9. Upon physical exam, swelling in bilateral legs is noted.
  10. Real treatment of preeclampsia.
  11. Patient mentions mid abdomen pain when asked for other present symptoms.

19 Clues: Eclampsia symptomUnrelieved with medication.Real treatment of preeclampsia.Partial treatment in "HELLP" syndrome.Treatment with Magnesium decreases these.<100,000 to be diagnostic of preeclampsia.MUST be kept on hand in case of MG overdose!This is noticed while rechecking the patient's BP.Complaint of seeing blurry spots during assessment....

Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe 2024-04-24

Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe crossword puzzle
  1. Dante hates them
  2. Dante's Dads name
  3. What Aristotle learned to do during the first summer
  4. Aristotle's Brothers name
  5. The city they live in
  1. Dante sent a lot of them
  2. The city Dante moved to
  3. Aristotle's Dogs Name
  4. Aristotle's "crush" at one point
  5. Colour of Aristotle's pickup truck

10 Clues: Dante hates themDante's Dads nameAristotle's Dogs NameThe city they live inThe city Dante moved toDante sent a lot of themAristotle's Brothers nameAristotle's "crush" at one pointColour of Aristotle's pickup truckWhat Aristotle learned to do during the first summer

Integumentary System Crossword Puzzle 2024-04-24

Integumentary System Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. causing or relating to iching or pruritus
  2. black eye will...
  3. cell specialized for the storage of fat
  4. layer within the body
  5. Excessive sweating
  6. a bacterial infection of the skeletal muscle
  7. Having to do with the skin
  8. how someones body reacts to allergies
  9. also called crest syndrome
  10. conditon that causes a loss of subcutaneous adipose tissue
  11. route of administration wherein active ingredients are delivered across the skin
  12. when someone has low O2 levels
  13. could be dark pachs on the skin
  14. abnormal growth and development of the nails
  15. could happen when someone is cold
  1. what does a doctor do when they take your blood?
  2. buildup of fats and cholesterol in and on the artery walls
  3. A benign tumor or growth arising from the surface of the skin
  4. a chronic inflamatory skin condition characterized by red patches
  5. Inflammation of the optic nerve head
  6. contagious fungal infection of the skin or scalp
  7. substances that may increase your risk of developing cancer
  8. high levels of fats in the blood
  9. producing pus
  10. Condition characterized by abnormal or degenerative fat tissue
  11. relating to a sebaceous gland or its secretion
  12. collection of blood outside the blood vessels, bruise
  13. layer of skin tissue just below the serface of the skin
  14. The study of hair
  15. microrganism that can cause disease

30 Clues: producing pusblack eye will...The study of hairExcessive sweatinglayer within the bodyHaving to do with the skinalso called crest syndromewhen someone has low O2 levelscould be dark pachs on the skinhigh levels of fats in the bloodcould happen when someone is coldmicrorganism that can cause diseaseInflammation of the optic nerve head...

Tipos de célula 2024-04-24

Tipos de célula crossword puzzle
  1. Su función es colaborar en la síntesis de proteínas, participa en la traducción de información genética.
  2. Seres grandes y complejos, cuentan con una membrana que reúne su material genético
  3. En la célula animal, intervienen en la división celular.
  4. Su función es degradar las estructuras celulares envejecidas, deterioradas o sin utilidad.
  5. Contenida en la membrana celular, formado entre 70% y 95% de agua.
  6. Se encargan de la digestión celular en las células animales.
  7. Se organiza en un nucleoide en las células procariotas.
  8. Tipos de células que existieron durante 2000 millones de años.
  9. Se identifican por la presencia de cloroplastos.
  10. Carecen de cloroplastos y pared celular.
  11. Son organismos unicelulares, más pequeños y sencillos.
  1. Sustancia compuesta por el material genético en forma de fibras de ADN.
  2. Es la estructura que delimita a la célula y mantiene su integridad al protegerla del ambiente externo.
  3. Permiten la comunicación con células adyacentes.
  4. Aquí se coordina la actividad de la célula, división, reproducción y almacenamiento del material genético.
  5. Llega a ocupar el 80% del volumen en las células vegetales.
  6. Región esférica, densa, de contorno irregular que contiene RNA, DNA y proteínas.
  7. Da estabilidad y mantiene la forma de las células.
  8. Recibe las proteínas y lípidos que este fabrica para procesar, modificar y empacar estas moléculas y enviarlas a su destino final.
  9. Pared compuesta de celulosa.

20 Clues: Pared compuesta de celulosa.Carecen de cloroplastos y pared celular.Permiten la comunicación con células adyacentes.Se identifican por la presencia de cloroplastos.Da estabilidad y mantiene la forma de las células.Son organismos unicelulares, más pequeños y sencillos.Se organiza en un nucleoide en las células procariotas....

Vocab 7 2024-04-24

Vocab 7 crossword puzzle
  1. An expression of sympathy
  2. to laugh at or insult
  3. not willing to spend money or use a lot of something
  4. strong feeling of dislike
  1. determined to do what they want and is very unwilling to change their mind
  2. fearful of what may happen
  3. innocent, trusting, and honest
  4. weakened by old age; feeble; infirm:
  5. having several different colors
  6. gone out of style; no longer in use

10 Clues: to laugh at or insultAn expression of sympathystrong feeling of dislikefearful of what may happeninnocent, trusting, and honesthaving several different colorsgone out of style; no longer in useweakened by old age; feeble; infirm:not willing to spend money or use a lot of something...

Seasons and more 2024-04-24

Seasons and more crossword puzzle
  1. the warmest season of the year, in the northern hemisphere from June to August and in the southern hemisphere from December to February
  2. each of the four divisions of the year (spring, summer, autumn, and winter) marked by particular weather patterns and daylight hours, resulting from the earth's changing position with regard to the sun
  1. The time or date (twice each year) at which the sun reaches its maximum or minimum declination, marked by the longest and shortest days (about 21 June and 22 December)
  2. The time or date (twice each year) at which the sun crosses the celestial equator, when day and night are of approximately equal length (about 22 September and 20 March)

4 Clues: the warmest season of the year, in the northern hemisphere from June to August and in the southern hemisphere from December to FebruaryThe time or date (twice each year) at which the sun reaches its maximum or minimum declination, marked by the longest and shortest days (about 21 June and 22 December)...

G5 SPELLING LESSON 2 2024-04-24

G5 SPELLING LESSON 2 crossword puzzle
  1. talking to God
  2. of the east
  3. willfully disobedient
  4. one who loads
  5. to add sugar or honey
  6. to avoid
  7. warning
  8. an animal
  9. one who plants
  10. a small book
  1. a pot for cooking meat
  2. railroad track
  3. loss
  4. getting larger or taller or bigger
  5. a pain in a tooth
  6. liberty
  7. in a gentle manner
  8. a small plate
  9. less than
  10. jagged

20 Clues: lossjaggedlibertywarningto avoidless thanan animalof the easta small bookone who loadsa small platetalking to Godrailroad trackone who plantsa pain in a toothin a gentle mannerwillfully disobedientto add sugar or honeya pot for cooking meatgetting larger or taller or bigger

Seasons and more 2024-04-24

Seasons and more crossword puzzle
  1. the warmest season of the year, in the northern hemisphere from June to August and in the southern hemisphere from December to February
  2. each of the four divisions of the year (spring, summer, autumn, and winter) marked by particular weather patterns and daylight hours, resulting from the earth's changing position with regard to the sun
  1. The time or date (twice each year) at which the sun reaches its maximum or minimum declination, marked by the longest and shortest days (about 21 June and 22 December)
  2. The time or date (twice each year) at which the sun crosses the celestial equator, when day and night are of approximately equal length (about 22 September and 20 March)

4 Clues: the warmest season of the year, in the northern hemisphere from June to August and in the southern hemisphere from December to FebruaryThe time or date (twice each year) at which the sun reaches its maximum or minimum declination, marked by the longest and shortest days (about 21 June and 22 December)...

