All Crossword Puzzles

Enable All Staff Crossword 2024-04-18

Enable All Staff Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Which Wandsworth area has a crater on the moon named after it?
  2. What is the name of the 5000-person conference centre in Battersea Park?
  3. Which well-known symbol was considered for the name of the organisation before "Enable"?
  4. Complete the Enable value - "________ better"
  5. Which park hosted the first ever FA football match in 1864?
  6. Complete the Enable value - "Think _______, achieve more"
  1. What is the surname of famous James Bond actor who went to secondary school in Putney?
  2. Which motor racing event took place in Battersea Park between 2015-2016?
  3. Complete the Enable value - "Make things __________"
  4. Complete the Enable value - "Pull ____________"
  5. How many bridges are there in Wandsworth?
  6. Which two parks have a bowling green? Battersea and _________
  7. In what month is the date that most members of Enable share the same birthday in?
  8. What is the name of one of the biggest and oldest Plane trees in the country, located behind Barn Elms Sports Centre?
  9. Which part of Wandsworth plays home to London's first purpose-built mosque?

15 Clues: How many bridges are there in Wandsworth?Complete the Enable value - "________ better"Complete the Enable value - "Pull ____________"Complete the Enable value - "Make things __________"Complete the Enable value - "Think _______, achieve more"Which park hosted the first ever FA football match in 1864?...

unit3 2024-04-18

unit3 crossword puzzle
  1. 穿过
  2. 离开
  3. 八十
  4. 村庄
  1. 千米
  2. 驾驶
  3. 地铁
  4. 火车
  5. 害怕的

10 Clues: 千米驾驶穿过地铁离开八十火车村庄害怕的

Vocab quizzz 2024-04-18

Vocab quizzz crossword puzzle
  1. fund:fund that collects and invests income until payments are made to eligible recipients
  2. union:nonprofit service cooperative that accepts deposits, makes loans, and provides other financial services
  3. of deposit (CD):receipt showing that an investor has made an interest-bearing loan to the financial institution
  4. dollars that become available for investors to use when others save
  5. assets:stocks or documents that represent a claim on the income and property of the borrower; CDs, bonds, Treasury bills, mortgages
  6. company:firm that makes loans directly to consumers and specializes in buying installment contracts from merchants who sell on credit
  1. such as money, given or received as an equivalent for goods or services, injury, debt, or high risk
  2. technique of spreading funds over a large number of investments to reduce the portfolio's overall risk
  3. intermediaries:institutions that channel savings to investors; banks, insurance companies, savings and loan associations, credit unions
  4. allowance for someone who has worked a certain number of years, reached a certain age, or who has suffered from an injury
  5. system:network of savers, investors, and financial institutions that work together to transfer savings to investment uses
  6. situation in which the outcome is not certain, but the probabilities can be estimated
  7. quarterly, semiannual, or annual price paid for an insurance policy

13 Clues: dollars that become available for investors to use when others savequarterly, semiannual, or annual price paid for an insurance policysituation in which the outcome is not certain, but the probabilities can be estimatedfund:fund that collects and invests income until payments are made to eligible recipients...

which class do you like? 2024-04-18

which class do you like? crossword puzzle
  1. sing. piano. instrument.
  2. reading. writing. our words.
  3. keyboard. google. ID.
  4. ball. catch. running.
  5. village. map. rule.
  6. number. division. angle.
  1. animal. planet. energy.
  2. sketchbook. pencil. paints.
  3. alphabet. foreigner. America
  4. book. reading. discussion.

10 Clues: village. map. rule.keyboard. google. ID.ball. catch. running.animal. planet. energy.sing. piano. instrument.number. division. reading. discussion.sketchbook. pencil. paints.reading. writing. our words.alphabet. foreigner. America

Energikilder 2024-04-18

Energikilder crossword puzzle
  1. En energiform fra himmelen, når det er skyfrit
  2. En energiform fra floderne
  3. Et sted, der laver kul om til strøm
  4. En maskine, der laver sol om til strøm
  1. En energiform, når det blæser
  2. En maskine, der laver bevægelse om til strøm
  3. En maskine, der laver vind om til strøm
  4. Det er sort og pumpes op fra jorden
  5. Det, der brændes på et kulkraftværk

9 Clues: En energiform fra floderneEn energiform, når det blæserDet er sort og pumpes op fra jordenEt sted, der laver kul om til strømDet, der brændes på et kulkraftværkEn maskine, der laver sol om til strømEn maskine, der laver vind om til strømEn maskine, der laver bevægelse om til strømEn energiform fra himmelen, når det er skyfrit

Kynjafræði - hugtök 2024-04-18

Kynjafræði - hugtök crossword puzzle
  1. kynferðislega örvandi efni með samþykki og virðingu
  2. ósýnileg hindrun kvenna á vinnumarkaði
  3. fólk platað yfir landamæri
  4. kynbundið ofbeldi
  5. annað orð yfir kynjagleraugu
  1. aðferð til jafnréttis
  2. að taka tilfinningar frá fólki
  3. einstaklingur sem skilgreinir sig utan kynjatvíhyggjunnar
  4. tegund af niðurlægjingu á konum
  5. bleikaboxið
  6. þar sem konur eru sýndar kynþokkafullar

