All Crossword Puzzles

Ilmu Hadis 2024-04-18

Ilmu Hadis crossword puzzle
  1. Hadis yang diriwayatkan oleh 3 orang atau lebih disalah satu tingkatan sanad dan belum mencapai derajat hadis mutawatir
  2. Ilmu yang membahas tentang keadaan sanad, matan, cara-cara menerima dan meriwayatkan hadits, serta sifat-sifat pada rowi hadits
  3. pembagian hadis dari segi sumbernya pertama
  4. Mauquf
  1. Hadits shoheh yang memenuhi syarat-syarat ketentuan syarat hadits shoheh
  2. Yang termasuk pembagian hadis mutawatir
  3. Hadis yang sanadnya bersambung mulai dari awal sanad hingga Rasulullah
  4. Hadits dloif yang gugur sanadnya
  5. Yang termasuk pembagian hadis ahad
  6. Berturut-turut

10 Clues: MauqufBerturut-turutHadits dloif yang gugur sanadnyaYang termasuk pembagian hadis ahadYang termasuk pembagian hadis mutawatirpembagian hadis dari segi sumbernya pertamaHadis yang sanadnya bersambung mulai dari awal sanad hingga RasulullahHadits shoheh yang memenuhi syarat-syarat ketentuan syarat hadits shoheh...

TTS IPAS 2024-04-18

TTS IPAS crossword puzzle
  1. Bahasa daerah di pulau Jawa
  2. Properti yang digunakan pada Tari Pakarena
  3. Asal daerah tradisi Lompat Batu Fahombo
  4. Rumah adat sulawes selatan
  5. Pakaian adat kalimantan Timur
  6. Makanan khas dari Papua
  7. Lagu daerah Kalimantan Timur
  8. Lagu daerah Papua
  9. Tempat ibadah umat konghucu
  10. Asal daerah tradisi Karapan Sapi
  11. Tarian budaya dari suku Batak Toba
  1. Makanan khas Kalimantan Timur
  2. Pertunjukkan dari campuran budaya lokal dengan budaya Hindu-Buddha
  3. Hasil pikiran, akal budi, dan karya cipta manusia dari hubungan antara manusia dengan lingkungan alam ataupun antarmanusia
  4. Alat musik yang dipetik
  5. Tari Tradisonal Kalimantan Timur
  6. Hari besar umat Hindu
  7. Makanan khas suku Bugis
  8. musik pengiring Tari Tortor
  9. Senjata Tradisonal Jawa Tengah
  10. Alat musik dari Jawa Barat
  11. Asal daerah senjata tradisional rencong
  12. Pertunjukkan dari Kalimantan Timur
  13. Tradisi masyarakat Kalimantan Timur
  14. Asal daerah rumah adat Honai

25 Clues: Lagu daerah PapuaHari besar umat HinduAlat musik yang dipetikMakanan khas suku BugisMakanan khas dari PapuaRumah adat sulawes selatanAlat musik dari Jawa BaratBahasa daerah di pulau Jawamusik pengiring Tari TortorTempat ibadah umat konghucuLagu daerah Kalimantan TimurAsal daerah rumah adat HonaiMakanan khas Kalimantan Timur...

Anatomy of a Neuron 2024-04-18

Anatomy of a Neuron crossword puzzle
  1. Chemical messengers; located at most synapses
  2. extension that receives signals from other neurons
  3. Bulbs at the end of each axon branch that form the junction
  4. cell receiving the signal
  5. where most of organelles are located
  1. An extension of a neuron that transmits signals to other cells
  2. a branched end of an Axon will transmit information to another cell at this point
  3. transmitting neuron

8 Clues: transmitting neuroncell receiving the signalwhere most of organelles are locatedChemical messengers; located at most synapsesextension that receives signals from other neuronsBulbs at the end of each axon branch that form the junctionAn extension of a neuron that transmits signals to other cells...

ADULTEZ TARDíA 2024-04-18

ADULTEZ TARDíA crossword puzzle
  1. Almacenamiento por un corto plazo de la informacion que se procesa activamente.
  2. Proceso de envejecimiento resultado de una enfermedad, abuso y falta de actividad; "envejecimiento ___"
  3. Proceso inevitable de deterioro corporal a lo largo del ciclo de vida; "envejecimiento ___"
  4. Prejuicio o discriminación en contra de una persona debido a sus edad.
  1. Almacenamiento inicial, breve y temporal de la informacion sensorial.
  2. Áreas nubosas u opacas en el cristalino que ocasionan visión borrosa.
  3. Deterioro del funcionamiento cognoscitivo y conductual debido a causas fisiológicas.

7 Clues: Almacenamiento inicial, breve y temporal de la informacion sensorial.Áreas nubosas u opacas en el cristalino que ocasionan visión borrosa.Prejuicio o discriminación en contra de una persona debido a sus edad.Almacenamiento por un corto plazo de la informacion que se procesa activamente....


  1. study - a research design that describes "What is?"
  2. - accepted hypothesis(Ha)
  1. - brief overview of the study
  2. - groups with similar factors
  3. - a variable that shows the cause
  4. - a definition based on how the terms used in the study
  5. - shows possible weakness of the research
  6. - a reasoning appropriate for quantitative
  7. - contaminate the data
  8. - basis for reasoning

10 Clues: - basis for reasoning- contaminate the data- accepted hypothesis(Ha)- brief overview of the study- groups with similar factors- a variable that shows the cause- shows possible weakness of the research- a reasoning appropriate for quantitativestudy - a research design that describes "What is?"- a definition based on how the terms used in the study

Harry Potter 2024-04-18

Harry Potter crossword puzzle
  1. Firmly loyal or constant; unwavering.
  2. Firm and determined; resolute.
  3. The practice of magic; the art or skill of a wizard.
  4. Has a trunk
  1. To be paralyzed with fear or turned to stone.
  2. Large marsupial
  3. The practice of magic, especially black magic; the use of spells, charms, and rituals.
  4. Unable to be separated or parted.
  5. Difficulties or misfortune; unfavorable circumstances.
  6. To achieve victory or success; to prevail over adversity.
  7. Man's best friend
  8. A person responsible for a crime or misdeed; the guilty party.
  9. Likes to chase mice
  10. Serious and immediate danger; hazards or risks.
  11. Flying mammal

15 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase miceFirm and determined; resolute.Unable to be separated or parted.Firmly loyal or constant; unwavering.To be paralyzed with fear or turned to stone.Serious and immediate danger; hazards or risks.The practice of magic; the art or skill of a wizard....

TATA SURYA 2024-04-18

TATA SURYA crossword puzzle


Dystopia Crossword 2024-04-18

Dystopia Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. an imagined, nightmarish society in which people are oppressed and all aspects of their lives are controlled by the government
  2. no longer used; out of date
  3. the beginning of a story, in which the characters, setting, and context are introduced.
  4. the section of text that comes after the exposition, when the story begins to get complicated and the central conflict is introduced.
  5. an author/speaker’s attitude toward a topic or an audience, which is often conveyed through word choice and/or literary devices.
  6. severe mental or physical pain or suffering.
  7. the emotional “atmosphere” of a scene in a text , which often evokes feelings in the reader
  8. an imagined place where everything is perfect, especially as related to government and society
  9. the way a story ends, when any final plot points and conflicts are (generally) resolved.
  1. the part of the story that comes directly after the climax when conflicts set up earlier in the text begin to be resolved.
  2. anxious or nervous that something bad will happen
  3. an aspect of storytelling where an author builds engagement by creating emotions of anxiety and apprehension in the reader about what will happen next.
  4. not clear or specific.
  5. producing powerful feelings or images in the mind.
  6. extremely, almost unbearably, painful
  7. bewildered; entirely confused
  8. an action that breaks a law or rule
  9. to harshly scold or discipline
  10. the social, cultural, and emotional associations words have, beyond the dictionary definition (denotation)
  11. the turning point of a story when the tension and conflict become most intense, and often when a significant change occurs.
  12. the literal meaning of a word; the dictionary definition.
  13. the way a text is purposefully organized by its author.

22 Clues: not clear or longer used; out of datebewildered; entirely confusedto harshly scold or disciplinean action that breaks a law or ruleextremely, almost unbearably, painfulsevere mental or physical pain or suffering.anxious or nervous that something bad will happenproducing powerful feelings or images in the mind....

Unit 14 2024-04-18

Unit 14 crossword puzzle
  1. having an uneven or bumpy surface
  2. to construct
  3. a knitted jacket or pullover
  4. sufficient or necessary for
  1. the first meal of the day
  2. a rising and overflowing of a body of water
  3. to have in the mind as a purpose
  4. a type of food
  5. to find amusement or pleasure in something

9 Clues: to constructa type of foodthe first meal of the daysufficient or necessary fora knitted jacket or pulloverto have in the mind as a purposehaving an uneven or bumpy surfaceto find amusement or pleasure in somethinga rising and overflowing of a body of water

7thb u4 2024-04-18

7thb u4 crossword puzzle
  1. 穿;戴
  2. 规则;规章
  3. 校服;制服
  4. 感受;觉的
  5. 在外面adj.外面的
  6. 脏的
  7. 碟;盘dishes
  8. 厨房
  9. 非常讨厌的;可 怕的
  10. 走廊;过道
  11. 学习;学会
  12. 安静的
  13. 吵闹的
  14. 更多的
  15. 保持;保留
  16. 放松;休息
  17. 重要的
  1. 到达
  2. 遵循;跟随
  3. 听;倾听
  4. 带来;取来
  5. 打架;战斗
  6. 严格的;严厉的
  7. 头发;毛发
  8. 大万礼堂
  9. 晚上
  10. 读;阅读
  11. 在…以前ad v.以前
  12. 播放机;运动员
  13. 记住; 记起
  14. 抱歉的;难过的;惋惜的
  15. 外出
  16. 幸运;运气

33 Clues: 到达脏的厨房晚上外出穿;戴安静的吵闹的更多的重要的听;倾听大万礼堂读;阅读遵循;跟随规则;规章校服;制服带来;取来感受;觉的打架;战斗头发;毛发走廊;过道学习;学会保持;保留放松;休息幸运;运气记住; 记起严格的;严厉的播放机;运动员碟;盘dishes在外面adj.外面的非常讨厌的;可 怕的在…以前ad v.以前抱歉的;难过的;惋惜的

Dystopia Crossword 2024-04-18

Dystopia Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. an imagined, nightmarish society in which people are oppressed and all aspects of their lives are controlled by the government
  2. no longer used; out of date
  3. the beginning of a story, in which the characters, setting, and context are introduced.
  4. the section of text that comes after the exposition, when the story begins to get complicated and the central conflict is introduced.
  5. an author/speaker’s attitude toward a topic or an audience, which is often conveyed through word choice and/or literary devices.
  6. severe mental or physical pain or suffering.
  7. the emotional “atmosphere” of a scene in a text , which often evokes feelings in the reader
  8. an imagined place where everything is perfect, especially as related to government and society
  9. the way a story ends, when any final plot points and conflicts are (generally) resolved.
  1. the part of the story that comes directly after the climax when conflicts set up earlier in the text begin to be resolved.
  2. anxious or nervous that something bad will happen
  3. an aspect of storytelling where an author builds engagement by creating emotions of anxiety and apprehension in the reader about what will happen next.
  4. not clear or specific.
  5. producing powerful feelings or images in the mind.
  6. extremely, almost unbearably, painful
  7. bewildered; entirely confused
  8. an action that breaks a law or rule
  9. to harshly scold or discipline
  10. the social, cultural, and emotional associations words have, beyond the dictionary definition (denotation)
  11. the turning point of a story when the tension and conflict become most intense, and often when a significant change occurs.
  12. the literal meaning of a word; the dictionary definition.
  13. the way a text is purposefully organized by its author.

22 Clues: not clear or longer used; out of datebewildered; entirely confusedto harshly scold or disciplinean action that breaks a law or ruleextremely, almost unbearably, painfulsevere mental or physical pain or suffering.anxious or nervous that something bad will happenproducing powerful feelings or images in the mind....

Solar Features Crossword 2024-04-18

Solar Features Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Dark spot on the Sun’s Photosphere
  2. Time for the Sun to go through its solar minimum and maximum.
  3. The lighter, outer region of the sunspot
  4. A huge loop of hot plasma extending from the chromosphere up into the corona.
  5. Higher radiation output
  1. Explosion from the photosphere
  2. Lower radiation output
  3. The darkest, center region

8 Clues: Lower radiation outputHigher radiation outputThe darkest, center regionExplosion from the photosphereDark spot on the Sun’s PhotosphereThe lighter, outer region of the sunspotTime for the Sun to go through its solar minimum and maximum.A huge loop of hot plasma extending from the chromosphere up into the corona.

Ttsm 2024-04-18

Ttsm crossword puzzle
  1. .