How well do you know our hen? 2024-04-24

How well do you know our hen? crossword puzzle
  1. Large marsupial
  2. Likes to chase mice
  1. Has a trunk
  2. Flying mammal
  3. Man's best friend

5 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase mice


  1. conjunto de las peculiaridades que caracterizan los individuos de una especia dividiéndolos en masculinos y femeninos.
  2. daño físico que resulta de una exposición del cuerpo humano a niveles de energía
  3. estructuras fuertes y rígidas compuestas por proteínas y minerales como el calcio.
  4. Acción y efecto de identificar o identificarse.
  5. ciencia de determinar los orígenes étnicos de un individuo.
  1. Parte que queda de un todo.
  2. altura de las personas.
  3. Tiempo que ha vivido una persona o ciertos animales o vegetales

8 Clues: altura de las personas.Parte que queda de un todo.Acción y efecto de identificar o identificarse.ciencia de determinar los orígenes étnicos de un individuo.Tiempo que ha vivido una persona o ciertos animales o vegetalesdaño físico que resulta de una exposición del cuerpo humano a niveles de energía...


  1. conjunto de las peculiaridades que caracterizan los individuos de una especia dividiéndolos en masculinos y femeninos.
  2. daño físico que resulta de una exposición del cuerpo humano a niveles de energía
  3. estructuras fuertes y rígidas compuestas por proteínas y minerales como el calcio.
  4. Acción y efecto de identificar o identificarse.
  5. ciencia de determinar los orígenes étnicos de un individuo.
  1. Parte que queda de un todo.
  2. altura de las personas.
  3. Tiempo que ha vivido una persona o ciertos animales o vegetales

8 Clues: altura de las personas.Parte que queda de un todo.Acción y efecto de identificar o identificarse.ciencia de determinar los orígenes étnicos de un individuo.Tiempo que ha vivido una persona o ciertos animales o vegetalesdaño físico que resulta de una exposición del cuerpo humano a niveles de energía...

Vocabulary #12 2024-04-24

Vocabulary #12 crossword puzzle
  1. to beg for insistently
  2. study of human speech
  3. respect
  4. a military unit formerly of heavily armed cavalrymen
  5. To disappear
  6. generis- of its own kind
  7. indirect or skillful
  8. capable of being felt
  9. may refer to a species of tree but typically refers to a token of achievement
  10. to cause to exist or develop
  11. something light
  1. presence in many places simultaneously
  2. to put an end to or stop
  3. rambling
  4. of the same kind
  5. laws that are harsh
  6. A channel
  7. wrinkled
  8. aggressively self-assertive
  9. briefly and clearly expressed

20 Clues: respectramblingwrinkledA channelTo disappearsomething lightof the same kindlaws that are harshindirect or skillfulstudy of human speechcapable of being feltto beg for insistentlyto put an end to or stopgeneris- of its own kindaggressively self-assertiveto cause to exist or developbriefly and clearly expressedpresence in many places simultaneously...

Vocab 12 2024-04-24

Vocab 12 crossword puzzle
  1. Persistently demand.
  2. Study of language.
  3. Uniform or consistent.
  4. Respectful yielding to others.
  5. Rambling, lacking order.
  6. generis Unique, one of a kind.
  7. Perceptible by touch.
  8. Widespread presence.
  1. Heavy cavalry soldier.
  2. Delicate, fine material.
  3. Fragrant herb used in cooking.
  4. Cause or bring about.
  5. Channel for transmitting something.
  6. Extremely harsh or severe.
  7. Brief and precise.
  8. Gradually disperse or waste.
  9. Aggressively harsh.
  10. Delicate, not obvious.
  11. Shrunken and wrinkled.
  12. Suppress or subdue.

20 Clues: Study of language.Brief and precise.Aggressively harsh.Suppress or subdue.Persistently demand.Widespread presence.Cause or bring about.Perceptible by touch.Heavy cavalry soldier.Uniform or consistent.Delicate, not obvious.Shrunken and wrinkled.Delicate, fine material.Rambling, lacking order.Extremely harsh or severe.Gradually disperse or waste....

Don Quijote 2024-04-24

Don Quijote crossword puzzle
  1. Alonzo cambio su nombre a ___ _______
  2. Don Alonzo vive in la ______
  3. ______ Panza es muy barrigon
  1. Don quijote penso que el ______ era un gigante
  2. _________ es El Caballo de Don quijote

5 Clues: Don Alonzo vive in la ____________ Panza es muy barrigonAlonzo cambio su nombre a ___ ________________ es El Caballo de Don quijoteDon quijote penso que el ______ era un gigante

Pedagogia de Freinet - Micheline de Paula Monteiro 2024-04-24

Pedagogia de Freinet - Micheline de Paula Monteiro crossword puzzle
  1. Em que mês faleceu Célestin Freinet
  2. Ao propor uma metodologia da ação e do trabalho, Freinet estava definindo que tipo de concepção?
  3. Em qual país nasceu Freinet
  4. Produções originais que contemplam os interesses das crianças e seu mundo infantil.
  5. Qual visão propõe ver o mundo como um todo, integrado e não dissociado das partes?
  6. Uma das primeiras oposições de Freinet ao modelo tradicional de educação era referente ao material
  7. Qual a primeira técnica criada por Freinet, em 1924, que dava oportunidades aos alunos de divulgarem suas produções textuais.
  8. Ao lado da pedagogia do trabalho e da pedagogia do êxito, Freinet propôs a pedagogia do
  9. Em 1934 o que Freinet construiu?
  10. Para Freinet a prática pedagógica precisava ter dois princípios fundamentais: a experimentação e a
  11. Quantos são os Princípios Invariantes apresentados por Freinet.
  1. Trabalho coletivo e colaborativo de toda a sala.
  2. Crítico dos métodos tradicionais, Freinet criou na França o movimento denominado escola
  3. Onde a criança registra os fatos de destaque que acontecem na sala de aula ou fora dela
  4. Para Freinet as formas de pensar estão intimamente ligadas aos valores, ética e
  5. Como prisioneiro político, Freinet escreveu duas obras, uma delas é o Ensaio de Psicologia Sensível, qual o nome da outra obra?
  6. Qual o primeiro nome de Freinet
  7. São quatros os eixos fundamentais da pedagogia Freinetiana: cooperação,documentação, comunicação e
  8. Freinet foi filiada ao qual partido?
  9. Freinet tinha clara oposição pedagógica ao método
  10. Quem foi a esposa e parceira de trabalho de Célestin Freinet

21 Clues: Em qual país nasceu FreinetQual o primeiro nome de FreinetEm 1934 o que Freinet construiu?Em que mês faleceu Célestin FreinetFreinet foi filiada ao qual partido?Trabalho coletivo e colaborativo de toda a sala.Freinet tinha clara oposição pedagógica ao métodoQuem foi a esposa e parceira de trabalho de Célestin Freinet...