11 Clues: bleikaboxiðkynbundið ofbeldiaðferð til jafnréttisfólk platað yfir landamæriannað orð yfir kynjaglerauguað taka tilfinningar frá fólkitegund af niðurlægjingu á konumósýnileg hindrun kvenna á vinnumarkaðiþar sem konur eru sýndar kynþokkafullarkynferðislega örvandi efni með samþykki og virðingueinstaklingur sem skilgreinir sig utan kynjatvíhyggjunnar

Állatok 2024-04-18

Állatok crossword puzzle
  1. körbe látja a várost sok féle van belőle
  2. imád futkorászni és labdázni
  3. négy lába van bajasza van
  4. ragadozó állat kertbe van krémes barna színű
  1. ugrál a tóban él
  2. az emberek félnek tőle és 8 lába van
  3. magasabb a háznál kék a nyelve
  4. ugrál barna színű állatkertbe láthatjuk

8 Clues: ugrál a tóban élnégy lába van bajasza vanimád futkorászni és labdáznimagasabb a háznál kék a nyelveaz emberek félnek tőle és 8 lába vanugrál barna színű állatkertbe láthatjukkörbe látja a várost sok féle van belőleragadozó állat kertbe van krémes barna színű

Állatok 2024-04-18

Állatok crossword puzzle
  1. a csatornában él
  2. szereti a banánt és fára mászik
  3. meg ugatja a random embereket, de nagyon játékos
  4. amikor megváltoztatja a szinét akkor elbír bujni a ragadozóktól
  5. fekete és fehér csíkok vannak rajta
  1. rózsaszín madár ami sokszor egy lábon áll
  2. burrog hogyha meg simagatod és nyávog
  3. szereti a sajtot

8 Clues: a csatornában élszereti a sajtotszereti a banánt és fára mászikfekete és fehér csíkok vannak rajtaburrog hogyha meg simagatod és nyávogrózsaszín madár ami sokszor egy lábon állmeg ugatja a random embereket, de nagyon játékosamikor megváltoztatja a szinét akkor elbír bujni a ragadozóktól

Angol 2024-04-18

Angol crossword puzzle
  1. it has a very long neck
  2. it lives in the jungle at most
  3. it makes a soumd if you pet it, it sounds like an engine
  4. it's cute and small
  1. it's like a rat and my pet Hópihe
  2. if it steps on you you're done
  3. likes to catch balls if you throw them away

7 Clues: it's cute and smallit has a very long neckif it steps on you you're doneit lives in the jungle at mostit's like a rat and my pet Hópihelikes to catch balls if you throw them awayit makes a soumd if you pet it, it sounds like an engine

El Clasico 2024-04-18

El Clasico crossword puzzle
  1. Barcában és Madridban játszott
  2. ki nyerte meg a 2017 aranylabdát
  3. Madridban középpályás és védőt is játszik
  4. Barcának hány Champions League van
  5. Madridnak hány Champions leagua
  1. Madrid legöregebb játékosa
  2. melyik spanyol csapat jött létre 1899
  3. Messi ebben a csapatban játszik most

8 Clues: Madrid legöregebb játékosaBarcában és Madridban játszottMadridnak hány Champions leaguaki nyerte meg a 2017 aranylabdátBarcának hány Champions League vanMessi ebben a csapatban játszik mostmelyik spanyol csapat jött létre 1899Madridban középpályás és védőt is játszik

gyümölcsök 2024-04-18

gyümölcsök crossword puzzle
  1. egy vizzel teli gyümölcs
  2. zöld magos gyümölcs
  3. egy pici szemű gyümülcs
  1. ennek a gyümölcsnek egy mesés lény neve van benne
  2. sárga és hosszú gyümölcs
  3. a narancs rokona
  4. egy beföttként elkészíthető gyümölcs
  5. egy édes piros gyümölcs

8 Clues: a narancs rokonazöld magos gyümölcsegy édes piros gyümölcsegy pici szemű gyümülcssárga és hosszú gyümölcsegy vizzel teli gyümölcsegy beföttként elkészíthető gyümölcsennek a gyümölcsnek egy mesés lény neve van benne

Étel,édességek 2024-04-18

Étel,édességek crossword puzzle
  1. ezt sok gyerek kedveli mindennel szokták fogyasztani van belőle
  2. leves ez egy leves amiben gyümölcs van.
  3. nyáron szoktuk fogyasztani.
  1. nagy kerek és sok feltétet lehet rá rakni.
  2. sós lap ami más néven burgonya szirom.
  3. ezen az ételen piros húsos szósz van.
  4. a vízben él.
  5. hús tanyán tenyésztik és van taraja.