    1 Clue: .

    Women's Suffrage Crossword 2024-04-18

    Women's Suffrage Crossword crossword puzzle
    1. She was born in Maryland and was famous for her writing.
    2. She is famous for doing a hunger strike in jail.
    3. somebody that supports women's right to vote...
    4. Many women's rights groups had a lot of ____________ over the years.
    5. Susan B. Anthony & Alice Paul came from this culture.
    6. Which amendment gave women the right to vote?
    7. She faced racism while fighting for women's suffrage
    8. How many states allowed women to vote before 1910?
    9. The first women depicted on a coin.
    10. How many states allowed women to vote in 1919?
    1. The Declaration of_______________ was molded from the Declaration of Independence.
    2. Susan B. Anthony's best friend
    3. large signs that women held during protests
    4. The paper on which a vote is marked.
    5. the right to vote
    6. How a lot of men felt towards the women's suffrage movement.
    7. These states did not let women vote until 1920.
    8. How many years did women fight for the right to vote?
    9. This state was the second to allow women to vote.
    10. the act of working for a cause or issue

    20 Clues: the right to voteSusan B. Anthony's best friendThe first women depicted on a coin.The paper on which a vote is marked.the act of working for a cause or issuelarge signs that women held during protestsWhich amendment gave women the right to vote?How many states allowed women to vote in 1919?somebody that supports women's right to vote......

    Retroalimentación 2024-04-18

    Retroalimentación crossword puzzle
    1. Fue la primera persona en observar las células
    2. Es el nombre que se la da al organismo que te causa una enfermedad
    3. Nombre que se le da al grupo de personas que no creen en la eficacia de las vacunas
    4. Es la enfermedad que una vez que te detectan síntomas posiblemente mueras
    5. Es el nombre del virus que ocasionó una pandemia
    6. Son los organismos formados por una sola célula
    7. Es la estructura por la cual todos los seres vivos estan conformados
    8. Enfermedad que se distingue porque tus células son imortales
    1. Las células de las plantas tienen una estructura especial para la fotosintesis, se llama
    2. Es el conjunto de genes que tenemos en nuestras células
    3. Es un avance tecnológico médico que nos permitió mejorar nuestra calidad de vida
    4. Es el medicamento que mata bacterias y hongos en nuestro cuerpo
    5. Son las enfermedades que comunmente obtienes por no lavarte las manos o comer algo en mal estado
    6. La mayoría de las enfermedades son ocasionadas por estos organismos
    7. Las células estan formadas por ciertas estructuras llamadas
    8. Son los organismos formados por muchas células
    9. Herramienta tecnológica para observar seres unicelulares

    17 Clues: Fue la primera persona en observar las célulasSon los organismos formados por muchas célulasSon los organismos formados por una sola célulaEs el nombre del virus que ocasionó una pandemiaEs el conjunto de genes que tenemos en nuestras célulasHerramienta tecnológica para observar seres unicelulares...

    Le substantif des verbes 2024-04-18

    Le substantif des verbes crossword puzzle
    1. rugissement
    2. lecture
    3. amour
    4. protection
    5. correct
    6. bisou
    7. appel
    8. acceptation
    9. augmentation
    1. score
    2. attaché
    3. argument
    4. téléphone
    5. écriture
    6. touche
    7. apprentissage
    8. fleur
    9. effrayé
    10. suspension
    11. choix

    20 Clues: scoreamourfleurbisouappelchoixtoucheattachélecturecorrecteffrayéargumentécrituretéléphoneprotectionsuspensionrugissementacceptationaugmentationapprentissage

    level 6 - Module 7: Bill of Rights 2024-04-18

    level 6 - Module 7: Bill of Rights crossword puzzle
    1. (n) assurance, pledge
    2. (adj) formal; legitimate; an administrator
    3. (v) to make more clear
    4. (phrase) to say in the easiest way
    1. (n) a modification, a revision
    2. (n) someone who writes articles or reports news
    3. (v) to declare, to maintain, to assert
    4. (n) a country's code or legislation; someone's character
    5. the act of being blamed for a crime

    9 Clues: (n) assurance, pledge(v) to make more clear(n) a modification, a revision(phrase) to say in the easiest waythe act of being blamed for a crime(v) to declare, to maintain, to assert(adj) formal; legitimate; an administrator(n) someone who writes articles or reports news(n) a country's code or legislation; someone's character

    Utrjevanje znanja 2024-04-18

    Utrjevanje znanja crossword puzzle
    1. Monosaharid
    2. Način toplotne obdelave
    3. Polisaharid, ki ga uporabljamo za želiranje
    4. Disaharid sestavljen iz glukoze in fruktoze
    5. Sestavni del glutena
    6. Beljakovina v moki
    7. Tehnološka faza, ki sledi po peki biskvita
    8. Način izdelave biskvitnih mas
    9. Aditiv, ki prispeva k lepšemu videzu sladice
    10. Zaklejitev beljakovin ali
    11. Sladilo, ki pogosto nadomešča sladkor
    12. Tehnolološka faza pred peko pekovskega peciva
    1. Osnovna sestavina žita
    2. Tehnika oblikovanja rogljičkov
    3. Krušno žito
    4. Alergeno nekrušno žito
    5. Osnovna sestavina biskvitnih mas
    6. Mikroorganizmi v kvasu
    7. Vrsta soli
    8. Izdelek pekov
    9. Način izdelave testa
    10. Beljakovinska nitka
    11. Drevo na katerem zrastejo kakavova zrna
    12. Osnovna sestavina kvasnega nastavka

    24 Clues: Vrsta soliKrušno žitoMonosaharidIzdelek pekovBeljakovina v mokiBeljakovinska nitkaSestavni del glutenaNačin izdelave testaOsnovna sestavina žitaAlergeno nekrušno žitoMikroorganizmi v kvasuNačin toplotne obdelaveZaklejitev beljakovin aliNačin izdelave biskvitnih masTehnika oblikovanja rogljičkovOsnovna sestavina biskvitnih mas...

    What should you do if you are unwell? 2024-04-18

    What should you do if you are unwell? crossword puzzle
    1. _____ the instructions given by the doctor.
    2. Inform your _______ immediately if you are in school
    1. Drink _______ Regularly.
    2. Once you are out of school, see a _____ if you need.
    3. Stay at home and _________.

    5 Clues: Drink _______ Regularly.Stay at home and _________._____ the instructions given by the doctor.Once you are out of school, see a _____ if you need.Inform your _______ immediately if you are in school

    Spanish Crossword 2024-04-18

    Spanish Crossword crossword puzzle
    1. es un parte al frente de coche
    2. tu usas para hablar con tus amigos con mensaje
    3. es un computadora pequenos
    4. es un parte de coche para ver al frente de tu
    5. tu pones El coche aqui en tu casa
    6. cuando tu telefono es llamar
    7. es un parte de computadora para usar ver
    8. usar en el coche para manejar
    1. es usualmente usar para antivirus
    2. cuando tu quieres hablar tu amigo con telefono
    3. tu coche cuando no puedes manejas no mas
    4. usar para imprimir fotos y papels
    5. es un parte detras de el coche
    6. cuando tu manejar tu coche,tu necesitas hacer primera
    7. tu llenar aqui en tu coche con gasolina

    15 Clues: es un computadora pequenoscuando tu telefono es llamarusar en el coche para manejares un parte al frente de cochees un parte detras de el cochees usualmente usar para antivirususar para imprimir fotos y papelstu pones El coche aqui en tu casatu llenar aqui en tu coche con gasolinatu coche cuando no puedes manejas no mas...

    Respectful Relationships 2024-04-18

    Respectful Relationships crossword puzzle
    1. A feeling of closeness and connection in an interpersonal relationship.

      1 Clue: A feeling of closeness and connection in an interpersonal relationship.

      The Great Fear and August Decrees 2024-04-18

      The Great Fear and August Decrees crossword puzzle
      1. What conspiracy theory said that the famine was orchestrated by the nobility to assert control?
      2. What historian proposed the possible causes of the Great Fear in their seminal work "The Great Fear of 1789"?
      3. Feudalism was a foundational element of what traditional political system?
      4. What was the name of the club where the idea to abolish feudalism originated?
      5. An epidemic of what rye-fungus may have contributed to the hysteria of the Great Fear as well as the Salem witch trials of 1692?
      6. Who did the National Assembly appoint as Commander of the National Guard?
      7. Which notable royal left the country in the wake of the storming of the Bastille?
      8. What infamous radical group did the Breton club eventually form?
      9. What did peasants ransack and torch during their revolt as a symbol of feudalism?
      10. What church payments were abolished by the August decrees?
      1. What was the French term for the wave of panic that swept the countryside in late July and early August 1789?
      2. Who was the king's youngest brother who fled Versailles, sparking fears of a foreign invasion?
      3. Who was rumored to be planning to poison the king and replace him with the king's brother?
      4. What were the August Decrees aimed to abolish?
      5. The August Decrees embodied ideals of liberty, equality and what?
      6. To which French royal dynasty did Louis XVI belong?
      7. To which Austrian royal dynasty did Marie Antoinette belong?
      8. An eruption of the Laki volcano in what country contributed to reduced harvests in 1785?
      9. What was the nickname for the salt tax collectors contracted by the French government?
      10. Which major bread riot occurred in France in 1775?
      11. What were the peasants reclaiming when they invaded seigneurial estates during the revolt?
      12. What percentage of their income were the poorest spending solely on bread by 1789?

      22 Clues: What were the August Decrees aimed to abolish?Which major bread riot occurred in France in 1775?To which French royal dynasty did Louis XVI belong?What church payments were abolished by the August decrees?To which Austrian royal dynasty did Marie Antoinette belong?What infamous radical group did the Breton club eventually form?...

      Teka Teki Silang Plastik 2024-04-18

      Teka Teki Silang Plastik crossword puzzle
      1. Sulit menghantarkan panas dan listrik
      2. Benda polimer yang sangat bermanfaat
      3. Benda plastik untuk meminum minuman
      4. Sisa buangan dari suatu produk atau barang yang sudah tidak terpakai
      5. Akibat dari sampah yang dibuang sembarangan
      1. Plastik bersifat mudah dibawa
      2. Plastik tidak mudah pecah
      3. Benda plastik untuk membawa barang
      4. Benda plastik yang sering dipakai saat hujan
      5. Benda plastik untuk menampung air

      10 Clues: Plastik tidak mudah pecahPlastik bersifat mudah dibawaBenda plastik untuk menampung airBenda plastik untuk membawa barangBenda plastik untuk meminum minumanBenda polimer yang sangat bermanfaatSulit menghantarkan panas dan listrikAkibat dari sampah yang dibuang sembaranganBenda plastik yang sering dipakai saat hujan...

      What is terrorism? 2024-04-18

      What is terrorism? crossword puzzle
      1. Giving up something valuable for a cause.
      2. Measures taken to protect against threats, including terrorism.
      3. Effort or fight against something challenging.
      4. Facts or details about a situation.
      5. Behavior involving physical force intended to hurt or damage.
      1. To convince someone to do something, sometimes using manipulation.
      2. Convictions or principles that guide someone's actions.
      3. Influenced or impacted by something.
      4. Holding extreme political or religious beliefs.
      5. Alertness to potential dangers or threats.
      6. To stop something from happening.
      7. A person with extreme views or opinions.
      8. Information or ideas spread to influence people's opinions.
      9. A serious disagreement or argument.
      10. A system of ideas and beliefs.

      15 Clues: A system of ideas and beliefs.To stop something from happening.A serious disagreement or argument.Facts or details about a situation.Influenced or impacted by something.A person with extreme views or opinions.Giving up something valuable for a cause.Alertness to potential dangers or threats.Effort or fight against something challenging....

      haji dan umrah 2024-04-18

      haji dan umrah crossword puzzle
      1. tidak wajib keatas kanak-kanak
      2. tidak wajib ke atas hamba
      3. tidak wajib sekiranya ada perkara yang boleh membinasakan nyawa dan harta di tengah perjalanan
      4. haji qiran dan haji tamattuk dikenakan ________
      5. Mengunjungi ________ di Mekah pada masa tertentu untuk menunaikan ibadah tertentu dengan syarat2 tertentu
      6. perbezaan rukun haji dan umrah
      7. ifrad niat ihram haji sahaja
      1. bilangan jenis haji
      2. pengertian umrah dari segi bahasa
      3. salah satu syarat wajib haji yang terbahgai kepada dua
      4. bilangan rukun umrah
      5. tidak wajib ke atas orang gila dan tidak waras
      6. bilangan jenis tawaf
      7. hukum haji dan umrah
      8. perbezaan haji dan umrah
      9. bilangan rukun haji
      10. qiran niat ihram haji dan umrah serentak
      11. tamattuk niat ihram umrah dan selesaikan umrah baru niat haji
      12. orang kafir dan murtad tidak wajib melakukan haji dan umrah

      19 Clues: bilangan jenis hajibilangan rukun hajibilangan rukun umrahbilangan jenis tawafhukum haji dan umrahperbezaan haji dan umrahtidak wajib ke atas hambaifrad niat ihram haji sahajatidak wajib keatas kanak-kanakperbezaan rukun haji dan umrahpengertian umrah dari segi bahasaqiran niat ihram haji dan umrah serentak...