LDRS 2060 Crossword 2024-04-24

LDRS 2060 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Gold silver, and....?
  2. First name of next British royal in line to the throne
  3. Last name of "Jurassic" film director
  4. Brand of crayons, markers, and craft supplies
  5. Offensive player on a football team
  6. What sport season ends with The World Series?
  7. Last name of Twilight actor
  8. Best day to eat tacos
  9. What city are the 2024 Olympics being held?
  10. Signature 1980s accessory
  11. Famous French painter
  1. Red and Blue make what color?
  2. Your favorite PLP Professor
  3. Villain in the Harry Potter franchise
  4. Ketchup and...?
  5. Chocolate ice cream with nuts and marshmallows
  6. Fruit that symbolizes peace
  7. Jojo Siwa's latest hit
  8. Famous movie with the song "My Heart Will Go On"
  9. Theme park dedicated to Dolly Parton
  10. Chocolate Chip is a type of
  11. Largest technology brand to date
  12. Jeff Bezos brainchild
  13. First name of SNL star Kim Kardashian dated

24 Clues: Ketchup and...?Gold silver, and....?Best day to eat tacosJeff Bezos brainchildFamous French painterJojo Siwa's latest hitSignature 1980s accessoryYour favorite PLP ProfessorFruit that symbolizes peaceLast name of Twilight actorChocolate Chip is a type ofRed and Blue make what color?Largest technology brand to dateOffensive player on a football team...

Civil Rights and Social Movements 2024-04-24

Civil Rights and Social Movements crossword puzzle
  1. Leader who spoke of 'The Ballot or the Bullet,' reflecting on civil rights and black nationalism
  2. Movement focusing on the fair distribution of environmental benefits and burdens
  3. Movement that emphasized racial pride and the creation of black political and cultural institutions
  4. A system of society or government in which men hold the power, explicitly criticized in the Combahee River Collective Statement as an interlocking system of oppression with racism and classism
  5. Event famous for MLK's 'I Have a Dream' speech, a pivotal moment in the civil rights movement
  6. The practice of making only a perfunctory or symbolic effort to be inclusive to minorities, often criticized by civil rights activists
  7. Abolitionist and women's rights activist famous for her 1851 'Ain't I a Woman?' speech
  8. Term describing overlapping or intersecting social identities and related systems of oppression
  9. Activist and academic who became globally known in the 1960s and 1970s for her involvement in civil rights and radical activism
  10. A principle of peaceful protest, central to the philosophy of Martin Luther King, Jr., contrasted in other movements of the time
  1. Movement highlighting the multiple oppressions faced by women of color
  2. Organization founded in 1966, known for advocating armed self-defense in response to police brutality
  3. 1961 initiative that challenged racial segregation in the Southern United States through interstate travel
  4. Co-founder of a prominent party in the 1960s that advocated for African American self-defense
  5. Type of movement building from the ground up, often referenced by civil rights leaders to describe community-based organizing
  6. 1969 events marked as the beginning of the LGBT rights movement in the U.S.
  7. Federal law that prohibits gender discrimination in education programs that receive federal financial assistance
  8. Landmark 1965 law that aimed to eliminate racial discrimination in voting
  9. Her 1963 book sparked the second wave of feminism in the United States
  10. 1973 Supreme Court decision that established a woman's legal right to an abortion

20 Clues: Movement highlighting the multiple oppressions faced by women of colorHer 1963 book sparked the second wave of feminism in the United StatesLandmark 1965 law that aimed to eliminate racial discrimination in voting1969 events marked as the beginning of the LGBT rights movement in the U.S....

Lingkungan Hidup 2024-04-24

Lingkungan Hidup crossword puzzle
  1. Hubungan antar makhluk hidup yang saling menguntungkan
  2. Upaya pelestarian sumber daya alam di tempat aslinya
  3. Makhluk hidup yang menguraikan bahan organik menjadi zat anorganik
  4. Upaya pelestarian sumber daya alam di luar tempat aslinya
  5. Zat organik yang dihasilkan oleh tumbuhan melalui fotosintesis
  6. Lapisan bumi yang tersusun dari air
  7. Gambaran aliran energi dan materi dalam suatu ekosistem
  8. Upaya pelestarian sumber daya alam dan lingkungan hidup
  9. Lapisan bumi yang tersusun dari bebatuan
  1. Makhluk hidup yang menghasilkan makanannya sendiri
  2. Proses pembuatan makanan oleh tumbuhan dengan bantuan cahaya matahari
  3. Proses penguapan air dari permukaan bumi
  4. Makhluk hidup yang mampu membuat makanannya sendiri dari zat anorganik Heterotrof Makhluk hidup yang tidak dapat membuat makanannya sendiri dan harus mendapatkannya dari organisme lain
  5. Proses pelepasan energi oleh makhluk hidup
  6. Proses penguapan air dari tumbuhan melalui stomata
  7. Makhluk hidup yang memakan organisme lain
  8. Hubungan antar makhluk hidup di mana satu pihak dimangsa oleh pihak lain
  9. Hubungan antar makhluk hidup di mana satu pihak diuntungkan dan pihak lain tidak dirugikan

18 Clues: Lapisan bumi yang tersusun dari airProses penguapan air dari permukaan bumiLapisan bumi yang tersusun dari bebatuanMakhluk hidup yang memakan organisme lainProses pelepasan energi oleh makhluk hidupMakhluk hidup yang menghasilkan makanannya sendiriProses penguapan air dari tumbuhan melalui stomataUpaya pelestarian sumber daya alam di tempat aslinya...


TTS IPS GEOGRAFI crossword puzzle


Forms of Government 2024-04-24

Forms of Government crossword puzzle
  1. Strict obedience to authority at the expense of personal freedom
  2. Ruled by the people, either direct or indirect
  3. Power centralized one person or group and requires complete subservience to that state
  4. People hold the power and elect representatives, rule of law is followed
  5. Religious authority rules and laws are based on religion
  1. One person holds all the power and all parts of government, usually in a form of dictator or absolute monarch
  2. A small group of people wealthy people who share the power (or breadsticks iykyk)
  3. King or Queen based on a bloodline, two forms constitutional and absolute
  4. The absence of any form of government

9 Clues: The absence of any form of governmentRuled by the people, either direct or indirectReligious authority rules and laws are based on religionStrict obedience to authority at the expense of personal freedomPeople hold the power and elect representatives, rule of law is followedKing or Queen based on a bloodline, two forms constitutional and absolute...

Ozone Crossword 2024-04-24

Ozone Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A part of UV light that has been linked to many harmful effects including skin cancer, cataracts, and harm to some crops and marine life.
  2. A chemical used for refrigeration. It is broken down by UV light and then turns into Chlorine
  3. Ozone layer damage that makes the ozone layer thinner in some spots
  4. A molecule that breaks apart ozone
  1. To take something in
  2. A layer of Earth's atmosphere that contains the Ozone layer
  3. Increase chlorine's effectiveness at destroying ozone
  4. Cancer-causing light that reaches the Earth's surface
  5. A molecule that contains 3 oxygen atoms
  6. Surrounds Earth and is composed of gas particles

10 Clues: To take something inA molecule that breaks apart ozoneA molecule that contains 3 oxygen atomsSurrounds Earth and is composed of gas particlesIncrease chlorine's effectiveness at destroying ozoneCancer-causing light that reaches the Earth's surfaceA layer of Earth's atmosphere that contains the Ozone layer...