8 Clues: a vízben él.nyáron szoktuk fogyasztani.hús tanyán tenyésztik és van taraja.ezen az ételen piros húsos szósz van.sós lap ami más néven burgonya szirom.leves ez egy leves amiben gyümölcs van.nagy kerek és sok feltétet lehet rá rakni.ezt sok gyerek kedveli mindennel szokták fogyasztani van belőle

gyümölcsök 2024-04-18

gyümölcsök crossword puzzle
  1. az a gyümölcs ami a fán terem es narancs sárga színű van belőle kopasz ...
  2. az a gyümolcs amit szeretnek az orvosok és piros a színe
  3. az a gyümölcs aminek a fának a virága rózsaszín színű és gyönyörű szép
  1. az a gyümölcs ami piros színű, a virága fehér színű és aföld fellet terem
  2. az egy olyan gyümölcs ami a fán terem és a majmok kedvence
  3. az a gyümölcs ami úgy néz ki mint egy villany .....

6 Clues: az a gyümölcs ami úgy néz ki mint egy villany a gyümolcs amit szeretnek az orvosok és piros a színeaz egy olyan gyümölcs ami a fán terem és a majmok kedvenceaz a gyümölcs aminek a fának a virága rózsaszín színű és gyönyörű szépaz a gyümölcs ami piros színű, a virága fehér színű és aföld fellet terem...

Red Dead Redemption 2024-04-18

Red Dead Redemption crossword puzzle
  1. A főszereplő.
  2. Artur Morgen barátja.
  1. Ezs a kocsma másik neve.
  2. Híres fegyver a vadnyugaton
  3. A játék végen a BOSS.

5 Clues: A főszereplő.A játék végen a BOSS.Artur Morgen barátja.Ezs a kocsma másik neve.Híres fegyver a vadnyugaton

Gyümölcsök és zöldségek 2024-04-18

Gyümölcsök és zöldségek crossword puzzle
  1. Közép- és Dél-Amerikában őshonos
  2. sok kis mag van benne
  3. egy olyan gyümölcs amivel azt játszuk, hogy fiú vagy lány
  4. egy fürtön sok darab van
  1. általában ez van a filmekben, hogy a nyúl ezt eszi
  2. nyersen és levesben is szokták enni
  3. van belőle őszi és sárga is
  4. sok kis szem van benne

8 Clues: sok kis mag van bennesok kis szem van benneegy fürtön sok darab vanvan belőle őszi és sárga isKözép- és Dél-Amerikában őshonosnyersen és levesben is szokták enniáltalában ez van a filmekben, hogy a nyúl ezt esziegy olyan gyümölcs amivel azt játszuk, hogy fiú vagy lány

El Clasico 2024-04-18

El Clasico crossword puzzle
  1. Barcának hány champions league van
  2. Madrid legöregebb játékosa
  3. Madridnak hány champions leauge van
  4. Madridban középpályás és védőt is játszik
  5. ki nyerte meg a 2017-es aranylabdát
  1. messi ebbe a csapatba játszik most
  2. barcában és madridban játszott
  3. melyik spanyol csapat jött létre 1899-ben

8 Clues: Madrid legöregebb játékosabarcában és madridban játszottmessi ebbe a csapatba játszik mostBarcának hány champions league vanMadridnak hány champions leauge vanki nyerte meg a 2017-es aranylabdátmelyik spanyol csapat jött létre 1899-benMadridban középpályás és védőt is játszik

War thunder 2024-04-18

War thunder crossword puzzle
  1. legidegesitöb tank
  2. a orosz kopintolya
  3. top tier (amerika)
  4. a belöhetetlen
  1. a robbanó dolog
  2. a fizető eszkőz
  3. a bais
  4. a sajt tank

8 Clues: a baisa sajt tanka belöhetetlena robbanó dologa fizető eszkőzlegidegesitöb tanka orosz kopintolyatop tier (amerika)

gyümölcs 2024-04-18

gyümölcs crossword puzzle
  1. egy gyümölcs
  2. egy Kínai gyümölcs
  1. Nyugat-Európa Észak-Afrika Ázsiával bezárolag terem
  2. Coszta-Rikában terem

4 Clues: egy gyümölcsegy Kínai gyümölcsCoszta-Rikában teremNyugat-Európa Észak-Afrika Ázsiával bezárolag terem

Emberek 2024-04-18

Emberek crossword puzzle
  1. Okos , és ő tudja látni az iskolagyűlést
  2. Riának az egyik unokatestvére
  3. Focizik és egy rendes alak
  4. Az osztályfőnök keresztneve (6b)
  1. Rendes , jófej , és mellettem ül
  2. Akiről nem tudtam , hogy együtt jártam vele óvodába
  3. Egy fura alak (én)
  4. Vöröshajú ( az egyetlen az osztályban )
  5. Sokszor egyetért velem
  6. Az utolsó a névsorban

10 Clues: Egy fura alak (én)Az utolsó a névsorbanSokszor egyetért velemFocizik és egy rendes alakRiának az egyik unokatestvéreRendes , jófej , és mellettem ülAz osztályfőnök keresztneve (6b)Vöröshajú ( az egyetlen az osztályban )Okos , és ő tudja látni az iskolagyűléstAkiről nem tudtam , hogy együtt jártam vele óvodába