      Inform an Adult When You are Unwell 2024-04-18

      Inform an Adult When You are Unwell crossword puzzle
      1. Drink _______ Regularly.
      2. Once you are out of school, see a _____ if you need.
      1. Stay at home and _________.
      2. Inform your _______ immediately if you are in school

      4 Clues: Drink _______ Regularly.Stay at home and _________.Inform your _______ immediately if you are in schoolOnce you are out of school, see a _____ if you need.

      vocab list 5 2024-04-18

      vocab list 5 crossword puzzle
      1. polite, refined, or respectable, often in an affects or ostentatious way, adjective
      2. regard with great respect, verb
      3. someone who is relaxed and calm, bcs of a lack of care or worry, adjective
      4. very attentive to and concerned about accuracy and detail, adjective
      1. deprived or robbed of the possession of use of something,adjective
      2. deep distrust and dislike of human beings and their society, adjective
      3. pleasant Because of personality (a person) pleasant because it is suited to ones tastes (a thing), adjective
      4. pretend to be affected by a feeling, state or injury, verb
      5. express severe disapproval of (someone or something), especially in a formal statement, Verb

      9 Clues: regard with great respect, verbpretend to be affected by a feeling, state or injury, verbdeprived or robbed of the possession of use of something,adjectivevery attentive to and concerned about accuracy and detail, adjectivedeep distrust and dislike of human beings and their society, adjective...

      friendship 2024-04-18

      friendship crossword puzzle
      1. You can do this with toys
      2. Someone you are close to
      3. The way you feel when you are with a friend
      4. Where you meet friends daily
      1. Something you can play with your friend
      2. Someone you can ask questions
      3. Something you should show to others

      7 Clues: Someone you are close toYou can do this with toysWhere you meet friends dailySomeone you can ask questionsSomething you should show to othersSomething you can play with your friendThe way you feel when you are with a friend

      ELA State Test Review 2024-04-18

      ELA State Test Review crossword puzzle
      1. A conclusion reached based on evidence and reasoning rather than explicit information, requiring readers to make logical connections and draw conclusions.
      2. Exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally, used for emphasis, humor, or rhetorical effect.
      3. The repetition of initial consonant sounds in neighboring words or syllables, often used for emphasis, rhythm, or poetic effect.
      4. The author's attitude towards the subject matter or audience, conveyed through the choice of words and the overall style of writing.
      5. A literary technique that uses humor, irony, or exaggeration to criticize and ridicule human vices, follies, or institutions.
      6. A secondary plotline within a story that coexists with the main plot, often involving secondary characters and contributing to the overall theme or conflict.
      7. The emotional or cultural associations attached to a word or phrase, beyond its literal meaning, which can influence interpretation and tone.
      8. The arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences in a language, including sentence structure, word order, and punctuation.
      9. Vivid and descriptive language that appeals to the senses, creating mental pictures and enhancing the reader's understanding and engagement with the text.
      10. The central point or message conveyed by a passage or text, often supported by key details and evidence.
      11. Words that imitate the sound they represent, enhancing the auditory experience and creating vivid sensory imagery for the reader.
      12. The literary technique of hinting at future events or outcomes in a story, creating suspense and anticipation for the reader.
      13. The time and place in which a story occurs, including details about the physical environment, historical context, and cultural background.
      14. of View The perspective from which a story is told, including first-person (narrator is a character in the story), third-person limited (narrator only knows the thoughts and feelings of one character), and third-person omniscient (narrator knows the thoughts and feelings of all characters).
      15. A story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one.
      1. Language that uses figures of speech to convey meanings beyond the literal interpretation, including metaphors, similes, personification, and hyperbole.
      2. The use of objects, characters, or events to represent abstract ideas or concepts, often adding depth and layers of meaning to a text.
      3. The character or force in conflict with the protagonist in a story, often serving as an obstacle or source of tension.
      4. The methods used by a writer to develop a character in a narrative, including direct description, dialogue, actions, and thoughts.
      5. The main character or central figure in a story, often facing challenges or conflicts that drive the plot forward.
      6. A statement or situation that appears contradictory but may reveal a deeper truth or insight.
      7. A figure of speech in which human qualities are attributed to non-human entities or objects, enhancing the reader's connection and understanding of the subject.
      8. A feeling of uncertainty or anticipation about the outcome of events in a story, created through pacing, foreshadowing, and the manipulation of information.
      9. A narrative device that interrupts the chronological sequence of events to depict an earlier scene or event, providing background information or context.
      10. The struggle between opposing forces in a story, which can be internal (within a character) or external (between characters or forces).
      11. A literary device where the intended meaning of words or events is different from the actual meaning, often for humorous, dramatic, or satirical effect.
      12. The highest point of tension or turning point in a story, where the conflict reaches its peak and the outcome becomes clear.
      13. The atmosphere or emotional feeling created by a literary work, influencing the reader's experience and interpretation of the text.
      14. Conversations between characters in a literary work, often used to reveal character traits, advance the plot, and provide insight into relationships.
      15. The literal or dictionary definition of a word, distinct from its connotations or implied meanings.
      16. A reference to a well-known person, place, event, literary work, or piece of art, used to enrich the meaning of a text and establish connections with the reader's prior knowledge.
      17. The sequence of events in a story, including the exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.
      18. The central message or lesson conveyed by a literary work, often reflecting on human experiences or universal truths.
      19. Vivid and descriptive language that appeals to the senses, creating mental images and enhancing the reader's understanding and emotional response to the text.
      20. A figure of speech that combines contradictory terms for dramatic or rhetorical effect, such as "jumbo shrimp" or "bittersweet."

      35 Clues: A statement or situation that appears contradictory but may reveal a deeper truth or insight.The literal or dictionary definition of a word, distinct from its connotations or implied meanings.The central point or message conveyed by a passage or text, often supported by key details and evidence....

      Crossword Puzzle 2024-04-18

      Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
      1. What can a town build to help stop tsunamis?
      2. what do transform boundaries cause?
      3. plates move away from each other
      4. How many times a year do tsunamis occur?
      5. What does DART monitor?
      6. How many DART systems are in the Indian Ocean?
      1. What caused the Indian Ocean Tsunami?
      2. plates go towards each other
      3. Can a volcano cause a tsunami
      4. Plates move past each other
      5. what can a mass damper also be known as
      6. Can a landslide cause a tsunami?

      12 Clues: What does DART monitor?Plates move past each otherplates go towards each otherCan a volcano cause a tsunamiCan a landslide cause a tsunami?plates move away from each otherwhat do transform boundaries cause?What caused the Indian Ocean Tsunami?what can a mass damper also be known asHow many times a year do tsunamis occur?...

      GGWP 2024-04-18

      GGWP crossword puzzle
      1. Large marsupial
      2. Likes to chase mice
      1. Has a trunk
      2. Flying mammal
      3. Man's best friend

      5 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase mice

      perdagangan internasional dan proklamasi kemerdekaan 2024-04-18

      perdagangan internasional dan proklamasi kemerdekaan crossword puzzle
      1. jumlah maksimum produk import yang harus dipenuhi
      2. kegiatan yang dilakukan dalam upaya menambah nilai guna suatu barang
      3. darussalam negara penghasil minyak dan gas bumi terbesar di ASEAN
      4. bantuan luar negeri yang tidak dikembalikan
      1. perdagangan bebas adalah salah satu globalisasi dalam bidang
      2. negara yang menjadi tempat deklarasi perdagangan bebas dikawasan ASEAN
      3. garis yang memisahkan belahan bumi utara dengan belahan bumi selatan
      4. bantuan pemerintah yang diberikan kepada eksportir dalam keringanan pajak
      5. penduduk salah satu pendorong terjadinya perdagangan internasional
      6. pihak yang melakukan import

      10 Clues: pihak yang melakukan importbantuan luar negeri yang tidak dikembalikanjumlah maksimum produk import yang harus dipenuhiperdagangan bebas adalah salah satu globalisasi dalam bidangdarussalam negara penghasil minyak dan gas bumi terbesar di ASEANpenduduk salah satu pendorong terjadinya perdagangan internasional...

      "All Summer In A Day" Vocabulary 2024-04-18

      "All Summer In A Day" Vocabulary crossword puzzle
      1. a rounded swelling that distorts a flat surface
      2. A sudden, violent, and copious outpouring of something
      3. To enjoy or appreciate something fully
      4. suppressed or restrained
      1. the state of being unable to move or be moved
      2. Sound that is softened or subdued, often by being wrapped or covered.
      3. spread throughout
      4. plant leaves, collectively
      5. Characterized by disorderly commotion or agitation.
      6. With the ability to recover quickly from difficult conditions

      10 Clues: spread throughoutsuppressed or restrainedplant leaves, collectivelyTo enjoy or appreciate something fullythe state of being unable to move or be moveda rounded swelling that distorts a flat surfaceCharacterized by disorderly commotion or agitation.A sudden, violent, and copious outpouring of something...

      Midterm EN 2024-04-18

      Midterm EN crossword puzzle
      1. Quick; active
      2. to come into view; to appear
      3. To translate into another language
      4. Not planned
      5. Lasting or seeming to last forever or for a long time; continuous
      6. to fee on growing grass
      7. a person who comes into a country to live there
      8. showing too much pride in oneself
      1. to unit into a whole; especially to end the separation of people of different races
      2. Danger; something that is dangerous
      3. A rough noisy fight
      4. to please greatly; to win over by special charm
      5. a fond or tender feeling
      6. able to catch fire easily
      7. A strong feeling of emotion, especially joy

      15 Clues: Not plannedQuick; activeA rough noisy fightto fee on growing grassa fond or tender feelingable to catch fire easilyto come into view; to appearshowing too much pride in oneselfTo translate into another languageDanger; something that is dangerousA strong feeling of emotion, especially joyto please greatly; to win over by special charm...

      BASE DE DATOS 2024-04-18

      BASE DE DATOS crossword puzzle
      1. Objeto del mundo real que se representa en una base de datos
      2. Tipo de base de datos que no utiliza el modelo relacional
      3. Identificador único de una fila en una tabla
      4. Asegura que los datos en una base de datos sean precisos y consistentes
      5. Proceso para organizar datos en una base de datos de manera eficiente
      6. Acción de extraer información específica de una base de datos utilizando SQL u otro lenguaje de consulta
      1. Organización y gestión de datos en una base de datos o sistema informático
      2. Tipo de base de datos que organiza la información en tablas
      3. Serie de operaciones que se realizan como una unidad en una base de datos
      4. Lenguaje estándar para consultar y manipular bases de datos relacionales
      5. Estructura que mejora la velocidad de búsqueda en una base de datos
      6. Acción automática que se ejecuta en respuesta a un evento en una base de datos
      7. Copia de seguridad de una base de datos
      8. Representación virtual de datos de una o más tablas en una base de datos

      14 Clues: Copia de seguridad de una base de datosIdentificador único de una fila en una tablaTipo de base de datos que no utiliza el modelo relacionalTipo de base de datos que organiza la información en tablasObjeto del mundo real que se representa en una base de datosEstructura que mejora la velocidad de búsqueda en una base de datos...

      Unit 4, Lesson 4 2024-04-18

      Unit 4, Lesson 4 crossword puzzle
      1. I dropped my pen on the _____________.
      2. You must _____________ the drink before you open it.
      3. These are really ____________: the sun, a lightbulb, etc.
      4. You need to ___________ the pot with a lid while cooking rice.
      5. noun form of explode
      6. I ____________ we go home and rest after class.
      7. high, flat area
      1. Maria is very busy. She plays volleyball on Saturdays. ______________, she takes piano lessons on Sundays.
      2. The floor of our classroom is ___________.
      3. John ____________ the crime to the police.
      4. One theory for the explosion in Tunguska is that a ____________ came from outer space.
      5. _____________, I really enjoy being a teacher.
      6. a place where something happened

      13 Clues: high, flat areanoun form of explodea place where something happenedI dropped my pen on the _____________.The floor of our classroom is ___________.John ____________ the crime to the police._____________, I really enjoy being a teacher.I ____________ we go home and rest after class.You must _____________ the drink before you open it....