Rock N Roll Crossword 2024-04-24

Rock N Roll Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Wizard of Oz
  2. He doesn't like new rock and roll
  3. They like pie, but specifically Cherry Pie
  4. One member is Lars Ulrich
  5. This band loves rock and roll, but they have a bad reputation
  6. These Detroit Destroyers like hair and makeup
  7. Freddie, Brian, John, and Roger
  8. They're on a quest
  9. You could also call him Johnny B Goode
  10. Released the album "Black Ice"
  11. Danced With Mary Jane one last time
  12. Famous album cover taken on Abbey Road
  13. They're a smart currency
  14. She's the queen, but not a Merucry or a Johnson
  15. Free Bird
  16. The Free City of ______
  17. Stairway to heaven
  18. He's hungry for love, but doesn't want pizza
  19. They're not natives
  20. LEMME Kilmister
  21. "What do you want to do with your life?!"
  22. They let the music do the talking
  1. The opposite of Rock Out of Building
  2. Released the album 1984
  3. Formed in 1985
  4. Singer of Black Sabbath before solo career
  5. This millionaire is white-trash
  6. Wrote the song similar to where earthquakes and eruptions happen
  7. Don't talk clean to me
  8. They hysterically poor sugar on me
  9. This band is "Unforgettable"
  10. Theatre of Pain
  11. They make one man weep and another man sing
  12. One Freak on Parade
  13. Daddy of rock
  14. Sonny and ____
  15. Cameoed on Full House several times
  16. Regina Phalange and Jon ________
  17. Barracuda
  18. They're from a land of confusion
  19. They gave birth to Glam Rock

41 Clues: Free BirdBarracudaWizard of OzDaddy of rockFormed in 1985Sonny and ____Theatre of PainLEMME KilmisterThey're on a questStairway to heavenOne Freak on ParadeThey're not nativesDon't talk clean to meReleased the album 1984The Free City of ______They're a smart currencyOne member is Lars UlrichThis band is "Unforgettable"They gave birth to Glam Rock...

fgb nfxggnb 2024-04-24

fgb nfxggnb crossword puzzle
  1. Large marsupial
  2. Likes to chase mice
  1. Has a trunk
  2. Flying mammal
  3. Man's best friend

5 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase mice

Vocabulary 12 Crossword Puzzle - Jessica Ma 2024-04-24

Vocabulary 12 Crossword Puzzle - Jessica Ma crossword puzzle
  1. gibberish
  2. wane
  3. same
  4. braille
  5. harsh
  6. military
  7. bay
  8. solicit
  9. old people
  10. pipe
  1. common
  2. sly
  3. ethereal
  4. putdown
  5. rambling
  6. spawn
  7. unique
  8. respect
  9. severe
  10. terse

20 Clues: slybaywanesamepipespawnharshtersecommonuniquesevereputdownrespectbraillesolicitetherealramblingmilitarygibberishold people

Genetics 2024-04-24

Genetics crossword puzzle
  1. SOmethin better
  2. oh good
  1. jksdfjskldjflk
  2. something good

4 Clues: oh goodjksdfjskldjflksomething goodSOmethin better


ΜΥΣΤΙΚΟΣ ΔΕΙΠΝΟΣ crossword puzzle
  3. ΤΟ ΨΩΜΙ
  2. ...ΠΡΟΣΕΥΧΗ


POTTAH 2024-04-24

POTTAH crossword puzzle
  1. Ollivander’s product
  2. it’s like cooking but magic
  3. smartest witch her age
  4. harry has this on his forehead
  5. the redhead bff
  6. received a sock
  7. prison guards
  8. You’re a ____ Harry!
  9. House of badgers
  10. house of the brave
  11. to close - mischief managed
  12. using powder to travel
  13. Sirus's animagus form name
  1. what do wizards have
  2. ie. wingardium leviosa
  3. the boy who lived
  4. the spy
  5. what Remus Lupin is
  6. the headmaster
  7. prison
  8. wizarding town by the school
  9. he who must not be named
  10. house of sneaky
  11. the school
  12. house of the wise birds
  13. blond purebloods

26 Clues: prisonthe spythe schoolprison guardsthe headmasterthe redhead bffreceived a sockhouse of sneakyHouse of badgersblond purebloodsthe boy who livedhouse of the bravewhat Remus Lupin iswhat do wizards haveOllivander’s productYou’re a ____ Harry!ie. wingardium leviosasmartest witch her ageusing powder to travelhouse of the wise birds...

Law Enforcement History 2024-04-24

Law Enforcement History crossword puzzle
  1. System
  2. Force
  3. Baldwin
  4. Street Runners
  1. Police Force
  2. F. Austin
  3. Act
  4. Stebbins
  5. Hur Moheb

9 Clues: ActForceSystemBaldwinStebbinsF. AustinHur MohebPolice ForceStreet Runners

Eric a disparu vocabulaire 2024-04-24

Eric a disparu vocabulaire crossword puzzle
  1. Alice est la ... d'Eric
  2. Dans quelle ville vit Eric ?
  3. Le père d'Eric parle à l'un d'entre eux
  1. Que doit porter Eric pendant la lecture ?
  2. Les cheveux d'Eric sont
  3. L'héroïne d'Eric
  4. Où le commissaire parle-t-il au père d'Eric ?
  5. Qu'est-ce qu'Alice a envoyé à Eric ?

8 Clues: L'héroïne d'EricLes cheveux d'Eric sontAlice est la ... d'EricDans quelle ville vit Eric ?Qu'est-ce qu'Alice a envoyé à Eric ?Le père d'Eric parle à l'un d'entre euxQue doit porter Eric pendant la lecture ?Où le commissaire parle-t-il au père d'Eric ?

Eric a disparu vocabulaire 2024-04-24

Eric a disparu vocabulaire crossword puzzle
  1. Alice est la ... d'Eric
  2. Dans quelle ville vit Eric ?
  3. Le père d'Eric parle à l'un d'entre eux
  1. Que doit porter Eric pendant la lecture ?
  2. Les cheveux d'Eric sont
  3. L'héroïne d'Eric
  4. Où le commissaire parle-t-il au père d'Eric ?
  5. Qu'est-ce qu'Alice a envoyé à Eric ?

8 Clues: L'héroïne d'EricLes cheveux d'Eric sontAlice est la ... d'EricDans quelle ville vit Eric ?Qu'est-ce qu'Alice a envoyé à Eric ?Le père d'Eric parle à l'un d'entre euxQue doit porter Eric pendant la lecture ?Où le commissaire parle-t-il au père d'Eric ?

Eric a disparu vocabulaire 2024-04-24

Eric a disparu vocabulaire crossword puzzle
  1. Alice est la ... d'Eric
  2. Dans quelle ville vit Eric ?
  3. Le père d'Eric parle à l'un d'entre eux
  1. Que doit porter Eric pendant la lecture ?
  2. Les cheveux d'Eric sont
  3. L'héroïne d'Eric
  4. Où le commissaire parle-t-il au père d'Eric ?
  5. Qu'est-ce qu'Alice a envoyé à Eric ?

8 Clues: L'héroïne d'EricLes cheveux d'Eric sontAlice est la ... d'EricDans quelle ville vit Eric ?Qu'est-ce qu'Alice a envoyé à Eric ?Le père d'Eric parle à l'un d'entre euxQue doit porter Eric pendant la lecture ?Où le commissaire parle-t-il au père d'Eric ?

Eric a disparu vocabulaire 2024-04-24

Eric a disparu vocabulaire crossword puzzle
  1. Alice est la ... d'Eric
  2. Dans quelle ville vit Eric ?
  3. Le père d'Eric parle à l'un d'entre eux
  1. Que doit porter Eric pendant la lecture ?
  2. Les cheveux d'Eric sont
  3. L'héroïne d'Eric
  4. Où le commissaire parle-t-il au père d'Eric ?
  5. Qu'est-ce qu'Alice a envoyé à Eric ?

8 Clues: L'héroïne d'EricLes cheveux d'Eric sontAlice est la ... d'EricDans quelle ville vit Eric ?Qu'est-ce qu'Alice a envoyé à Eric ?Le père d'Eric parle à l'un d'entre euxQue doit porter Eric pendant la lecture ?Où le commissaire parle-t-il au père d'Eric ?

Eric a disparu vocabulaire 2024-04-24

Eric a disparu vocabulaire crossword puzzle
  1. Alice est la ... d'Eric
  2. Dans quelle ville vit Eric ?
  3. Le père d'Eric parle à l'un d'entre eux
  1. Que doit porter Eric pendant la lecture ?
  2. Les cheveux d'Eric sont
  3. L'héroïne d'Eric
  4. Où le commissaire parle-t-il au père d'Eric ?
  5. Qu'est-ce qu'Alice a envoyé à Eric ?