állatok 2024-04-18

állatok crossword puzzle
  1. hosszú és sziszegő hangot ad ki
  2. egy kínából származó állat amely fekete, fehér foltjai vannak
  3. egy állat fekete, fehér csíkokkal
  1. az ember legjobb barátja
  2. mindig talpra esik

5 Clues: mindig talpra esikaz ember legjobb barátjahosszú és sziszegő hangot ad kiegy állat fekete, fehér csíkokkalegy kínából származó állat amely fekete, fehér foltjai vannak

Headway Advanced Unit 4 2024-04-18

Headway Advanced Unit 4 crossword puzzle
  1. A small difference is a "fine _____"
  2. The thing that redeems you is your "saving _____"
  3. If you think better of something, you might say "on ____ thought..."
  4. What kind of slope can you fall down quickly?
  5. An area that's in between good and bad
  6. If it probably won't come true, it's "wishful _____"
  1. If you already know how something will end, it's a "_____ conclusion"
  2. An unfair situation is a "raw _____"
  3. A fair playing field is...
  4. The thing you least want to do is your "last ___"
  5. If you want to leave, your feet are...
  6. If you don't have a very good chance, it might be a "____ shot"
  7. A "wake-up ____" makes you realize you have to make a change
  8. If you're almost sure you didn't something, you might say "I could have _____"
  9. Something you're sensitive about is a "sore ______"
  10. Suddenly not having the courage to do something is getting "cold ____"

16 Clues: A fair playing field is...An unfair situation is a "raw _____"A small difference is a "fine _____"If you want to leave, your feet are...An area that's in between good and badWhat kind of slope can you fall down quickly?The thing you least want to do is your "last ___"The thing that redeems you is your "saving _____"...

danger 2024-04-18

danger crossword puzzle
  1. flashlight, first aid kit, damage, fire extinguisher, emergency, alarm, compass, checklist, bandage, evacuation, ambulance

    1 Clue: flashlight, first aid kit, damage, fire extinguisher, emergency, alarm, compass, checklist, bandage, evacuation, ambulance

    International Potluck - April 2024 2024-04-18

    International Potluck - April 2024 crossword puzzle
    1. This fruit is in season right now and is also the national fruit of the Philippines
    2. This is done after layering the ingredients together
    3. Which time do you think you eat this? (Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner?)
    4. This dessert is made out of layers, name the cracker used for it. (This is usually used for crusts of cheesecakes and pies)
    5. One same, main ingredient in both desserts
    6. Which dessert is associated with the Thingyan (Songkran) season?
    7. How do you think Mont-Hin-Gar is regareded as what back in Myanmar? (Street Food, Seasonal Food, or National Dish)
    8. Color of Buko Pandan gelatin
    1. Main ingredient of Buko Pandan
    2. Texture of Buko Pandan
    3. What is the main protein source in Nan Gyi Thoke?
    4. What meat do you think is in the dish soup?
    5. What type of noodles are used in Nan Gyi Thoke?
    6. What is the color of Nan Gyi Thoke?
    7. What make our desserts cold xD

    15 Clues: Texture of Buko PandanColor of Buko Pandan gelatinMain ingredient of Buko PandanWhat make our desserts cold xDWhat is the color of Nan Gyi Thoke?One same, main ingredient in both dessertsWhat meat do you think is in the dish soup?What type of noodles are used in Nan Gyi Thoke?What is the main protein source in Nan Gyi Thoke?...

    TA2D 2024-04-18

    TA2D crossword puzzle
    1. tempat untuk menyimpan gambar pada Adobe Animate
    2. Animasi dari hasil kumpulan foto
    3. File > ... > Import to Library
    4. satu gambar tunggal penyusun animasi
    5. ... Tween - Animasi perubahan bentuk
    6. Gambar Bergerak
    7. searah jarum jam
    1. ... Tween - animasi perpindahan posisi
    2. Tool untuk membuat animasi perputaran
    3. Proses animasi yang melibatkan struktur kerangka
    4. frame untuk menentukan gerakan/posisi awal/akhir animasi
    5. Salah satu tokoh animasi 2D
    6. satuan kecepatan animasi
    7. parameter untuk mengatur transparansi
    8. Motion ... - Animasi objek bergerak pada suatu jalur

    15 Clues: Gambar Bergeraksearah jarum jamsatuan kecepatan animasiSalah satu tokoh animasi 2DFile > ... > Import to LibraryAnimasi dari hasil kumpulan fotosatu gambar tunggal penyusun animasi... Tween - Animasi perubahan bentukTool untuk membuat animasi perputaranparameter untuk mengatur transparansi... Tween - animasi perpindahan posisi...