      MINI CROSSWORD 2024-04-18

      MINI CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
      1. Responsible, Leader, Opinionated, Fun
      2. To express a wish to follow a particular course of action
      1. What your voting Ryan for
      2. Second year in high school

      4 Clues: What your voting Ryan forSecond year in high schoolResponsible, Leader, Opinionated, FunTo express a wish to follow a particular course of action

      Ramadhan Words 2024-04-18

      Ramadhan Words crossword puzzle
      1. senang
      2. pergi
      3. pengalaman
      4. sholat
      5. Puasa
      6. menarik
      7. berkunjung
      1. liburan
      2. tempat
      3. melihat

      10 Clues: pergiPuasasenangsholattempatliburanmenarikmelihatpengalamanberkunjung

      Lesson 1 & 2 Vocabulary 2024-04-18

      Lesson 1 & 2 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
      1. a sweet, sticky substance produced by bees and used as food
      2. the way in which two people are connected with or know each other
      3. a new or difficult task that tests somebody's ability and skill
      4. to remain alive
      5. the situation in which someone or something lives, works, etc.
      6. to take part in an activity
      1. coming from long ago in the past
      2. a small, specific part of something
      3. a small animal that has six legs, and sometimes wings
      4. the activity of working well together as a team
      5. in an imaginative way
      6. to make or create something by a natural process

      12 Clues: to remain alivein an imaginative wayto take part in an activitycoming from long ago in the pasta small, specific part of somethingthe activity of working well together as a teamto make or create something by a natural processa small animal that has six legs, and sometimes wingsa sweet, sticky substance produced by bees and used as food...

      WW Lesson 11 BW 2024-04-18

      WW Lesson 11 BW crossword puzzle
      1. Climbing awkwardly
      2. Boring
      3. To bring to awareness
      4. Final
      5. A six feet measuring stick used to measure water
      6. To break apart
      7. To poke
      1. Heavy material that is used to make a ship steady
      2. To separate
      3. To excite
      4. Unharmed completely
      5. To be underwater
      6. A sharp object with points on the surface
      7. leading to uneasiness
      8. Can float

      15 Clues: FinalBoringTo pokeTo exciteCan floatTo separateTo break apartTo be underwaterClimbing awkwardlyUnharmed completelyTo bring to awarenessleading to uneasinessA sharp object with points on the surfaceA six feet measuring stick used to measure waterHeavy material that is used to make a ship steady

      WW Lesson 11 BW 2024-04-18

      WW Lesson 11 BW crossword puzzle
      1. Climbing awkwardly
      2. Boring
      3. To bring to awareness
      4. Final
      5. A six feet measuring stick used to measure water
      6. To break apart
      7. To poke
      1. Heavy material that is used to make a ship steady
      2. To separate
      3. To excite
      4. Unharmed completely
      5. To be underwater
      6. A sharp object with points on the surface
      7. leading to uneasiness
      8. Can float

      15 Clues: FinalBoringTo pokeTo exciteCan floatTo separateTo break apartTo be underwaterClimbing awkwardlyUnharmed completelyTo bring to awarenessleading to uneasinessA sharp object with points on the surfaceA six feet measuring stick used to measure waterHeavy material that is used to make a ship steady

      WW Lesson 11 BW 2024-04-18

      WW Lesson 11 BW crossword puzzle
      1. Climbing awkwardly
      2. Boring
      3. To bring to awareness
      4. Final
      5. A six feet measuring stick used to measure water
      6. To break apart
      7. To poke
      1. Heavy material that is used to make a ship steady
      2. To separate
      3. To excite
      4. Unharmed completely
      5. To be underwater
      6. A sharp object with points on the surface
      7. leading to uneasiness
      8. Can float

      15 Clues: FinalBoringTo pokeTo exciteCan floatTo separateTo break apartTo be underwaterClimbing awkwardlyUnharmed completelyTo bring to awarenessleading to uneasinessA sharp object with points on the surfaceA six feet measuring stick used to measure waterHeavy material that is used to make a ship steady

      Paper Mario TTYD 2024-04-18

      Paper Mario TTYD crossword puzzle
      1. This character pretends to be Mario
      2. Town next to Hooktail’s castle
      3. A Yellow-Feathered Foe
      4. Fiery creatures at Keyhaul Key
      1. One of three sisters and Mario’s eventual companion
      2. Mario’s “home base”
      3. A Great Tree resides here
      4. Mario’s first folding power ability
      5. _______ Heights

      9 Clues: _______ HeightsMario’s “home base”A Yellow-Feathered FoeA Great Tree resides hereTown next to Hooktail’s castleFiery creatures at Keyhaul KeyMario’s first folding power abilityThis character pretends to be MarioOne of three sisters and Mario’s eventual companion

      Crossword for 'No, Social Media is Not ‘Hijacking’ Your Brain' article 2024-04-18

      Crossword for 'No, Social Media is Not ‘Hijacking’ Your Brain' article crossword puzzle
      1. (adjective) evil
      2. (noun) a set of rules and signals that rank content on a social platform
      3. (noun) the wish to do or have something that you know you should not do or have
      4. (adjective) extremely interesting
      5. (verb) pretend or appear to be someone or something
      6. Extra: You wrote a form of ____ analysis for your WA.
      7. (adjective) using force to persuade people to do things that they are unwilling to do
      8. (adjective) pleasing and effective e.g., ___ gadget
      1. (adjective) immediate
      2. (noun) a way of preventing or acting against something bad
      3. (noun) analysis

      11 Clues: (noun) analysis(adjective) evil(adjective) immediate(adjective) extremely interesting(verb) pretend or appear to be someone or something(adjective) pleasing and effective e.g., ___ gadgetExtra: You wrote a form of ____ analysis for your WA.(noun) a way of preventing or acting against something bad...

      Unveiling Solar Power: Harnessing Sunlight to Energize Homes and Environments 2024-04-18

      Unveiling Solar Power: Harnessing Sunlight to Energize Homes and Environments crossword puzzle
      1. Where AC electricity powers appliances.
      2. Panels Absorb sunlight for energy.
      3. Current Initial form of electricity from solar panels.
      4. Fuels Dirty energy sources.
      5. Inverter's job from DC to AC.
      6. Network for sharing excess electricity.
      7. Flow of power.
      8. Energy Sustainable and eco-friendly power.
      9. Translates DC to AC electricity.
      1. Solar power is friendly to this.
      2. Sunlight particles.
      3. Electrons get amped up.
      4. Able to last over time without harm.
      5. Current Translated electricity for our homes.
      6. Party How electrons react to photon absorption.

      15 Clues: Flow of power.Sunlight particles.Electrons get amped up.Fuels Dirty energy sources.Inverter's job from DC to AC.Solar power is friendly to this.Translates DC to AC electricity.Panels Absorb sunlight for energy.Able to last over time without harm.Where AC electricity powers appliances.Network for sharing excess electricity....

      Camp Songs 2024-04-18

      Camp Songs crossword puzzle
      1. You always scream when you sing this song
      2. Historically, people have been burned at the stake for practicing this
      3. A animated childhood story set in the woods
      4. An old relative's facial hair
      5. An Irish lady who sold seafood
      1. A canon about a bird
      2. A type of flower that grows as a cluster through spring and summer
      3. PAGE ELEVEN!
      4. Serves as hello & goodbye
      5. A very animated way to paddle a canoe

      10 Clues: PAGE ELEVEN!A canon about a birdServes as hello & goodbyeAn old relative's facial hairAn Irish lady who sold seafoodA very animated way to paddle a canoeYou always scream when you sing this songA animated childhood story set in the woodsA type of flower that grows as a cluster through spring and summer...

      ULANGAN HARIAN 4 2024-04-18

      ULANGAN HARIAN 4 crossword puzzle
      1. adalah jenis buahdengan lapisan luar tebal dan keras, lapisan tengah dan dalamnya menyatu. contohnya..
      2. Rambak olshsn kulit sapi yanggurih dan reyah adalah..
      3. kandungan yang terbanyak bahan pangan hasil peternakan dan perikanan
      4. pematangan buah yangditandai dengan proses pematangan hingga pembusukan..
      5. pengolahansetengah jadi dari bahan ketan yang bentuknya pipih.
      6. Pengolahan bahan makanan didalam oven dengan panas dari segala arah dinamakan..
      7. Serat hewan yang memiliki sifat halus, lembut, kuat dan memiliki daya jual tinggi.
      8. kapur untuk merendam kulit sapi dalam proses pembuatan kerupuk rambak adalah..
      1. bengkoangtermasuk jenis umbi, digunakan sebagai produk kecantikan yaitu..
      2. merebus bahan makanan dibawah titik didih dengan menggunakan cairan yang terbatas jumlahnya..
      3. Olahan setengah jadi dari daging sapi,dengan ciri pipih, tipis dan kering..
      4. Olahan setengah jadi dari bahan ikan dilumatkan, bahan ini dibekukan kemudian dilelehkan menjadi makanan jadi.
      5. kerajinan yang dibuat dengan teknik ..
      6. paper clay adalah salah satu bahan buatan dari...
      7. pisang pengemasan yang baik untuk makanan berupa pepes ikan teriadalah..
      8. nipis Agar saat mengolah ikan bau amisnya berkurang, ikan direndam..
      9. Rotan pada umumnya diolah dengan cara..
      10. Laos, kunyit, jahe, digolongkan kelompok...
      11. Tuna Bahan utama pembuatan bakso ikan, berasal dari laut yaitu..

      19 Clues: kerajinan yang dibuat dengan teknik ..Rotan pada umumnya diolah dengan cara..Laos, kunyit, jahe, digolongkan kelompok...paper clay adalah salah satu bahan buatan dari...Rambak olshsn kulit sapi yanggurih dan reyah adalah..pengolahansetengah jadi dari bahan ketan yang bentuknya pipih.Tuna Bahan utama pembuatan bakso ikan, berasal dari laut yaitu.....

      Puzzle 2024-04-18

      Puzzle crossword puzzle
      1. Produce
      2. antibullying
      3. antitheft
      1. progressive
      2. Antibiotic
      3. professor
      4. Probation
      5. anticlockwise

      8 Clues: ProduceprofessorProbationantitheftAntibioticprogressiveantibullyinganticlockwise

      The Palm-Wine Drinkard 2024-04-18

      The Palm-Wine Drinkard crossword puzzle
      1. This killed many people from the Drinkard's home town
      2. What the Drinkard drank with his friends when he returned home
      3. All their travels resulted in this one object
      4. Owing money
      5. The creatures were dancing here
      6. Putting off a court case to a later date
      7. The Drinkard turned his wife into this more than once
      8. Heaven stopped providing this after fighting with Land
      1. What the creatures asked the wife to do
      2. The creatures were dancing in these shapes
      3. What the Drinkard turned himself into to escape the creatures
      4. This caused the disagreement between Land and Heaven
      5. The creatures resembled these
      6. Name of the town they stopped at
      7. What the Drinkard used to cut the creatures stomach open
      8. Who saved the man and his wife?

      16 Clues: Owing moneyThe creatures resembled theseThe creatures were dancing hereWho saved the man and his wife?Name of the town they stopped atWhat the creatures asked the wife to doPutting off a court case to a later dateThe creatures were dancing in these shapesAll their travels resulted in this one object...

      The Palm-Wine Drinkard 2024-04-18

      The Palm-Wine Drinkard crossword puzzle
      1. This killed many people from the Drinkard's home town
      2. What the Drinkard drank with his friends when he returned home
      3. All their travels resulted in this one object
      4. Owing money
      5. The creatures were dancing here
      6. Putting off a court case to a later date
      7. The Drinkard turned his wife into this more than once
      8. Heaven stopped providing this after fighting with Land
      1. What the creatures asked the wife to do
      2. The creatures were dancing in these shapes
      3. What the Drinkard turned himself into to escape the creatures
      4. This caused the disagreement between Land and Heaven
      5. The creatures resembled these
      6. Name of the town they stopped at
      7. What the Drinkard used to cut the creatures stomach open
      8. Who saved the man and his wife

      16 Clues: Owing moneyThe creatures resembled theseWho saved the man and his wifeThe creatures were dancing hereName of the town they stopped atWhat the creatures asked the wife to doPutting off a court case to a later dateThe creatures were dancing in these shapesAll their travels resulted in this one object...