8 Clues: L'héroïne d'EricLes cheveux d'Eric sontAlice est la ... d'EricDans quelle ville vit Eric ?Qu'est-ce qu'Alice a envoyé à Eric ?Le père d'Eric parle à l'un d'entre euxQue doit porter Eric pendant la lecture ?Où le commissaire parle-t-il au père d'Eric ?

Eric a disparu vocabulaire 2024-04-24

Eric a disparu vocabulaire crossword puzzle
  1. Alice est la ... d'Eric
  2. Dans quelle ville vit Eric ?
  3. Le père d'Eric parle à l'un d'entre eux
  1. Que doit porter Eric pendant la lecture ?
  2. Les cheveux d'Eric sont
  3. L'héroïne d'Eric
  4. Où le commissaire parle-t-il au père d'Eric ?
  5. Qu'est-ce qu'Alice a envoyé à Eric ?

8 Clues: L'héroïne d'EricLes cheveux d'Eric sontAlice est la ... d'EricDans quelle ville vit Eric ?Qu'est-ce qu'Alice a envoyé à Eric ?Le père d'Eric parle à l'un d'entre euxQue doit porter Eric pendant la lecture ?Où le commissaire parle-t-il au père d'Eric ?

Eric a disparu vocabulaire 2024-04-24

Eric a disparu vocabulaire crossword puzzle
  1. Alice est la ... d'Eric
  2. Dans quelle ville vit Eric ?
  3. Le père d'Eric parle à l'un d'entre eux
  1. Que doit porter Eric pendant la lecture ?
  2. Les cheveux d'Eric sont
  3. L'héroïne d'Eric
  4. Où le commissaire parle-t-il au père d'Eric ?
  5. Qu'est-ce qu'Alice a envoyé à Eric ?

8 Clues: L'héroïne d'EricLes cheveux d'Eric sontAlice est la ... d'EricDans quelle ville vit Eric ?Qu'est-ce qu'Alice a envoyé à Eric ?Le père d'Eric parle à l'un d'entre euxQue doit porter Eric pendant la lecture ?Où le commissaire parle-t-il au père d'Eric ?

Keith's 70th Birthday Bash 2024-04-24

Keith's 70th Birthday Bash crossword puzzle
  1. favorite candy
  2. middle name
  3. favorite shake
  4. Favorite TV show
  5. second wife name
  6. favorite icecream
  7. favorite Friday food
  8. What branch did he service in
  1. cake
  2. how many kids does he have
  3. city live in
  4. great grandchild name

12 Clues: cakemiddle namecity live infavorite candyfavorite shakeFavorite TV showsecond wife namefavorite icecreamfavorite Friday foodgreat grandchild namehow many kids does he haveWhat branch did he service in

Find The Adjective! 2024-04-24

Find The Adjective! crossword puzzle
  1. Some people do not like the ______ taste of lemons.
  2. Too much ____ food is not good for you.
  3. They usually eat___ fish because it's healthier.
  4. My dad really loves _________ food, like a hot Indian curry.
  5. It's bright and _______.
  1. This chicken is _____. It's black.
  2. The chocolate cake with strawberries was________. I ate three pieces.
  3. The salad looks really ______!
  4. I waited a long time for these eggs and now they're ___.

9 Clues: It's bright and _______.The salad looks really ______!This chicken is _____. It's black.Too much ____ food is not good for you.They usually eat___ fish because it's healthier.Some people do not like the ______ taste of lemons.I waited a long time for these eggs and now they're ___.My dad really loves _________ food, like a hot Indian curry....

Dipesh & Ariha Wedding 2024-04-24

Dipesh & Ariha Wedding crossword puzzle
  1. Dipesh's College
  2. Ariha's College
  3. First Vacation
  4. Favorite Late Night Snack
  1. Go to Fast Food
  2. Favorite Music Genre
  3. Where Dipesh Proposed
  4. Our First Date
  5. Honeymoon Location

9 Clues: First VacationOur First DateGo to Fast FoodAriha's CollegeDipesh's CollegeHoneymoon LocationFavorite Music GenreWhere Dipesh ProposedFavorite Late Night Snack

Vocabulary No. 12 Crossword Puzzle 2024-04-24

Vocabulary No. 12 Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Study of literature works and languages.
  2. Throw out or disappear completely.
  3. Equivalent.
  4. Tangible, being able to touch and feel physically
  5. Harsh manner
  6. Part of a European horseman army.
  7. Plant Species.
  8. Persistent begging.
  9. Aged and dried up
  10. A man-made or natural system which transfers fluids like an aqueduct.
  1. Seen known by everyone and everywhere at the same time
  2. Under the radar, hard to analyze without clues
  3. Fine or faintly seen.
  4. Suppress or silence.
  5. Convoluted or disorganized topics in writing.
  6. To erect or originate.
  7. Distinctive, special
  8. Consideration and politeness to higher ups or older people.
  9. Rules and regulations that are harsh, brutal, and savage.
  10. Expressed in a brief and straight to the point to read manner.

20 Clues: Equivalent.Harsh mannerPlant Species.Aged and dried upPersistent begging.Suppress or silence.Distinctive, specialFine or faintly seen.To erect or originate.Part of a European horseman army.Throw out or disappear completely.Study of literature works and languages.Convoluted or disorganized topics in writing....

Cisimleri sahip olduğu elektrik yükleri bakımından sınıflandır. 2024-04-24

Cisimleri sahip olduğu elektrik yükleri bakımından sınıflandır. crossword puzzle
  1. etki ile elektriklenmiş iletken cismin bir kutbunun negatif, diğer kutbunun pozitif olması olayıdır.
  2. bir cismin sahip olduğu pozitif yük sayısı negatif yük sayısına eşit ise cisim .........'dır.
  3. bir cismin yüklü olup olmadığını, yüklü ise hangi cins yükle yüklü olduğunu öğrenmemize yarayan araçtır.
  1. bir cismin sahip olduğu pozitif yük miktarı negatif yük miktarından fazla ise cisim bu yük ile yüklüdür.
  2. yüksek binaların tepesine kurulup yıldırımı toprağa ileten araçtır.
  3. elektroskoba yüklü bir cisim yaklaştırınca veya dokundurunca açılan kısımlardır.
  4. bulutlar arasında gerçekleşen doğal elektriklenme olayıdır.

7 Clues: bulutlar arasında gerçekleşen doğal elektriklenme olayıdır.yüksek binaların tepesine kurulup yıldırımı toprağa ileten araçtır.elektroskoba yüklü bir cisim yaklaştırınca veya dokundurunca açılan kısımlardır.bir cismin sahip olduğu pozitif yük sayısı negatif yük sayısına eşit ise cisim .........'dır....

Jobs 2024-04-24

Jobs crossword puzzle
  1. someone who cooks food and works at a restaurant.
  2. someone who teaches students.
  3. someone who flies air planes.
  4. man someone catches criminal.
  5. someone who prepares financial information for a company.
  1. attendant someone who helps passengers on an airplane.
  2. someone who performs in movies.
  3. someone who fixes cars.
  4. someone who helps sick patient.
  5. someone who brings out food at a restaurant.
  6. someone who put out fires.
  7. someone who answers calls, makes appointments and maintains paperwork
  8. someone helps sick animals.

13 Clues: someone who fixes cars.someone who put out fires.someone helps sick animals.someone who teaches students.someone who flies air planes.someone who performs in movies.someone who helps sick someone catches criminal.someone who brings out food at a restaurant.someone who cooks food and works at a restaurant....