    Vocab quizzz 2024-04-18

    Vocab quizzz crossword puzzle
    1. of business organization recognized by law as a separate legal entity with all the rights and responsibilities of an individual, including the right to buy and sell property, enter into legal contracts, sue and be sued
    2. requirement:formula used to compute the amount of a depository institution’s required reserves
    3. bank:bank that receives its charter from the state in which it operates
    4. who owns a share or shares of stock in a corporation; same as stockholders
    1. of ownership in a corporation; can be either common or preferred stock
    2. union:nonprofit service cooperative that accepts deposits, makes loans, and provides other financial services
    3. that are sold
    4. of deposit/CDs:receipt showing that an investor has made an interest-bearing loan to a financial institution

    8 Clues: that are soldof ownership in a corporation; can be either common or preferred stockbank:bank that receives its charter from the state in which it operateswho owns a share or shares of stock in a corporation; same as stockholdersrequirement:formula used to compute the amount of a depository institution’s required reserves...

    sports olympiques 2024-04-18

    sports olympiques crossword puzzle
    1. where was the first olympc game?
    2. from where does the olympic fire light up?
    3. what sport is going to be added to the olympic games?
    4. who was the first woman to won the olympic games?
    5. is skateboard an olympic sport?
    1. what is the most popular sport in the olympic games?
    2. who was the first to win an olympic game?
    3. who won privious olympic swimming race
    4. who is the best at weigh lifting?
    5. wheredid the 1984 olympic games take place at?

    10 Clues: is skateboard an olympic sport?where was the first olympc game?who is the best at weigh lifting?who won privious olympic swimming racewho was the first to win an olympic game?from where does the olympic fire light up?wheredid the 1984 olympic games take place at?who was the first woman to won the olympic games?...

    sharps 2024-04-18

    sharps crossword puzzle
    1. scalpels, syringes, needles, thorns, cans, wire, glass, blades

      1 Clue: scalpels, syringes, needles, thorns, cans, wire, glass, blades

      "TTS UNSUR, SENYAWA, CAMPURAN" 2024-04-18

      "TTS UNSUR, SENYAWA, CAMPURAN" crossword puzzle
      1. tahukah kalian, apa yang menyebabkan logam memiliki kekuatan seperti itu
      2. bagian terkecil dari suatu zat, semua zat, terlihat ataupun tidak terlihat, terdiri atas unsur
      3. senyawa yang mudah ditemui disekitar kita
      4. terbentuk dari zat yang dilarutkan ke dalam zat pelarutnya
      5. yang me- muat seluruh unsur yang telah ditemukan di alam semesta, baik unsur alami maupun unsur buatan
      6. terdiri atas dua atau lebih zat dan tidak membentuk zat baru
      7. D merupakan senyawa dengan atom C, H,dan O sebagai penyusunnya
      8. Dapur yang paling sering dimanfaatkan di rumah, merupakan garam yang di susun oleh unsur logam NaCI
      1. dapat terbentuk karena adanya dua unsur atau lebih yang berikatan secara kimia
      2. Hidroksida senyawa dalam antasida yang digunakan sebagai obat pereda sakit lambung
      3. didiamkan, kemampuannya menahan zat terlarut relatif lebih lama dibandingkan suspensi
      4. pada campuran air dan pasir, dengan larutan pada campuran air dan gula
      5. zat yang tak dapat dipisahkan dari kehidupan setiap makhluk di bumi
      6. terdapat elektron yang disebut elektron valensi

      14 Clues: senyawa yang mudah ditemui disekitar kitaterdapat elektron yang disebut elektron valensiterbentuk dari zat yang dilarutkan ke dalam zat pelarutnyaterdiri atas dua atau lebih zat dan tidak membentuk zat baruD merupakan senyawa dengan atom C, H,dan O sebagai penyusunnyazat yang tak dapat dipisahkan dari kehidupan setiap makhluk di bumi...

      words 04.18. 2024-04-18

      words 04.18. crossword puzzle
      1. utas
      2. the most ...... - a legutóbbi
      3. megmelegíteni
      4. vágy
      5. felfogni, érzékelni
      6. kaviár
      7. elhajt
      8. kontroll
      9. lelkes
      10. szálláshely
      11. látnivaló
      12. travel by ..... - komppal utazni
      13. olívabogyó
      14. ........ to - vmi irányába tartani
      15. savanyú
      16. ....... station - benzinkút
      17. .... future - közeljövő
      18. bőrönd
      1. értékel
      2. túró
      3. elindul
      4. referencia
      5. csúcsidő
      6. jobban szeretni
      7. elég
      8. sütő
      9. fáradtság
      10. undorító
      11. mágus, varázsló
      12. szórakozott
      13. mák
      14. erőfeszítés
      15. elégedett
      16. egyetemen

      34 Clues: mákutastúróvágyelégsütőkaviárelhajtlelkesbőröndértékelelindulsavanyúcsúcsidőundorítókontrollfáradtságelégedettlátnivalóegyetemenreferenciaolívabogyószórakozotterőfeszítésszálláshelymegmelegítenijobban szeretnimágus, varázslófelfogni, érzékelni.... future - közeljövő....... station - benzinkútthe most ...... - a legutóbbi...