      Unit 5 APHUG Crossword 2024-04-18

      Unit 5 APHUG Crossword crossword puzzle
      1. Subsistence farming: minimal labor, capital input; nomadic herding, swidden
      2. Transition stage services surpass goods in economic significance
      3. Culture's knowledge, skills, tools, and methods for productivity
      4. regulated production and distribution of goods and services
      5. Privately produced goods and services distributed through monetary exchange
      6. Extraction of non-renewable minerals through mining and quarrying
      7. Economic sector extracting and processing natural resources
      8. Market-focused farm specializing in fruit and vegetable cultivation
      9. Self-sufficient economy with basic technology meeting family needs.
      10. Economic sector facilitating exchange, market availability, and service provision
      11. resource not replenished or replaced by natural processes
      12. Rearing fish and shellfish in controlled aquatic environments
      13. Complete removal of forest cover by land clearing
      14. Economic sector processing raw materials to enhance value
      15. genetic material has been altered through biotechnology
      16. labor/capital intensive, yielding valuable produce
      17. Extensive farming: low labor, capital input, focusing on range herding
      18. Cultivating soil and raising livestock through farming practices
      1. Model developed by Johann Heinrich von Thünen
      2. Mediterranean climate: mild winters, hot summers
      3. farm specializing in intensive fruit and vegetable cultivation
      4. Sustainable resource replenishing through natural processes
      5. high labor/capital input, yielding valuable produce
      6. human-induced changes extending arid landscapes
      7. Controlled migration of livestock reliant solely on natural forage
      8. Goods and services produced for competitive markets, supply-driven economy
      9. necessary feature or material in the environment
      10. Cultivation on tropical forest clearings until soil fertility diminishes
      11. Process of creating a product, linking buyers, suppliers, materials.
      12. Essential environmental element vital for population's maintenance

      30 Clues: Model developed by Johann Heinrich von Thünenhuman-induced changes extending arid landscapesMediterranean climate: mild winters, hot summersnecessary feature or material in the environmentComplete removal of forest cover by land clearinglabor/capital intensive, yielding valuable producehigh labor/capital input, yielding valuable produce...

      Faris & Sara 2024-04-18

      Faris & Sara crossword puzzle
      1. On my vision board
      2. I'm your honey, you're my
      3. Favorite flowers
      4. Around my neck
      5. Sunday ritual
      6. Our time
      7. How I feel with you
      8. Until the end of time, and more after that
      9. For the drama
      10. Study spot nickname
      11. On your dashboard
      12. Where we met
      1. From the Book Loft
      2. During study breaks in the stairs
      3. Local ice cream spot
      4. Movie on the Oval
      5. Most
      6. Ideal Friday night
      7. "When we're on the phone, and you talk real slow, 'Cause it's late, and your mama don't know"
      8. A special game in D.C.
      9. Sushi spot in NYC
      10. Football game where you hit send
      11. Pink octopus
      12. North campus street

      24 Clues: MostOur timePink octopusWhere we metSunday ritualFor the dramaAround my neckFavorite flowersMovie on the OvalSushi spot in NYCOn your dashboardFrom the Book LoftOn my vision boardIdeal Friday nightHow I feel with youStudy spot nicknameNorth campus streetLocal ice cream spotA special game in D.C.I'm your honey, you're my...

      Greece Research Crossword 18 Apr 2024 2024-04-18

      Greece Research Crossword 18 Apr 2024 crossword puzzle
      1. the fauna or flora of a region
      2. a mountainous antelope found in tropical areas of Europe
      3. a less-detailed diagram showing the predator, consumer, and producer of a habitat
      4. an organism that is eaten by another organism
      5. warm in humid climate near the equator
      6. an organism that only consumes producers
      7. an organism that consumes both meat and plants
      8. large bear with a colour coat of brown
      1. an organism that decays other organisms flesh
      2. an organism that only consumes animals
      3. an organism that makes their own food
      4. an organism that consumes animals, the opposite of prey
      5. a detailed diagram showing all the predators, consumer, and producer of a habitat.
      6. an organism that eats other organisms
      7. the capital of Greece

      15 Clues: the capital of Greecethe fauna or flora of a regionan organism that makes their own foodan organism that eats other organismsan organism that only consumes animalswarm in humid climate near the equatorlarge bear with a colour coat of brownan organism that only consumes producersan organism that decays other organisms flesh...

      The Palm-Wine Drinkard 2024-04-18

      The Palm-Wine Drinkard crossword puzzle
      1. This killed many people from the Drinkard's home town
      2. What the Drinkard drank with his friends when he returned home
      3. All their travels resulted in this one object
      4. Owing money
      5. The creatures were dancing here
      6. Putting off a court case to a later date
      7. The Drinkard turned his wife into this more than once
      8. Heaven stopped providing this after fighting with Land
      1. What the creatures asked the wife to do
      2. The creatures were dancing in these shapes
      3. What the Drinkard turned himself into to escape the creatures
      4. This caused the disagreement between Land and Heaven
      5. The creatures resembled these
      6. Name of the town they stopped at
      7. The Drinkard used this to cut the creatures stomach open
      8. Who saved the man and his wife

      16 Clues: Owing moneyThe creatures resembled theseWho saved the man and his wifeThe creatures were dancing hereName of the town they stopped atWhat the creatures asked the wife to doPutting off a court case to a later dateThe creatures were dancing in these shapesAll their travels resulted in this one object...

      In service assignment # 3 2024-04-18

      In service assignment # 3 crossword puzzle
      1. poor --- pacing can cause one to be overwhelmed
      2. the frontal --- controls reasoning and thinking
      3. handling small tasks daily prevents this
      4. this autonomic system can calm the body
      5. difficulty sleeping due to stress
      6. in this phase the body tries to become balanced
      7. this system in the brain controls emotions
      1. trying to be 100% perfect is a quest for ___
      2. a behavioral stress related problem
      3. occurs when the body remains in stress mode
      4. this hormone calms the body down when stressed
      5. in this phase, the body prepares to fight

      12 Clues: difficulty sleeping due to stressa behavioral stress related problemthis autonomic system can calm the bodyhandling small tasks daily prevents thisin this phase, the body prepares to fightthis system in the brain controls emotionsoccurs when the body remains in stress modetrying to be 100% perfect is a quest for ___...

      Revisão: Átomos, moléculas e substâncias 2024-04-18

      Revisão: Átomos, moléculas e substâncias crossword puzzle
      1. É a temperatura na qual uma substância passa do estado líquido para o estado gasoso.
      2. São partículas subatômicas com carga negativa encontradas orbitando em torno do núcleo de um átomo.
      3. É o processo pelo qual uma substância passa do estado líquido para o estado sólido.
      4. São as unidades básicas constituintes da matéria, compostas por um núcleo central contendo prótons e nêutrons, com elétrons orbitando ao redor do núcleo.
      5. É a temperatura na qual uma substância passa do estado sólido para o estado líquido.
      6. É uma mistura na qual os componentes estão "bem misturados", de forma que não é possível distinguir visualmente os diferentes componentes.
      7. É o processo pelo qual uma substância passa do estado gasoso para o estado líquido.
      8. São unidades formadas por dois ou mais átomos ligados quimicamente entre si, podendo ser do mesmo elemento ou de elementos diferentes.
      9. Refere-se ao estado em que uma substância se encontra, podendo ser sólido, líquido ou gasoso, dependendo das condições de temperatura e pressão.
      1. É uma mistura na qual os componentes não estão "bem misturados" distribuídos e é possível distinguir visualmente os diferentes componentes ou fases da mistura
      2. Elemento químico representado pelo símbolo C. Essencial para a vida, presente em compostos orgânicos e materiais como carvão e diamante.
      3. É uma disposição dos elementos químicos em ordem crescente de número atômico, organizados de acordo com suas propriedades químicas e físicas
      4. São substâncias formadas por dois ou mais tipos de átomos diferentes, combinados em proporções fixas.
      5. São partículas subatômicas sem carga elétrica (neutras) encontradas no núcleo de um átomo.
      6. É o processo pelo qual uma substância passa diretamente do estado sólido para o estado gasoso, sem passar pelo estado líquido intermediário.
      7. São substâncias formadas por apenas um tipo de átomo.
      8. É o processo pelo qual uma substância passa do estado sólido para o estado líquido.
      9. Elemento químico representado pelo símbolo O. Vital para a respiração e combustão, encontrado na atmosfera e em diversos compostos.
      10. São partículas subatômicas com carga positiva encontradas no núcleo de um átomo.

      19 Clues: São substâncias formadas por apenas um tipo de átomo.São partículas subatômicas com carga positiva encontradas no núcleo de um átomo.É o processo pelo qual uma substância passa do estado sólido para o estado líquido.É o processo pelo qual uma substância passa do estado líquido para o estado sólido....

      Tipos de autoridad y jerarquia 2024-04-18

      Tipos de autoridad  y jerarquia crossword puzzle
      1. personal,se denomina función de recurso humano al órgano de gestión empresarial responsable de las decisiones y acciones.
      2. Industriales , se refieren al estudio y la gestión de las relaciones entre los empleadores y los empleados, así comoentre los empleados mismos, en el contexto de la industria
      3. humanos , son un departamento dentro de las empresas en el que se gestiona todo lo relacionado con las personas que trabajan en ella.
      1. ,conjunto sistemático de reglas para lograr la máxima eficiencia en las formas de estructurar y manejar un organismo social”.
      2. humanas en el trabajo,proceso de formación de los recursos humanos que atiende sus necesidades, asiste en la resolución de conflictos y fomenta una cultura de trabajo estable y agradable.

      5 Clues: personal,se denomina función de recurso humano al órgano de gestión empresarial responsable de las decisiones y acciones.,conjunto sistemático de reglas para lograr la máxima eficiencia en las formas de estructurar y manejar un organismo social”....

      lila 2024-04-18

      lila crossword puzzle
      1. class i do NOT have
      2. day 1
      3. hugos name for you
      4. animal dopelganger
      5. most beautiful
      6. (bad) star
      7. the day i know you love me
      8. rapper i aspire to be
      9. best season
      10. (good) star
      11. show character i aspire to be
      12. the pet you killed
      13. your cat
      14. what i call you
      1. thing we did first time we hangout 1:1
      2. louboutin store
      3. abv. how we communicate most
      4. least favourite attribute of mine
      5. "devil wears prada" Anne Hathway
      6. girl version
      7. artist maddoc likes
      8. fortune teller from an unbelievable story
      9. good magazine, bad song/dance
      10. my old school
      11. daily text
      12. abv. unpronouncable state
      13. raf
      14. maddoc
      15. lila and other ____
      16. drag race
      17. 6 months

      31 Clues: rafday 1maddocyour cat6 monthsdrag race(bad) stardaily textbest season(good) stargirl versionmy old schoolmost beautifullouboutin storewhat i call youhugos name for youanimal dopelgangerthe pet you killedclass i do NOT haveartist maddoc likeslila and other ____rapper i aspire to beabv. unpronouncable statethe day i know you love me...

      5th Spelling - Test 4/29 2024-04-18

      5th Spelling - Test 4/29 crossword puzzle
      1. instrument measuring atmospheric pressure
      2. made afraid
      3. in the habit of
      4. sleep during winter
      5. to collect or gather
      6. causing emotional disturbance
      7. to have happened
      8. unbelieving
      9. more desirable than another
      10. dependent on a season
      11. increasing by addition
      12. to make straight
      1. to protect from heat or cold or noise
      2. instrument measuring temperature
      3. to give pardon to
      4. to take place
      5. long narrow sled without runners
      6. beyond belief or understanding
      7. dealing with electricity
      8. to tell the truth
      9. snow storm with strong wind
      10. below zero temperature
      11. to give a final draft; to comply

      23 Clues: made afraidunbelievingto take placein the habit ofto have happenedto make straightto give pardon toto tell the truthsleep during winterto collect or gatherdependent on a seasonbelow zero temperatureincreasing by additiondealing with electricitysnow storm with strong windmore desirable than anothercausing emotional disturbance...

      Patch 14.8 Crossword 2024-04-18

      Patch 14.8 Crossword crossword puzzle
      1. Slowed him down
      2. Attacks enemies closest to _______, not the blades
      3. Buffed umbral unit
      4. Only encounter that was changed this patch
      5. +100 base hp buff
      6. Mort speaks for an hour
      7. two less mana per attack (augment)
      8. Tattoo buffed
      9. Damage for every surviving unit
      10. Base 1200 HP
      11. 25/100 -> 30/90 Mana
      12. Increased execute threshold
      13. Base 1200 HP
      14. Two cost with increased ability heal
      15. True damage: 5/10/12/18% -> 5/10/10/15%
      1. 0/50 -> 10/60 Mana
      2. One less AP per stack
      3. +1% damage bonus buff
      4. four turns to transform
      5. Base 1200 HP
      6. best COACHELLA act
      7. Oldest man at Coachella
      8. Trait that heals tactician
      9. One cost unit with increased Ability Shield
      10. base 1200 HP
      11. Only level to receive changes in shop
      12. +100hp or +50hp buff, depends

      27 Clues: Base 1200 HPBase 1200 HPbase 1200 HPBase 1200 HPTattoo buffedSlowed him down+100 base hp buff0/50 -> 10/60 ManaBuffed umbral unitbest COACHELLA act25/100 -> 30/90 ManaOne less AP per stack+1% damage bonus bufffour turns to transformOldest man at CoachellaMort speaks for an hourTrait that heals tacticianIncreased execute threshold...