Space Crossword Puzzle 2024-04-24

Space Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. A region of space between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter where most of the asteroids in our Solar System are found orbiting the Sun.
  2. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
  3. A bright trail or streak of light that appears in the night sky when a meteoroid enters the Earth's atmosphere.
  4. A mixture of gases that surrounds the Earth.
  5. A fixed luminous point in the night sky which is a large, remote incandescent body like the sun.
  6. A group of stars forming a recognizable pattern
  7. A person who is trained to travel in a spacecraft.
  1. A continuous area or expanse which is free, available, or unoccupied.
  2. A celestial body moving in an elliptical orbit around a star.
  3. A small rocky body orbiting the sun.
  4. A giant cloud of dust and gas in space.
  5. A celestial object consisting of a nucleus of ice and dust and, when near the sun, a “tail” of gas and dust particles pointing away from the sun.
  6. A cylindrical projectile that can be propelled to a great height or distance by the combustion of its contents, used typically as a firework or signal.
  7. A system of millions or billions of stars, together with gas and dust, held together by gravitational attraction.
  8. The star around which the earth orbits.

15 Clues: A small rocky body orbiting the sun.A giant cloud of dust and gas in space.The star around which the earth orbits.A mixture of gases that surrounds the Earth.National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationA group of stars forming a recognizable patternA person who is trained to travel in a spacecraft....

ENGLISH UNIT 1 & 2 ( VOCABULARY ) 2024-04-24

ENGLISH UNIT 1 & 2 ( VOCABULARY ) crossword puzzle
  1. - a picture of a person.
  2. - A form of transport that takes people to hospital.
  3. - equipment that makes a building warm.
  4. - to put something in the ground and cover it.
  5. - A sourse of energy that we use to work lights and many machines.
  1. - The number 1,000,000.
  2. - very, very cold.
  3. - Electricity.
  4. - a serious and ofteh dangerous event that needs immediate action.
  5. - to use a tool to make a hole in the ground.

10 Clues: - Electricity.- very, very cold.- The number 1,000,000.- a picture of a person.- equipment that makes a building warm.- to use a tool to make a hole in the ground.- to put something in the ground and cover it.- A form of transport that takes people to hospital.- a serious and ofteh dangerous event that needs immediate action....

E1U3D1 Vocabulario 2024-04-24

E1U3D1 Vocabulario crossword puzzle
  1. querer(yo)
  2. understand
  3. abierto/a
  4. closed
  1. cerar(yo)
  2. prefenir(vosotros)
  3. pensar(nosotros)
  4. to begin

8 Clues: closedto begincerar(yo)abierto/aquerer(yo)understandpensar(nosotros)prefenir(vosotros)

Održivi razvoj 2024-04-24

Održivi razvoj crossword puzzle
  1. njihovim izgaranjem nastaju štetni plinovi
  2. invazivna (strana) vrsta na mljetu
  3. što narušavaju kisele kiše
  4. koja pojava uzrokuje da kisele kiše padaju dalje od mjesta nastanka
  5. područja razrjeđenja ozonskog omotača
  6. kakva je otopina čiji je pH vrijednost 7
  1. vode koje se ispuštaju u more
  2. kakvi su izvori energije sunce, voda i vjetar
  3. u kojem djelu atmosfere nastaje kiša
  4. kojem onečišćenju pripadaju kisele kiše
  5. mjera kiselosti otopine
  6. koja kulturna dobra uništavaju kisele kiše

12 Clues: mjera kiselosti otopinešto narušavaju kisele kiševode koje se ispuštaju u moreinvazivna (strana) vrsta na mljetuu kojem djelu atmosfere nastaje kišapodručja razrjeđenja ozonskog omotačakojem onečišćenju pripadaju kisele kišekakva je otopina čiji je pH vrijednost 7njihovim izgaranjem nastaju štetni plinovikoja kulturna dobra uništavaju kisele kiše...

Vocabulary #12 2024-04-24

Vocabulary #12 crossword puzzle
  1. especially of something written or spoken
  2. alike
  3. the branch of knowledge that deals with the structure
  4. modes of discourse.
  5. disappear or cause to disappear
  6. presence everywhere or in many places
  7. criticism
  8. weather-beaten old man
  1. a member of any of several cavalry regiments in the British army.
  2. a tube or trough for protecting electric wiring.
  3. nature of animals
  4. persistently for or to do something.
  5. particular feeling or make a situation
  6. substance consisting
  7. of laws or their application
  8. designed to be perceived by touch.
  9. humble submission and respect.
  10. especially of a change or distinction
  11. recognition of an achievement.
  12. subdue or silence someone.

20 Clues: alikecriticismnature of animalsmodes of discourse.substance consistingweather-beaten old mansubdue or silence someone.of laws or their applicationhumble submission and respect.recognition of an achievement.disappear or cause to disappeardesigned to be perceived by touch.persistently for or to do something.especially of a change or distinction...

Crisis Ambiental 2024-04-24

Crisis Ambiental crossword puzzle
  1. ¿Cuál es el término general para los eventos extremos como terremotos, huracanes y tsunamis?
  2. ¿Qué sustancia está relacionada con el agujero en la capa de ozono?
  3. ¿Cómo se llama el proceso de transformación de tierras fértiles en zonas desérticas?
  1. ¿Qué fenómeno se produce cuando la capa de ozono se adelgaza?
  2. ¿Qué término se refiere a la pérdida de bosques debido a la tala indiscriminada?
  3. ¿Qué fenómeno se refiere al aumento de la temperatura promedio en la Tierra?
  4. ¿Qué se denomina cuando el equilibrio ecológico se ve amenazado por múltiples factores?
  5. ¿Qué tipo de desastre se produce por la liberación de sustancias tóxicas en la atmósfera?

8 Clues: ¿Qué fenómeno se produce cuando la capa de ozono se adelgaza?¿Qué sustancia está relacionada con el agujero en la capa de ozono?¿Qué fenómeno se refiere al aumento de la temperatura promedio en la Tierra?¿Qué término se refiere a la pérdida de bosques debido a la tala indiscriminada?...

Propaganda 2024-04-24

Propaganda crossword puzzle
  1. An attempt is made to make the viewer feel like everyone is voting for a particular candidate
  2. Opinion that favors one way of thinking (one-sided)
  3. The media alters the public where there are issues of concern
  4. When short phrases or few words are used to appeal to particular emotions
  5. Using ordinary language/clothes to convey to the audience that the candidate is just like everyone else
  6. Method of spreading ideas or rumors for the purpose of helping or injuring an cause/person
  7. Ues images and pictures to send a certain message
  1. Strategy of showing a product/person's best features leaving out negative features
  2. The media decides which stories and issues do not receive attention
  3. Used to send a negative message about an opposing product or candidate
  4. When symbols are used to convey a message

11 Clues: When symbols are used to convey a messageUes images and pictures to send a certain messageOpinion that favors one way of thinking (one-sided)The media alters the public where there are issues of concernThe media decides which stories and issues do not receive attentionUsed to send a negative message about an opposing product or candidate...

The Last to Die 2024-04-24

The Last to Die crossword puzzle
  1. Character in the book
  2. What the perpetrator did to gain an unfair advantage
  3. Genre of the book
  4. The teenager's relationship with one another
  5. Title the book
  6. What the teenagers had to deal with after the game they made
  7. is The previous name of the detective protagonist in "The Last to Die."
  8. The unauthorized entry of the teens used on others' homes
  9. The initial criminal act that sets off the events
  1. The hidden truths and lies that characters keep buried.
  2. The motive behind the crime, driving characters to extreme lengths
  3. Words describing Lucy Laurie, the daughter of a wealthy family
  4. What's played between the detective and the perpetrator in a deadly pursuit.
  5. The final person to meet their demise
  6. Emotion haunting characters for their involvement
  7. The second rule the teenagers made
  8. What haunts characters as they confront their actions
  9. The fate of the victims discovered throughout the investigation
  10. What the characters must follow in their quest for truth.
  11. What motivates characters to commit heinous acts

20 Clues: Title the bookGenre of the bookCharacter in the bookThe second rule the teenagers madeThe final person to meet their demiseThe teenager's relationship with one anotherWhat motivates characters to commit heinous actsEmotion haunting characters for their involvementThe initial criminal act that sets off the events...