      Rosa Parks 2024-04-18

      Rosa Parks crossword puzzle
      1. Métier de Rosa
      2. Jour de l'incident
      3. Association fondée
      4. devise célèbre
      1. Événement célèbre
      2. Ville du bus
      3. Terme de séparation
      4. Leader associé
      5. Nom de l'avocat

      9 Clues: Ville du busMétier de RosaLeader associédevise célèbreNom de l'avocatÉvénement célèbreJour de l'incidentAssociation fondéeTerme de séparation

      Economics vocabulary 2024-04-18

      Economics vocabulary crossword puzzle
      1. The shift fron one state to another
      2. The process of transferring from government control to private enterprise
      3. Encouragement
      4. From the outside
      5. The process of making something less restrictive
      6. To undergo
      7. Stock
      8. To accumulate
      1. Not producing results
      2. Failure to meet a goal; falling behind
      3. To expand the selection
      4. Crash
      5. Brink/verge/border
      6. Five times

      14 Clues: CrashStockTo undergoFive timesEncouragementTo accumulateFrom the outsideBrink/verge/borderNot producing resultsTo expand the selectionThe shift fron one state to anotherFailure to meet a goal; falling behindThe process of making something less restrictiveThe process of transferring from government control to private enterprise

      unit1 2024-04-18

      unit1 crossword puzzle
      1. 小提琴
      2. 通常
      3. 广播
      4. 四分之一
      1. 五十
      2. 车站
      3. 跳舞
      4. 群组
      5. 刷子

      10 Clues: 五十通常车站跳舞群组广播刷子小提琴四分之一

      animals 2024-04-18

      animals crossword puzzle
      1. Jerry is ez. Mickey is.
      2. Pici, hat lába van és szorgos.
      3. Színes, két szárnya van és gyönyörű.
      4. Répát eszik, és húsvétkor ajándékot hoz.
      1. Nincs se keze, se lába.Hosszú és nyálkás.
      2. Barna állat,két keze és két lába van.Fára mászik.
      3. Fekete, szőrös, repül. Szuperhős is van ilyen.
      4. 4 lába van, zöld és brekeg.

      8 Clues: Jerry is ez. Mickey is.4 lába van, zöld és brekeg.Pici, hat lába van és szorgos.Színes, két szárnya van és gyönyörű.Répát eszik, és húsvétkor ajándékot hoz.Nincs se keze, se lába.Hosszú és nyálkás.Fekete, szőrös, repül. Szuperhős is van ilyen.Barna állat,két keze és két lába van.Fára mászik.

      stem changing verbs 2024-04-18

      stem changing verbs crossword puzzle
      1. - to begin
      2. - to repeat
      3. - to want
      4. - to think
      5. - to ask for
      6. - to remember
      7. - to sleep
      8. - to prefer
      9. - to be able to
      10. - to return
      1. - to wake up
      2. - to cost
      3. - to play
      4. - to understand
      5. - to count
      6. - to start
      7. - to lose
      8. - to feel
      9. - to close

      19 Clues: - to cost- to play- to want- to lose- to feel- to begin- to count- to start- to think- to sleep- to close- to repeat- to prefer- to return- to wake up- to ask for- to remember- to understand- to be able to

      Tarptautinis bakalaureatas 2024-04-18

      Tarptautinis bakalaureatas crossword puzzle
      1. Šiandien - smalsus kūrėjas, o rytoj?
      2. Kiek temų apima IB programa?
      1. IB tikslas: ugdyti žingeidžius, nuovokius ir dėmesingus aplinkai jaunuolius, kurie gerbtų kultūrų skirtumus bei padėtų kurti geresnį ir ...... pasaulį.Kokį pasaulį?
      2. Kaip trumpinamas Tarptautinis bakalaureatas?

      4 Clues: Kiek temų apima IB programa?Šiandien - smalsus kūrėjas, o rytoj?Kaip trumpinamas Tarptautinis bakalaureatas?IB tikslas: ugdyti žingeidžius, nuovokius ir dėmesingus aplinkai jaunuolius, kurie gerbtų kultūrų skirtumus bei padėtų kurti geresnį ir ...... pasaulį.Kokį pasaulį?

      Päikeseenergia 2024-04-18

      Päikeseenergia crossword puzzle
      1. Millega saab energiat salvestada?
      2. Millega saadakse päikeseenergiat?
      3. Mis seade võib kasutada päikeseenergiat töötamiseks?
      4. Mis takistab päikesepaneelide töötamist?
      1. Missugune energia on päikeseenergia?
      2. Kus seda kasutatakse?
      3. Mis on Päikeseenergia?

      7 Clues: Kus seda kasutatakse?Mis on Päikeseenergia?Millega saab energiat salvestada?Millega saadakse päikeseenergiat?Missugune energia on päikeseenergia?Mis takistab päikesepaneelide töötamist?Mis seade võib kasutada päikeseenergiat töötamiseks?