      SOLAT JENAZAH 2024-04-18

      SOLAT JENAZAH crossword puzzle
      1. Has a trunk
      2. Flying mammal
      3. Man's best friend
      1. Likes to chase mice
      2. Large marsupial

      5 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase mice

      science researcher 2024-04-18

      science researcher crossword puzzle
      1. what is analyzed
      2. what needs to be worn in a lab
      3. investigation of a question
      4. the study of the brain and its functions
      5. the highest form of a degree
      1. the overall idea
      2. where many scientist work
      3. whats the proof?
      4. preformed to prove a question
      5. a visual of data

      10 Clues: the overall ideawhat is analyzedwhats the proof?a visual of datawhere many scientist workinvestigation of a questionthe highest form of a degreepreformed to prove a questionwhat needs to be worn in a labthe study of the brain and its functions

      HH2 Vocab #16 2024-04-18

      HH2 Vocab #16 crossword puzzle
      1. A humorous imitation of serious writing
      2. a feeling of anxiety or uncertainty
      3. a lack of emotion or caring
      4. a representation, often a drawing that exaggerates or distorts features of the subject
      5. a superficial, often deceptive, outer layer
      6. lacking willingness or energy to accomplish anything
      1. not stated outright but understood
      2. unwilling to speak
      3. tending to give instruction or advice, even when it is not needed
      4. to criticize or rebuke gently for a fault
      5. A brief saying that embodies a moral or expresses a general observation about life in a clever way
      6. to complain
      7. An idea or expression that has become tired and trite from overuse
      8. a person who is fanatical or holds extreme and passionate views on a particular topic
      9. Short witty poem or saying using satire or sarcasm or irony

      15 Clues: to complainunwilling to speaka lack of emotion or caringnot stated outright but understooda feeling of anxiety or uncertaintyA humorous imitation of serious writingto criticize or rebuke gently for a faulta superficial, often deceptive, outer layerlacking willingness or energy to accomplish anything...

      ME!!!!! 2024-04-18

      ME!!!!! crossword puzzle
      1. fav candy
      2. fav energy drink
      3. fav subject
      4. fav food
      1. fav color
      2. fav drink

      6 Clues: fav foodfav colorfav candyfav drinkfav subjectfav energy drink

      Capital City (Worldwide) 2024-04-18

      Capital City (Worldwide) crossword puzzle
      1. France
      2. Belgium
      3. Japan
      4. Hungary
      5. Taiwan
      6. Ireland
      7. Finland
      8. Netherlands
      9. Indonesia
      1. Poland
      2. Germany
      3. Spain
      4. Portugal
      5. Switzerland
      6. South Korea
      7. Sweden
      8. Norway
      9. Tunisia
      10. Italy
      11. Austria

      20 Clues: SpainJapanItalyPolandFranceSwedenNorwayTaiwanGermanyBelgiumHungaryTunisiaIrelandFinlandAustriaPortugalIndonesiaSwitzerlandSouth KoreaNetherlands

      History: Jenna and Nate 2024-04-18

      History:  Jenna and Nate crossword puzzle
      1. City where Nate and Jenna live
      2. BIG State Destination we visited summer 2023
      3. Farm you are on right now?
      4. Jenna's zodiac sign
      5. What month is it?
      6. number of years (approx) Jenna and Nate have been together.
      7. Number of siblings Jenna has
      8. Number of siblings Nate has
      9. State where Jenna and Nate met.
      10. Month Nate was born in
      1. Name of officiant today
      2. Month Jenna was born in
      3. Blue Color suit Nate and groomsmen wore
      4. Nate's zodiac sign
      5. Month Jenna and Nate got engaged
      6. Who played music at the ceremony

      16 Clues: What month is it?Nate's zodiac signJenna's zodiac signMonth Nate was born inName of officiant todayMonth Jenna was born inFarm you are on right now?Number of siblings Nate hasNumber of siblings Jenna hasCity where Nate and Jenna liveState where Jenna and Nate met.Month Jenna and Nate got engagedWho played music at the ceremony...

      The Palm-Wine Drinkard 2024-04-18

      The Palm-Wine Drinkard crossword puzzle
      1. Putting off a court case to a later date
      2. The Drinkard used this to cut the creatures stomach open
      3. Heaven stopped providing this after fighting with Land
      4. Name of the town they stopped at
      5. Owing money
      6. They saved the man and his wife
      7. This caused the disagreement between Land and Heaven
      8. What the Drinkard turned himself into to escape the creatures
      9. "Hunger is the cry of a..."
      1. The creatures resembled these
      2. What the creatures asked the wife to do
      3. This killed many people from the Drinkard's home town
      4. The creatures were dancing here
      5. The Drinkard turned his wife into this more than once
      6. What the Drinkard drank with his friends when he got home
      7. The creatures were dancing in this shape
      8. All their travels resulted in this one object

      17 Clues: Owing money"Hunger is the cry of a..."The creatures resembled theseThe creatures were dancing hereThey saved the man and his wifeName of the town they stopped atWhat the creatures asked the wife to doPutting off a court case to a later dateThe creatures were dancing in this shapeAll their travels resulted in this one object...

      Teka - teki silang IPAS 2024-04-18

      Teka - teki silang IPAS crossword puzzle
      1. Alat musik dari papua
      2. rumah adat sulawesi Utara
      3. Ogung alat musik di
      4. Rumah adat suku batak toba
      5. Rumah adat joglo dari jawa
      1. gondang alat musik dari suku
      2. rumah gadang dari provinsi
      3. Alat musik dari sumatera barat
      4. Baju adat papua
      5. Rumah adat papua

      10 Clues: Baju adat papuaRumah adat papuaOgung alat musik diAlat musik dari papuarumah adat sulawesi Utararumah gadang dari provinsiRumah adat suku batak tobaRumah adat joglo dari jawagondang alat musik dari sukuAlat musik dari sumatera barat

      Econ Chapter 10 Vocabulary 2024-04-18

      Econ Chapter 10 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
      1. the United State's central banking system.
      2. when a large group of people withdraw more money than the bank has.
      3. measure of money that is in savings accounts, checking deposits, cash, and deposits that can be readily converted to cash.
      4. a bank account that funds can be withdrawn from at any time without a notice in advance.
      5. a type of savings account offered by banks and credit unions that holds a fixed amount of money for a fixed amount of time.
      1. is ordered as an acceptable means to pay debts.
      2. objects that have values for themselves as well as for use as money.
      3. paper currency that was issued by the North in the American Civil War.
      4. a government agency that ensures customer deposits if a bank fails.
      5. currency with the public + demand deposits with the banking system.

      10 Clues: the United State's central banking ordered as an acceptable means to pay debts.when a large group of people withdraw more money than the bank has.a government agency that ensures customer deposits if a bank fails.currency with the public + demand deposits with the banking system....

      unit 8 chapter 1 vocab 2024-04-18

      unit 8 chapter 1 vocab crossword puzzle
      1. to keep alive
      2. the act of making people move to a new place against their will
      3. to suggest something without saying it directly
      4. a separate area of land in the United States set aside for Native Americans to live on
      5. to believe something is true despite not knowing all the facts
      6. discomfort felt when different people or groups disagree and feel anger toward each other; a strain
      1. to disagree, differ, or say or do the opposite of something
      2. originating in a certain location or region
      3. a conclusion or view that comes from knowing some, but not all, of the facts
      4. n. a right someone has because he or she was born into a specific group or family, or because it is a right of all people belonging to that group
      5. n. A belief or statement taken for granted without proof.
      6. to find out by reasoning; to arrive at a conclusion on the basis of thought; to hint, suggest, imply

      12 Clues: to keep aliveoriginating in a certain location or regionto suggest something without saying it directlyto disagree, differ, or say or do the opposite of somethingn. A belief or statement taken for granted without believe something is true despite not knowing all the factsthe act of making people move to a new place against their will...

      Robotic Surgery 2024-04-18

      Robotic Surgery crossword puzzle
      1. The first surgery made with a robotic system
      2. Procedure made by a surgeon
      3. An act of surgery performed on a patient
      1. A combination of readouts or displays and an input device (such as a keyboard or switches)
      2. Theater A room in a hospital specially equipped for surgical operations
      3. Being made by robotic parts
      4. VINCI Name of the first robotic system approved by the FDA
      5. Who made the first robotic arm?

      8 Clues: Procedure made by a surgeonBeing made by robotic partsWho made the first robotic arm?An act of surgery performed on a patientThe first surgery made with a robotic systemVINCI Name of the first robotic system approved by the FDATheater A room in a hospital specially equipped for surgical operations...

      Proklamasi Kemerdekaan 2024-04-18

      Proklamasi Kemerdekaan crossword puzzle
      1. negara yang paling terakhir mengakui kemerdekaan Indonesia
      2. negara yang pertama kali mengakui kemerdekaan Indonesia
      3. Bagaimana sikap dunia internasional terhadap proklamasi kemerdekaan?
      4. Siapakah yang memproklamasikan kemerdekaan Indonesia?
      5. Bagaimana reaksi awal pemerintah Belanda terhadap proklamasi kemerdekaan?
      6. Siapa yang membacakan teks proklamasi
      7. tempat proklamasi kemerdekaan dibacakan
      8. merumuskan dasar negara dan konstitusi bagi Indonesia yang merdeka
      9. Apakah nama pertempuran yang terjadi setelah proklamasi kemerdekaan?
      10. nama wakil presiden yang mendampingi soekarno saat proklamasi
      1. Apakah nama dokumen yang berisi teks proklamasi?
      2. Siapakah yang menandatangani perjanjian yang mengakui kemerdekaan Indonesia?
      3. Sifat perjuangan sebelum kemerdekaan
      4. Apa yang dilakukan oleh Soekarno setelah membacakan teks proklamasi?
      5. Siapakah yang memberikan dukungan kepada proklamasi kemerdekaan?
      6. Apa yang dilakukan oleh pemimpin Indonesia setelah proklamasi kemerdekaan?
      7. Apa yang dilakukan rakyat Indonesia untuk merayakan proklamasi kemerdekaan?
      8. Bulan proklamasi kemerdekaan dibacakan
      9. Apa yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah Indonesia untuk mengamankan kemerdekaan?
      10. Apa yang terjadi di berbagai daerah setelah proklamasi kemerdekaan?

      20 Clues: Sifat perjuangan sebelum kemerdekaanSiapa yang membacakan teks proklamasiBulan proklamasi kemerdekaan dibacakantempat proklamasi kemerdekaan dibacakanApakah nama dokumen yang berisi teks proklamasi?Siapakah yang memproklamasikan kemerdekaan Indonesia?negara yang pertama kali mengakui kemerdekaan Indonesia...

      Joy luck club 2024-04-18

      Joy luck club crossword puzzle
      1. Chinese block game
      2. Rose's mom
      3. Lindos Step Mom
      4. PLace where waverly was named after
      5. Party in which an officer had children with suyuan
      6. Lindos daughter,nationally ranked chess player
      7. Ying Yings husband
      8. Lindo's first husband
      9. Man who taught waverly chess
      10. Waverly's Fiance
      11. Mother of Waverly, corner in mahjong
      12. Waverly's daughter
      13. Ying yings daughter
      1. Waverly's First husband
      2. Waverly's brother, died in a car crash
      3. Suyuans child from her other marriage
      4. Traitor to your elders
      5. Calls Rose vietnamese
      6. Jing Mei's Father
      7. Rose's ex-husband
      8. Ying Ying's caretaker
      9. Main setting of the book
      10. An-mei's grandma
      11. Drowned at the beach
      12. Waverly's dad
      13. Club where the moms played mahjong
      14. Suyuans child from her other marriage
      15. Died from a brain aneurysm
      16. Respect for your elders
      17. suyuans daughter
      18. Cliffords wife

      31 Clues: Rose's momWaverly's dadCliffords wifeLindos Step MomAn-mei's grandmasuyuans daughterWaverly's FianceJing Mei's FatherRose's ex-husbandChinese block gameYing Yings husbandWaverly's daughterYing yings daughterDrowned at the beachCalls Rose vietnameseYing Ying's caretakerLindo's first husbandTraitor to your eldersWaverly's First husband...

      Purple Hibiscus 2024-04-18

      Purple Hibiscus crossword puzzle
      1. This flower is a symbol of freedom and breaking away from the norm
      2. What Aunty Ifeoma’s university wants to be restored to man
      3. This character feels happier and more comfortable following the customs (or lack of customs, at times) of Aunty Ifeoma’s house. He also begins to feel more comfortable asking questions and expressing himself
      1. This is a practice that Aunty Ifeoma’s family does during the rosary that Kambili’s family never did and considered sacrilegious
      2. What Amaka wants to be when she’s older
      3. This character’s garden and makeup choices represent freedom and life, which is also reflected in her character and personality
      4. This character contrasts Kambili in many ways, including in her freedom and joy of expression as well as her pride of Nigerian heritage and culture. She also views Kambili as more of a stereotype than a person

      7 Clues: What Amaka wants to be when she’s olderWhat Aunty Ifeoma’s university wants to be restored to manThis flower is a symbol of freedom and breaking away from the normThis character’s garden and makeup choices represent freedom and life, which is also reflected in her character and personality...