Era of Reform 2024-04-24

Era of Reform crossword puzzle
  1. business owner
  2. damage or destroy something on purpose
  3. use of water as a power source
  4. private ownership of land, property, and business
  5. to cancel or overturn a law
  6. organization of workers to improve working conditions
  7. citizens propose a law by petition and a vote
  8. people who seek to address social, economic, and/or political issues
  9. kept workers from being hired
  10. to bother or attack someone
  11. one company controls an industry
  12. supplies water to crops from another location
  13. feeling of anger and resentment
  14. citizens remove an elected official from office
  1. to not take a side
  2. civilians who punish criminals
  3. self-respect or pride in oneself
  4. supports of reform movements
  5. citizens vote on a law pass by lawmakers
  6. not willing to accept different cultures, races, or ideas
  7. pay for their purchases little by little
  8. covered in gold
  9. extreme
  10. deliberate destruction
  11. buyers of goods
  12. fee that must be paid for borrowing money

26 Clues: extremebusiness ownercovered in goldbuyers of goodsto not take a sidedeliberate destructionto cancel or overturn a lawto bother or attack someonesupports of reform movementskept workers from being hiredcivilians who punish criminalsuse of water as a power sourcefeeling of anger and resentmentself-respect or pride in oneself...

Hannah Montana: The Movie pt 3 2024-04-24

Hannah Montana: The Movie pt 3 crossword puzzle
  1. Perhaps the most iconic song this movie has, it's all about ___ ______.
  2. Ms. Presley's favorite song in this move is "You'll Always Find Your Way ____ ____"
  3. I might even be a _______
  1. What does Miley tell to fly away?
  2. When Miley reveals she is Hannah, she takes off her Wig. What else does she remove?
  3. What does Ruby give to Miley before the concert?
  4. What does Miley work on all night?
  5. What does the crowd chant before the concert?
  6. Who threatens to expose Hannah's secret?
  7. She's not the agent, she's not the manager, who is she?

10 Clues: I might even be a _______What does Miley tell to fly away?What does Miley work on all night?Who threatens to expose Hannah's secret?What does the crowd chant before the concert?What does Ruby give to Miley before the concert?She's not the agent, she's not the manager, who is she?...

The Phantom Tollbooth 2024-04-24

The Phantom Tollbooth crossword puzzle
  1. He spoke in a _________ tone.
  2. After a 1-1 draw in midweek it is ____________ balanced.
  3. This is simply a sticking plaster over a _______ wound.
  4. The general watched the process with an air of __________.
  5. The flat is _________ in flames.
  6. He sat down to a standing _______.
  7. Witnesses is a triumph of the atmospheric ______.
  1. I drove ________ past the security check points.
  2. His hair was _______ and filthy.
  3. They have gained respect through sheer _______ determination.
  4. He appeared in the lounge ___________ a knife.
  5. A _______ of mail arrived from friends.
  6. There was always that edge of worry _______ somewhere.
  7. The first is particularly _________.
  8. She described her agonizing ______.
  9. He felt _____ and light-headed.
  10. Aubrey had slept little and that always made him _________.
  11. Tony didn't notice because he was too _________ in his work.
  12. She saw a _______ face at the window and screamed.
  13. Denis tried to look __________ and uninterested.

20 Clues: He spoke in a _________ tone.He felt _____ and light-headed.His hair was _______ and filthy.The flat is _________ in flames.He sat down to a standing _______.She described her agonizing ______.The first is particularly _________.A _______ of mail arrived from friends.He appeared in the lounge ___________ a knife....

Moments and Momentum 2024-04-24

Moments and Momentum crossword puzzle
  1. The point around which a lever rotates. E.g. a door hinge.
  2. A system where both the vertical forces and the turning forces are balanced.
  3. At an angle of 90o to a surface.
  4. The product of an object’s velocity and mass. The more massive the object. The more momentum at the same speed. The greater the speed of an object, the greater the momentum.
  1. Keep the same.
  2. A straight arm that rotates around a pivot. E.g. the handle of a hammer.
  3. Another term for a pivot
  4. A ‘plank’ or structure with negligible mass that is supported at both ends
  5. Something with both Magnitude and Direction
  6. A turning force or a rotational effect. The product of a force and the perpendicular distance from the pivot.

10 Clues: Keep the same.Another term for a pivotAt an angle of 90o to a surface.Something with both Magnitude and DirectionThe point around which a lever rotates. E.g. a door hinge.A straight arm that rotates around a pivot. E.g. the handle of a hammer.A ‘plank’ or structure with negligible mass that is supported at both ends...

Neurulation Crossword 2024-04-24

Neurulation Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. blocks of tissue that lead to the formation of segmental structures such as vertebrae
  2. formed from ectoderm above notochord; contains neural folds on lateral edges
  3. located along sides of neural tube after pinching off from ectoderm; migrate to different parts of the body to form cells of different structures
  1. a group of cells or tissues influences another through close range interactions
  2. flexible rod of mesodermal cells that runs along the anterior-posterior axis of a chordate in the dorsal part of the body(later becomes vertebrae)
  3. infolded ectodermal clefts in vertebrates that will give rise to the nervous system

6 Clues: formed from ectoderm above notochord; contains neural folds on lateral edgesa group of cells or tissues influences another through close range interactionsinfolded ectodermal clefts in vertebrates that will give rise to the nervous systemblocks of tissue that lead to the formation of segmental structures such as vertebrae...

Changes Guiding- Homefront Homework Assignment 2024-04-24

Changes Guiding- Homefront Homework Assignment crossword puzzle
  1. Prevented enemy planes from locating light in the gym.
  2. No ________= No Prom
  3. One of the 2 war courses Betty had to take
  4. Language that Betty could no longer study
  5. _______________ conducted plane watching
  1. Betty was escorted to prom by _______ sailor men
  2. __________ was rationed to 2 gallons weekly
  3. An attack by armed airplanes on a surface target.

8 Clues: No ________= No Prom_______________ conducted plane watchingLanguage that Betty could no longer studyOne of the 2 war courses Betty had to take__________ was rationed to 2 gallons weeklyBetty was escorted to prom by _______ sailor menAn attack by armed airplanes on a surface target.Prevented enemy planes from locating light in the gym.

Spelling List 1 2024-04-24

Spelling List 1 crossword puzzle
  1. - Moving in one side and out of the other side
  2. - Activity of making, buying, or selling goods or services
  3. - Surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives
  4. - Unexpected event or gift that causes astonishment
  5. - Without a doubt, absolutely
  6. - Suggest or endorse something as the best option
  7. - The day of the week that comes after Tuesday
  8. - The second month of the year
  1. - Start or initial stage
  2. - A reason or set of reasons given in support of an idea, action, or theory
  3. - Detailed explanation or portrayal
  4. - A place where an incident or event occurs
  5. - Place where books and other materials are kept for people to read, study, or borrow
  6. - Right away, without delay
  7. - System or group that governs a community or organization

15 Clues: - Start or initial stage- Right away, without delay- Without a doubt, absolutely- The second month of the year- Detailed explanation or portrayal- A place where an incident or event occurs- Moving in one side and out of the other side- The day of the week that comes after Tuesday- Suggest or endorse something as the best option...