      WUFC 3 2024-04-18

      WUFC 3 crossword puzzle
      1. Keith Long’s Last Club
      2. New First Team Assistant Coach
      3. Our ASD Football Program
      4. Shamrock Rover’s Home
      1. Our First Team Training Ground
      2. Top Scorer So Far
      3. Grab a Blaa Here at Half Time
      4. Goalkeeping Coach
      5. Our New Podcast Host

      9 Clues: Top Scorer So FarGoalkeeping CoachOur New Podcast HostShamrock Rover’s HomeKeith Long’s Last ClubOur ASD Football ProgramGrab a Blaa Here at Half TimeOur First Team Training GroundNew First Team Assistant Coach

      Science Monthly Test 2024-04-18

      Science Monthly Test crossword puzzle
      1. (adj) : almost the same
      2. (n): the layer below the crust made of part solid rock and part almost melted rock
      3. (adj) : when 100% of one kind of living thing have all died
      4. (n): The deepest and hottest layer of Earth
      5. (n) : land surrounded by water on three sides
      6. (n) : a canyon on the ocean floor
      7. (n) : remains of living things from long ago
      8. (n) : a long pointed tooth that comes out of the mouth of some animals, like elephants
      1. (n) : land that is wide and flat, with no big hills or mountains
      2. (n): land with steep sides and a flat top; it is higher than the land around it
      3. (n) : a deep valley with steep sides
      4. (n) : the pattern of weather in one place over a long time
      5. (v) : when different things look similar
      6. (n) : the very long nose of an elephant
      7. (n) : Earth’s thinnest, coolest and outside layer mantle

      15 Clues: (adj) : almost the same(n) : a canyon on the ocean floor(n) : a deep valley with steep sides(n) : the very long nose of an elephant(v) : when different things look similar(n): The deepest and hottest layer of Earth(n) : remains of living things from long ago(n) : land surrounded by water on three sides...

      Kivel fejlődhet városunk? 2024-04-18

      Kivel fejlődhet városunk? crossword puzzle
      1. akikért a jövő épül, a jövő generációja
      2. előrelépés, változás
      3. békés, kiegyensúlyozott
      1. Magyarország második legnagyobb közigazgatási területű városa
      2. közös célok elérése, közös megegyezés
      3. haladás, minőségi változások bekövetkezése

      6 Clues: előrelépés, változásbékés, kiegyensúlyozottközös célok elérése, közös megegyezésakikért a jövő épül, a jövő generációjahaladás, minőségi változások bekövetkezéseMagyarország második legnagyobb közigazgatási területű városa

      Python Keywords 2024-04-18

      Python Keywords crossword puzzle
      1. Description of a function
      2. Execute a function
      3. Subsection of a list or string
      4. Function calling itself
      5. Apply a function to all elements of an iterable
      6. Anonymous function
      7. Value passed to a function parameter
      8. Visibility of a variable
      1. Python file containing functions and variables
      2. Variable in a function definition
      3. Select elements from an iterable based on a function's result
      4. Value assigned to a parameter if no argument is passed
      5. Object used to iterate over elements

      13 Clues: Execute a functionAnonymous functionFunction calling itselfVisibility of a variableDescription of a functionSubsection of a list or stringVariable in a function definitionObject used to iterate over elementsValue passed to a function parameterPython file containing functions and variablesApply a function to all elements of an iterable...

      PuzzleMIk 2024-04-18

      PuzzleMIk crossword puzzle
      1. Lo è il polso
      2. Specializzazione preferita
      3. Le fotografi da sole in mezzo alla città:
      4. Ti ha fatto saltare la processione:
      5. Non lo avete mai fatto insieme tu e Antonio
      6. Ti è costato uno "Strunz d merd":
      7. Il liquore che ti ricorda la Sicilia: Zibibbo
      1. Te lo sei beccato in testa e ti è costato un bernoccolo
      2. Come si chiamano i peli del naso
      3. Chi è il quinto dei Beatles?
      4. Andava avanti grazie al santino di Padre Pio
      5. Hai una lista solo per questo
      6. Auguri

      13 Clues: AuguriLo è il polsoSpecializzazione preferitaChi è il quinto dei Beatles?Hai una lista solo per questoCome si chiamano i peli del nasoTi è costato uno "Strunz d merd":Ti ha fatto saltare la processione:Le fotografi da sole in mezzo alla città:Non lo avete mai fatto insieme tu e AntonioAndava avanti grazie al santino di Padre Pio...