      History: Jenna and Nate 2024-04-18

      History:  Jenna and Nate crossword puzzle
      1. Name of officiant today
      2. State where Jenna and Nate met.
      3. number of years (approx) Jenna and Nate have been together.
      4. City where Nate and Jenna live
      5. Total number of living grandparents
      6. Farm you are on right now?
      1. Who played music at the wedding
      2. BIG state destination of summer 2023
      3. Number of siblings Jenna has
      4. Number of siblings Nate has

      10 Clues: Name of officiant todayFarm you are on right now?Number of siblings Nate hasNumber of siblings Jenna hasCity where Nate and Jenna liveWho played music at the weddingState where Jenna and Nate met.Total number of living grandparentsBIG state destination of summer 2023number of years (approx) Jenna and Nate have been together.

      Spelling and Descriptive Phrases (Set 4) 2024-04-18

      Spelling and Descriptive Phrases (Set 4) crossword puzzle
      1. Sam’s _____ to have a games corner in the school canteen was well-received.
      2. During the school holidays, we went on an ______ adventure as we hiked through mountains and rode horses along the beach.
      3. Manny’s parents were pleased with his _____ to have a family picnic.
      4. The magician was so _____ that the children were glued to their seats.
      5. I heard an _______ for donations on behalf of the earthquake victims on the radio.
      6. The _____ museum allows you to touch and play with the exhibits.
      7. The library is a great place to find _____ about the extinct animals.
      1. Cally forgot her cap; _____, she enjoyed basking under the sun and playing at the beach with her friends.
      2. Starting a reading corner in the classroom was a great _____ by the students.
      3. Tracy ______ thanks her fans for attending her concert.
      4. The Lego set took ______ effort to build but it was worth it as we had a lot of fun piecing it together.
      5. Martin took the _____ to clean up the classroom after school without being asked.
      6. The house is _____ neat despite the celebrations this morning.
      7. Walking past the old, abandoned house gave me a _____ feeling.
      8. He was _____ of people who were selling concert tickets on social media platforms – it could be a scam!

      15 Clues: Tracy ______ thanks her fans for attending her concert.The house is _____ neat despite the celebrations this morning.Walking past the old, abandoned house gave me a _____ feeling.The _____ museum allows you to touch and play with the exhibits.Manny’s parents were pleased with his _____ to have a family picnic....

      Trivia about Me 2024-04-18

      Trivia about Me crossword puzzle
      1. How old am I turning this year?

        1 Clue: How old am I turning this year?

        4th Spelling - Test 4/29 2024-04-18

        4th Spelling - Test 4/29 crossword puzzle
        1. reflecting light
        2. pleasing taste
        3. the most nice
        4. not changeable
        5. lack of attention or thought
        6. feeling or showing gratitude
        7. to be observed
        8. subject to change
        9. pleasing to the eye
        1. gentle and mild
        2. readily noticed
        3. to meet desire
        4. to bring observation to
        5. alone, secluded
        6. very accurate
        7. causing worry or anxiety
        8. to be observing
        9. to make acceptable
        10. necessary
        11. to add energy to; to give direction

        20 Clues: necessarythe most nicevery accuratepleasing tasteto meet desirenot changeableto be observedgentle and mildreadily noticedalone, secludedto be observingreflecting lightsubject to changeto make acceptablepleasing to the eyeto bring observation tocausing worry or anxietylack of attention or thoughtfeeling or showing gratitude...

        TTS SENI BUDAYA 2024-04-18

        TTS SENI BUDAYA crossword puzzle
        1. aktivitas penghargaaan yang dilakukan sebagai hasil penggunaan dan penilaian
        2. Motif hias yang menggunakan bentuk-bentuk hewan
        3. ragam hias yang mempunyai bentuk dasar segitiga sama kaki
        4. merupakan ragam hias yang menggunakan objek manusia
        5. motif hias yang dikembangkan dari bentuk-bentuk geometri
        1. jenis aliran senilukis yang berbentuk geometris berupa kubus
        2. motif ragam hias memiliki bentuk dasar menyerupai huruf S
        3. merupakan aliran senilukis yang berusaha menampilkan suatu lukisan indah dan fantastik
        4. unsur yang digambarkan pada gaya yang sesuai dengan kenyataan yang ada
        5. moti fragam hias yang menggunakan bentu ktumbuhan

        10 Clues: Motif hias yang menggunakan bentuk-bentuk hewanmoti fragam hias yang menggunakan bentu ktumbuhanmerupakan ragam hias yang menggunakan objek manusiamotif hias yang dikembangkan dari bentuk-bentuk geometrimotif ragam hias memiliki bentuk dasar menyerupai huruf Sragam hias yang mempunyai bentuk dasar segitiga sama kaki...

        Joy Luck Club 2024-04-18

        Joy Luck Club crossword puzzle
        1. Who does Rose divorce
        2. what color was the pendant
        3. Jing Mei's best quality
        4. woman who lives in a house with lower status than wives
        5. what festival did Lindo get lost at
        6. Who is Waverly's fiance
        7. Who dies in half and half
        8. first name of the author
        9. Jing-mei hated this as a child
        10. What face part was crooked for the Jongs
        11. which symbolizes a good marriage for Lindo
        12. Lindo is from here
        13. Yingying's daughter
        14. who found Lindo when she got lost
        15. what symbolizes prosperity
        16. Jing-Mei's mom wanted her to be a
        1. the neighborhood the St Clairs move to is
        2. Jing Mei's American name
        3. What do the fake pearls represent
        4. How does bing die
        5. the largest Asian country
        6. is the game played in the Joy Luck Club
        7. Ying Ying said to not go here
        8. what does Suyuan give Jing-mei as a gift
        9. this burns an-mei
        10. food that gives the title of Best Quality
        11. waverly plays this game
        12. An-mei's mother showed this to her family
        13. respecting elders
        14. what color was the candle
        15. how many prologues are there
        16. what was the crab missing

        32 Clues: How does bing diethis burns an-meirespecting eldersLindo is from hereYingying's daughterWho does Rose divorceJing Mei's best qualityWho is Waverly's fiancewaverly plays this gameJing Mei's American namefirst name of the authorthe largest Asian countryWho dies in half and halfwhat color was the candlewhat was the crab missing...

        Test 2024-04-18

        Test crossword puzzle
        1. annoying
        1. ready
        2. excited
        3. frustrated

        4 Clues: readyexcitedannoyingfrustrated

        For the Crossword QUEEN 2024-04-18

        For the Crossword QUEEN crossword puzzle
        1. A name for your friends
        2. Refer to #12
        3. One of your favorite colors
        4. The name of Aly’s horse
        5. what’s your dream pet
        6. Your Chicken
        7. Sam’s favorite number
        8. Duane’s Government name
        9. A “Lynette back”
        10. Apple Music’s artist of the year
        11. Sophie’s volleyball number
        12. Bonnie’s team
        13. Jerry ?
        14. Katie’s happy place
        1. Your 24th birthday
        2. Victor’s youngest child’s name
        3. Griffs sport
        4. Who signs your checks
        5. A mutual favorite of yours and Kylie
        6. The franchise Sean played professionally for
        7. Your spirit of choice
        8. The mother of Finn
        9. Haley’s favorite album
        10. Nancy’s favorite color
        11. Candace’s team
        12. Mikey’s Gym
        13. Jimmy’s sport of choice
        14. Jacks homeland
        15. YOUR manager
        16. One of your Halloween costumes
        17. Abv. For popular crosswords
        18. Tony’s dog

        32 Clues: Jerry ?Tony’s dogMikey’s GymGriffs sportRefer to #12Your ChickenYOUR managerBonnie’s teamCandace’s teamJacks homelandA “Lynette back”Your 24th birthdayThe mother of FinnKatie’s happy placeWho signs your checksYour spirit of choicewhat’s your dream petSam’s favorite numberHaley’s favorite albumNancy’s favorite colorA name for your friends...

        DETIK DETIK PROKLAMASI 2024-04-18

        DETIK DETIK PROKLAMASI crossword puzzle
        1. Ketua BPUPKI
        2. Kota tempat dijatuhkannya bom bernama "fat man"
        3. Nama bom yang dijatuhkan di hiroshima
        4. Nama lain dari benendera jepang
        5. Daerah kekuasaan Rade Panji Suroso
        6. Negara yang menjajah Indonesia setelah Belanda
        7. Peristiwa penculikan soekarno dan muhammad hatta
        8. Bapak koperasi indonesia
        9. Salah satu pengusul gagasan dasar negara
        10. Ketua ppki
        1. Anggota istemewa BPUPKI
        2. Kota kelahiran Mohammad Hatta
        3. Pulau kekuasaan jepang di pasifik yang direbut oleh amerika
        4. Organisasi yang dibentuk oleh Letnan Jenderal Kumakici Harada
        5. Orang mengetik ulang teks proklamasi

        15 Clues: Ketua ppkiKetua BPUPKIAnggota istemewa BPUPKIBapak koperasi indonesiaKota kelahiran Mohammad HattaNama lain dari benendera jepangDaerah kekuasaan Rade Panji SurosoOrang mengetik ulang teks proklamasiNama bom yang dijatuhkan di hiroshimaSalah satu pengusul gagasan dasar negaraNegara yang menjajah Indonesia setelah Belanda...

        Biologi 7,8,9 2024-04-18

        Biologi 7,8,9 crossword puzzle
        1. Hubungan antara predator dan mangsanya disebut…
        2. Pembuluh darah kapiler merupakan pembuluh darah yang sangat halus dan mempunyai dinding yang…
        3. Pada saat ekspirasi, volume rongga dada kembali normal, paru-paru kembali normal, udara keluar dari paru-paru, dan diafragma serta otot dada akan…
        4. Salah satu metode untuk meningkatkan mutu tumbuhan dengan menempelkan mata tunas di tanaman yang sejenis disebut…
        1. Ginjal memiliki tiga lapisan, yaitu medula, korteks, dan …
        2. … merupakan penyakit menular yang disebabkan oleh bakteri treponema pallidum.
        3. Korteks pada tumbuhan terdiri atas jaringan … yang memiliki ruang antarsel untuk transportasi gas dan penampung oksigen yang diperlukan dalam respirasi sel
        4. Kolon terbagi menjadi beberapa bagian, yaitu kolon asendens, …, desendens, dan sigmoid yang terhubung dengan rektum.
        5. … adalah katup yang berfungsi menutup trakea saat menelan agar makanan tidak masuk ke saluran pernapasan.

        9 Clues: Hubungan antara predator dan mangsanya disebut…Ginjal memiliki tiga lapisan, yaitu medula, korteks, dan …… merupakan penyakit menular yang disebabkan oleh bakteri treponema pallidum.Pembuluh darah kapiler merupakan pembuluh darah yang sangat halus dan mempunyai dinding yang…...

        Grimes Coachella Outburst Crossword Puzzle 2024-04-18

        Grimes Coachella Outburst Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
        1. Impossible to mix (except in reality it was totally possible to mix)
        2. Not a simple technology
        3. Math, but done mentally (also clumsily worded because it's Grimes)
        1. What Grimes blamed for the worst set in Coachella history
        2. Something Grimes couldn't be bothered to do herself
        3. Twice the regular tempo
        4. Not a simple analogy (it was, in fact, not an analogy at all)

        7 Clues: Twice the regular tempoNot a simple technologySomething Grimes couldn't be bothered to do herselfWhat Grimes blamed for the worst set in Coachella historyNot a simple analogy (it was, in fact, not an analogy at all)Math, but done mentally (also clumsily worded because it's Grimes)Impossible to mix (except in reality it was totally possible to mix)

        Grimes Coachella Outburst Crossword Puzzle 2024-04-18

        Grimes Coachella Outburst Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
        1. Impossible to mix (except in reality it was totally possible to mix)
        2. Not a simple technology
        3. Math, but done mentally (also clumsily worded because it's Grimes)
        1. What Grimes blamed for the worst set in Coachella history
        2. Something Grimes couldn't be bothered to do herself
        3. Twice the regular tempo
        4. Not a simple analogy (it was, in fact, not an analogy at all)

        7 Clues: Twice the regular tempoNot a simple technologySomething Grimes couldn't be bothered to do herselfWhat Grimes blamed for the worst set in Coachella historyNot a simple analogy (it was, in fact, not an analogy at all)Math, but done mentally (also clumsily worded because it's Grimes)Impossible to mix (except in reality it was totally possible to mix)

        How to Pay for College 2024-04-18

        How to Pay for College crossword puzzle
        1. need based money that does not have to be paid back
        2. a student working towards an advanced degree (masters or higher)
        3. cost of classes (paid per credit hour)
        4. temporary postponement of loan payments
        5. of attendance- total amount of college expenses including tuition & fees, room & board, books & supplies & personal expenses
        6. additional charges to cover the costs of certain services (recreation center, technology, lab fees)
        7. aid money given or loaned to a student to help pay for college (includes grants, scholarships, loans or work-study)
        8. free form you complete to see if you qualify for federal aid; also state of Texas graduation requirement (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)
        9. Has a trunk
        10. the official record of your course work at a school or college
        1. Large marsupial
        2. a program that allows students to work a part-time campus job and earn money as part of their financial aid package
        3. a student working towards an associate or a bachelor degree
        4. location of Spring 2024 field trip
        5. Profile, financial aid application used by colleges to award non-federal financial aid
        6. the status of a loan an individual failed to repay
        7. provided for a talent (sports, fine arts or academics)
        8. Flying mammal
        9. borrowed money that must paid back

        19 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupiallocation of Spring 2024 field tripborrowed money that must paid backcost of classes (paid per credit hour)temporary postponement of loan paymentsthe status of a loan an individual failed to repayneed based money that does not have to be paid backprovided for a talent (sports, fine arts or academics)...