Sustainable Development and Use of Resource 2024-04-24

Sustainable Development and Use of Resource crossword puzzle
  1. Programs, policies or activities that seek to improve the economic well-being and quality of life for a community.
  2. The loss of qualified and skilled personnel through emigration.
  3. The number of people living within a given area.
  4. The number of live births in a year per 1000 people in a population.
  5. The number of deaths in a year per 1000 people in a population.
  6. The condition of being populated with excessively large numbers.
  7. A person who is not suitable for employment.
  8. The immediate surroundings in which all living and non-living components co-exist
  1. People moving within a country or from one country to another.
  2. The increase in the number of persons living in cities.
  3. People leaving a country to live elsewhere.
  4. A long-term reduction in numbers in a population.
  5. People moving to live in a country elsewhere.
  6. A situation in which there are few people.
  7. The state of having a job or being employed.

15 Clues: A situation in which there are few people.People leaving a country to live elsewhere.The state of having a job or being employed.A person who is not suitable for employment.People moving to live in a country elsewhere.The number of people living within a given area.A long-term reduction in numbers in a population....

The shoulder 2024-04-24

The shoulder crossword puzzle
  1. another name for the collar bone, this bone connects the shoulder to the axial skeleton
  2. the name of the shoulder joint on top of the shoulder
  3. the first S in the sits muscles
  4. connects bone to muscle
  5. the T in the sits muscles
  6. the name of one of the arteries in the shoulder area
  7. shoulder cap muscle responsible for abduction
  8. the lateral end of the spine of the scapula
  9. name of the nerve complex in the shoulder, where stingers happen
  10. the shoulder is this type of joint
  11. the long bone of the arm "funny bone"
  12. the scapula is important in the shoulder for this
  13. the socket of the shoulder joint
  14. the injury that occurs at the acromioclavicular joint
  15. the name of the bursa in the shoulder
  16. the joint is displaced
  17. shoulder shrug muscle
  18. because the shoulder is more mobile this joint tends to lack what?
  1. the muscle in the arm responsible for extension
  2. "true shoulder joint" also is known for dislocations
  3. another name for the shoulder blade
  4. the nerve in the shoulder, armpit area
  5. the I in the sits muscles
  6. the name of the fibrocartilage structure in the shoulder
  7. bruise
  8. medical term for frozen shoulder
  9. injury to the ligament
  10. known as the breast bone
  11. muscle responsible for flexion
  12. a full circle
  13. injury to the muscle/tendon

31 Clues: bruisea full circleshoulder shrug muscleinjury to the ligamentthe joint is displacedconnects bone to muscleknown as the breast bonethe I in the sits musclesthe T in the sits musclesinjury to the muscle/tendonmuscle responsible for flexionthe first S in the sits musclesmedical term for frozen shoulderthe socket of the shoulder joint...

Challenging Forces 2024-04-24

Challenging Forces crossword puzzle
  1. The overall Force remaining after you have added and subtracted all the forces from each other.
  2. The forces on an object that cancel each other out. No resultant force.
  3. The force of attraction or repulsion between positive and negative objects.
  4. The maximum speed of an object. When the drag and the propelling force are balanced.
  5. This is weight. Gravity is a field that causes objects to weigh something.
  6. The unit for Force. [N]
  7. An upward force on an object in a liquid or gas. This force is caused by the particles wanting to get back underneath the object that moved them.
  1. The Force acting against your movement in air. Caused by collision with air particles.
  2. Something with only magnitude. Just a number.
  3. A material that will return to its original shape after being stretched or compressed.
  4. The rate of change of speed.
  5. The force pulling something to stretch it. For example, tension in a rope during a tug of war.
  6. The steepness of a line. Calculated by (Change in y value)/(Change in x value).
  7. The downward force on an object. Due to gravity pulling it towards the earth. This can be different on different planets.
  8. Something with both direction and magnitude. For example, a Force.

15 Clues: The unit for Force. [N]The rate of change of speed.Something with only magnitude. Just a number.Something with both direction and magnitude. For example, a Force.The forces on an object that cancel each other out. No resultant force.This is weight. Gravity is a field that causes objects to weigh something....

Challenging Forces 2024-04-24

Challenging Forces crossword puzzle
  1. The overall Force remaining after you have added and subtracted all the forces from each other.
  2. The forces on an object that cancel each other out. No resultant force.
  3. The force of attraction or repulsion between positive and negative objects.
  4. The maximum speed of an object. When the drag and the propelling force are balanced.
  5. This is weight. Gravity is a field that causes objects to weigh something.
  6. The unit for Force. [N]
  7. An upward force on an object in a liquid or gas. This force is caused by the particles wanting to get back underneath the object that moved them.
  1. The Force acting against your movement in air. Caused by collision with air particles.
  2. Something with only magnitude. Just a number.
  3. A material that will return to its original shape after being stretched or compressed.
  4. The rate of change of speed.
  5. The force pulling something to stretch it. For example, tension in a rope during a tug of war.
  6. The steepness of a line. Calculated by (Change in y value)/(Change in x value).
  7. The downward force on an object. Due to gravity pulling it towards the earth. This can be different on different planets.
  8. Something with both direction and magnitude. For example, a Force.

15 Clues: The unit for Force. [N]The rate of change of speed.Something with only magnitude. Just a number.Something with both direction and magnitude. For example, a Force.The forces on an object that cancel each other out. No resultant force.This is weight. Gravity is a field that causes objects to weigh something....

Food 2024-04-24

Food crossword puzzle
  1. Japan
  2. American
  3. Mexican
  4. Italian
  5. japan
  6. cheese
  1. french
  2. cold
  3. white and yellow
  4. triangle

10 Clues: coldJapanjapanfrenchcheeseMexicanItalianAmericantrianglewhite and yellow

resource management with a special focus on WATER 2024-04-24

resource management with a special focus on WATER crossword puzzle
  1. A process where water and chemicals are pumped underground using high pressure and the dissolved natural gas can then be used.
  2. The fact that Hitosa was fed by gravity, from a local mountain, meant that the technology was __________ for the level of development
  3. A method of sustainably managing water, for instance in Las Vegas (Mojave desert) where sprinklers are on strict timers
  4. A word which means 'Economically viable' Environmentally sensitive' and 'socially equitable' (fair)
  5. One of the things which can be lost when ecosystems suffer due to huge environmental change (hint - it is where animals are naturally found)
  6. The name of the valley in Wales which supplies Birmingham's water.
  7. One source of water which can be used when rivers run dry - this source requires infiltration and percolation and is found in aquifers.
  8. Your case study for a small-scale LIC/NEE water scheme This is in Ethiopia)
  9. A sustainable form of recycling water which both reduces demand and increases supplies (hint: shower or bath water)
  1. The huge $62 billion South-->North water transfer project is in this country
  2. The northern capital city of China which will benefit from water being transferred from the Yangtze river
  3. A type of farming that does not use inorganic fertilsers or pesticides. This type of food is more expensive, but more sustainable
  4. Water ____________ is the lack of a reliable source of water of sufficient quality or quantity to meet peoples' needs
  5. Food _____ are a measure of sustainability. Buying local seasonal food reduces these as it lowers or carbon footprint
  6. (2 words, no space) The ultimate consequence of a lack of water, perhaps when food prices are high and people lose confidence in the government.
  7. The name of the charity which paid for 50% of the £1million cost of Hitosa
  8. Energy _________ is when we know where our future energy resources will come from and we are not reliant on fossil fuels or importing fuels from other countries

17 Clues: The name of the valley in Wales which supplies Birmingham's water.The name of the charity which paid for 50% of the £1million cost of HitosaYour case study for a small-scale LIC/NEE water scheme This is in Ethiopia)The huge $62 billion South-->North water transfer project is in this country...