        The Palm-Wine Drinkard 2024-04-18

        The Palm-Wine Drinkard crossword puzzle
        1. They saved the man and his wife
        2. Owing money
        3. Heaven stopped providing this after fighting with Land
        4. The creatures resembled these
        5. Name of the town they stopped at
        6. What the Drinkard turned himself into to escape the creatures
        7. The creatures were dancing in this shape
        1. "Hunger is the cry of a..."
        2. Putting off a court case to a later date
        3. The creatures were dancing here
        4. What the creatures asked the wife to do
        5. This killed many people from the Drinkard's home town
        6. The Drinkard used this to cut the creatures stomach open
        7. This caused the disagreement between Land and Heaven

        14 Clues: Owing money"Hunger is the cry of a..."The creatures resembled theseThey saved the man and his wifeThe creatures were dancing hereName of the town they stopped atWhat the creatures asked the wife to doPutting off a court case to a later dateThe creatures were dancing in this shapeThis caused the disagreement between Land and Heaven...

        Sarah and Ryan's NYT MINI 2024-04-18

        Sarah and Ryan's NYT MINI crossword puzzle
        1. How did Sarah and Ryan meet
        2. The city where Ryan and Sarah's first apartment together was.
        3. Destination of Sarah's bachelorette party
        1. Sarah and Ryan's latest hobby
        2. Where is Ryan's office located
        3. How many cats Ryan wanted
        4. What type of trip did Ryan have for his bachelor party

        7 Clues: How many cats Ryan wantedHow did Sarah and Ryan meetSarah and Ryan's latest hobbyWhere is Ryan's office locatedDestination of Sarah's bachelorette partyWhat type of trip did Ryan have for his bachelor partyThe city where Ryan and Sarah's first apartment together was.

        Breeds Crossword 2024-04-18

        Breeds Crossword crossword puzzle
        1. The fastest dog breed belongs to this group
        2. Small dogs used for companionship belong to this group
        3. The smallest breed of rabbit is the _______ Dwarf
        4. This breed of goat produces a high quantity of milk
        5. The WSHS goats are this breed
        6. This breed of goat is known for having a high resistance to parasites
        7. This breed of cat may be born without a full tail
        8. The Great Dane belongs to this group
        1. This cat breed relaxes its muscles when it is held
        2. This breed of rabbit has the same coloring as a Boston Terrier
        3. The German Shepherd belongs to this group
        4. "Grumpy cat" is this breed
        5. The mascot of Target belongs to this group
        6. This breed of rabbit has a coat that feels like velvet
        7. This breed of rabbit can be used to make sweaters/socks
        8. What color eyes do Californian rabbits have
        9. This breed of goat is white with a reddish-brown head

        17 Clues: "Grumpy cat" is this breedThe WSHS goats are this breedThe Great Dane belongs to this groupThe German Shepherd belongs to this groupThe mascot of Target belongs to this groupThe fastest dog breed belongs to this groupWhat color eyes do Californian rabbits haveThe smallest breed of rabbit is the _______ Dwarf...

        LA VORÁGINE 2024-04-18

        LA VORÁGINE crossword puzzle


        Kennedy & Brody 2024-04-18

        Kennedy & Brody crossword puzzle
        1. Alan Jackson would say the newlyweds will be
        2. Brody’s favorite beer could also be a party hall
        3. Men say only fools rush in
        4. Kennedy’s collection hangs on the wall
        5. If Brody finds one laying around he’ll add it to his collection
        6. If you need a better _____ call Kennedy
        7. Kennedy may have red hair but her favorite movie is
        8. Date Nights are humble and they often go here
        9. On the ballfield you will find them both here
        10. Rio Grande is a river and a what on Brody’s bucket list
        11. Find Kennedy going back for seconds at this table
        12. You could pull Brody’s middle name out of a jar
        13. You won’t catch Brody eating one of these
        14. Kennedy’s favorite number
        15. George Strait’s favorite way to tote love around
        16. Dolly Parton said love is like this a
        1. The newlyweds will be wearing these at the Reception
        2. Brody’s not fowl but his nickname was
        3. Can’t wait to see the newlyweds slow dancing and _____ to the music
        4. How many kisses are never enough
        5. Kennedy’s middle name is similar to a creek
        6. The County Kennedy went to jail in
        7. Brody might have a bumper sticker that says I brake for
        8. Brody was on the all-star team and orders it here
        9. The honeymoon will happen here
        10. Kennedy was a Tiger then a Gator now she’s a
        11. Who said try to see it my way because we can work it out
        12. Brody’s favorite number
        13. Kennedy and Brody met here

        29 Clues: Brody’s favorite numberKennedy’s favorite numberMen say only fools rush inKennedy and Brody met hereThe honeymoon will happen hereHow many kisses are never enoughThe County Kennedy went to jail inBrody’s not fowl but his nickname wasDolly Parton said love is like this aKennedy’s collection hangs on the wallIf you need a better _____ call Kennedy...

        Primary 3 Spelling Quiz 3 2024-04-18

        Primary 3 Spelling Quiz 3 crossword puzzle
        1. to seem like something from what is said or written
        2. to move your head down and then up, sometimes several times to show approval
        3. making a small jump after each step
        4. to smile while making sounds with your voice that show you are happy
        5. to turn something quickly several times:
        1. looking at something for a long time with the eyes wide open
        2. to raise your shoulders and then lower them to say you are not interested
        3. to say firmly or demand forcefully especially when others disagree with you
        4. give a detailed account in words of
        5. to give attention to something you can hear or to a person who is speaking

        10 Clues: give a detailed account in words ofmaking a small jump after each stepto turn something quickly several times:to seem like something from what is said or writtenlooking at something for a long time with the eyes wide opento smile while making sounds with your voice that show you are happy...

        Hello 2024-04-18

        Hello crossword puzzle
        1. kwjdish
        2. greeting
        3. hehehe
        1. djjsjdisjd
        2. djisjdis
        3. heheh

        6 Clues: hehehhehehekwjdishdjisjdisgreetingdjjsjdisjd

        Cross word puzzle fun 2024-04-18

        Cross word puzzle fun crossword puzzle
        1. the opposite of divide
        2. something you look at to see the time
        3. when you do not like something
        1. when you’re out in the street
        2. television
        3. it is what you are
        4. when you ______ something
        5. an animal that’s name starts with c
        6. the opposite of subtract

        9 Clues: televisionit is what you arethe opposite of dividethe opposite of subtractwhen you ______ somethingwhen you’re out in the streetwhen you do not like somethingan animal that’s name starts with csomething you look at to see the time

        Cross word puzzle fun 2024-04-18

        Cross word puzzle fun crossword puzzle
        1. something you look at to see the time
        2. it is what you are
        3. an animal that’s name starts with c
        1. when you ______ something
        2. when you’re out in the street
        3. when you do not like something

        6 Clues: it is what you arewhen you ______ somethingwhen you’re out in the streetwhen you do not like somethingan animal that’s name starts with csomething you look at to see the time

        Sleep 2024-04-18

        Sleep crossword puzzle
        1. A boy is struggling with the new times in his day, because he just got to ___________ school.
        2. Eating a ________ is recommended before bed time
        3. Naps should be no longer than _________ minutes
        4. _________ need more sleep than adults
        5. Around when Klaudia falls asleep
        6. _________ light is what keeps us awake if we look at our phone before bed (hint: it's a colour)
        7. Benji finds himself _________ asleep during lessons
        8. The type of app Shaznay uses to try fall asleep
        1. The substance Benji drinks on the way to school
        2. Caffeine cannot ________ the effects of a lack of sleep
        3. What Shaznay checks inb the middle of the night
        4. The sport that Klaudia played
        5. The emotion Ryan feels when he wakes up at night
        6. A gift a girl got for her birthday
        7. Ryan forgot his ________ and got detention
        8. The girl who has a busy after school schedule.
        9. 13 Year old boy
        10. The only time Benji feels like he has energy

        18 Clues: 13 Year old boyThe sport that Klaudia playedAround when Klaudia falls asleepA gift a girl got for her birthday_________ need more sleep than adultsRyan forgot his ________ and got detentionThe only time Benji feels like he has energyThe girl who has a busy after school schedule.The substance Benji drinks on the way to school...

        !SLASHER CROSSWORD! 2024-04-18

        !SLASHER CROSSWORD! crossword puzzle
        1. Kills people through his traps and uses a puppet to communicate with his victims.
        2. Has the ability to shapeshift into anybody's fears, but mostly targets kids.
        3. Motive is to kill anybody that goes to Camp Crystal Lake.
        4. Is the puppet that Jigsaw uses to communicate with his victims.
        5. Originally 2 killers working together.
        6. Has 2 sisters, and killed one of them on Halloween Night.
        1. Motive is to please his family through his murdered victims and uses a chainsaw & hammer to kill his victims
        2. Has a hook for a hand and is swarming with bees.
        3. Uses a knifed glove to kill his victims.
        4. Orange hair, small, and wears blue overalls with "Good-Guy" on the front.

        10 Clues: Originally 2 killers working together.Uses a knifed glove to kill his victims.Has a hook for a hand and is swarming with bees.Motive is to kill anybody that goes to Camp Crystal Lake.Has 2 sisters, and killed one of them on Halloween Night.Is the puppet that Jigsaw uses to communicate with his victims....

        !SLASHER CROSSWORD! 2024-04-18

        !SLASHER CROSSWORD! crossword puzzle
        1. Motive is to kill anybody that goes to Camp Crystal Lake.
        2. Has 2 sisters, and killed one of them on Halloween Night.
        3. Has a hook for a hand and is swarming with bees.
        4. Kills people through his traps and uses a puppet to communicate with his victims.
        5. Is the puppet that Jigsaw uses to communicate with his victims.
        6. Motive is to please his family through his murdered victims and uses a chainsaw & hammer to kill his victims
        1. Uses a knifed glove to kill his victims.
        2. Originally 2 killers working together.
        3. Orange hair, small, and wears blue overalls with "Good-Guy" on the front.
        4. Has the ability to shapeshift into anybody's fears, but mostly targets kids.

        10 Clues: Originally 2 killers working together.Uses a knifed glove to kill his victims.Has a hook for a hand and is swarming with bees.Motive is to kill anybody that goes to Camp Crystal Lake.Has 2 sisters, and killed one of them on Halloween Night.Is the puppet that Jigsaw uses to communicate with his victims....

        Spanish crossword 2024-04-18

        Spanish crossword crossword puzzle
        1. Yo tengo a ______ al zoológico
        2. La cosa al lado de la calle
        3. Yo pongo ____ en mi cesped
        4. dos,juntos
        5. Hace la casa caliente
        6. Comprar uno,hacer uno ___
        7. tirar
        8. el sol,el petróleo,el agua
        9. Limpiar el piso
        1. Yo _____ en la piscina
        2. En la baño
        3. Limpiar los platos
        4. Otra manera de decir juntar
        5. Otra manera de decir adivinar
        6. Otra manera de decir persona
        7. Otra manera de decir nada
        8. crecer en las flores
        9. Cuando fue la casa ella _____
        10. Agua _____
        11. Zona del amigo

        20 Clues: tirarEn la bañodos,juntosAgua _____Zona del amigoLimpiar el pisoLimpiar los platoscrecer en las floresHace la casa calienteYo _____ en la piscinaOtra manera de decir nadaComprar uno,hacer uno ___Yo pongo ____ en mi cespedel sol,el petróleo,el aguaOtra manera de decir juntarLa cosa al lado de la calleOtra manera de decir persona...