      Bài 7: Nhà nước pháp quyền XHCN Việt Nam 2024-04-18

      Bài 7: Nhà nước pháp quyền XHCN Việt Nam crossword puzzle
      1. Trong hệ thống chính trị Việt Nam, Đảng có vai trò như thế nào đối với Nhà nước pháp quyền xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam?
      2. Theo quan điểm của Đảng ta, Nhà nước pháp quyền xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam thực hiện ý chí, nguyện vọng và phục vụ lợi ích của ai?
      3. Thuật ngữ xây dựng nhà nước pháp quyền lần đầu tiên được Đảng ta đề cập vào thời gian nào?
      4. Theo quan điểm của Đảng ta, chủ thể tối cao của quyền lực nhà nước là ai?
      5. Người giữ chức Thủ tướng đầu tiên trong lịch sử là ai?
      6. Nhà nước pháp quyền xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam do tổ chức nào dưới đây lãnh đạo?
      7. Chủ tịch nước đầu tiên của nhà nước Cộng hòa Xã hội Chủ nghĩa Việt Nam là ai?
      8. Cơ quan nào trong hệ thống chính trị thực hiện quyền lập hiến và lập pháp?
      9. Đạo luật cơ bản của nước Cộng hòa xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam, có hiệu lực pháp lý cao nhất là…?
      1. Hệ tư tưởng nào sau đây là nền tảng tư tưởng hiện nay của Đảng ta?
      2. Nhà nước pháp quyền xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam mang bản chất của giai cấp nào?
      3. Nhà nước cộng hòa xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam là kiểu Nhà nước nào?
      4. Nhà nước pháp quyền xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam được tổ chức và hoạt động trên cơ sở nào?
      5. Bản chất nhân dân của Nhà nước ta thể hiện tất cả quyền lực nhà nước thuộc về ai?
      6. Cơ quan nào trong hệ thống chính trị ở nước ta thực hiện quyền tư pháp?
      7. Cán bộ, công chức Nhà nước ta được ví là gì của dân?
      8. Cơ quan xét xử của nước Cộng hoà xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam, thực hiện quyền tư pháp là cơ quan nào?
      9. Cơ quan nào trong hệ thống chính trị ở nước ta thực hiện quyền hành pháp?
      10. Nguyên thủ quốc gia của Cộng hòa Xã hội Chủ nghĩa Việt Nam, người đứng đầu nhà nước Việt Nam về đối nội và đối ngoại được gọi là gì?
      11. Hiến pháp năm 1946 do ai chủ trì soạn thảo?

      20 Clues: Hiến pháp năm 1946 do ai chủ trì soạn thảo?Cán bộ, công chức Nhà nước ta được ví là gì của dân?Người giữ chức Thủ tướng đầu tiên trong lịch sử là ai?Nhà nước cộng hòa xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam là kiểu Nhà nước nào?Hệ tư tưởng nào sau đây là nền tảng tư tưởng hiện nay của Đảng ta?...

      Crosswrod 2024-04-18

      Crosswrod crossword puzzle
      1. The country that the Championship takes place in each year.
      2. The county jerseys for Donegal, Kerry, Leitrim & Meath are typically yellow/gold and __________.
      3. The stick that players use during a hurling match.
      4. The game played by women's teams, similar to hurling.
      5. Along with Kilkenny & Limerick, this is the only county to have won four-in-a-row in the Senior Hurling Championship!
      6. Liam _________, the name of the trophy given to the winning Senior Hurling team each year.
      7. The ball that is used in hurling.
      8. Henry _________, a famous Kilkenny hurler, has won the most medals (10) in the Senior Hurling Championship.
      9. The last time this county won the Senior Football Championship was in 2002!
      10. This county has won the most Senior Football Championships.
      11. This Connacht county don't compete in the Connacht Provincial Hurling Championship each year - strange!
      12. Stephen _________, a famous Dublin goalkeeper, has made the most overall appearances in the Senior Football Championship, with 118 matches!
      13. _________ Park is the stadium that the Senior Football & Hurling finals are played each year.
      14. The player that plays in goal.
      15. The number of counties that compete in the All-Ireland Hurling Championship each year.
      16. This county typically wears different shades of the colour blue on their jersey.
      17. The fastest goal in a Senior Football Championship final was scored by Dean Rock in only __________ seconds!
      18. The amount of provinces in Ireland.
      1. The man who is in charge of their team (in Irish, the word is bainisteoir).
      2. This county won four-in-a-row in the Senior Hurling Championship, from 2020 - 2023.
      3. The person who is in charge of giving free-kicks and penalties in each game.
      4. The county that typically has the same colours as the flag of the Republic of Ireland.
      5. This county is said to have a curse on it, preventing it from being able to win the Senior Football Championship!
      6. All hurling players have to wear one of these when playing.
      7. Such a strong hurling side, they don't usually bother competing in the Senior Football Championship each year!
      8. _________ O'Connor, a famous Mayo footballer, is the all-time top-scoring player in the Senior Football Championship, with 447 points!
      9. What each players wears during a match.
      10. Sam _________, the name of the trophy given to the winning Senior Football team each year.
      11. Worn in the ladies' games; a mixture of skirts and shorts.
      12. You score this when the ball is hit into the net.
      13. The amount of points for scoring a goal.
      14. The amount of points for scoring a point.
      15. The people behind each goal, who decide if the point is scored or not.
      16. The referee can give out red, yellow or black versions of these if a foul is committed.
      17. Some football players like to wear these when playing, especially in the rain!
      18. T.J. _________, a famous Kilkenny hurler, is the all-time top-scoring player in the Senior Hurling Championship, with 641 points!
      19. The county jerseys for Clare, Longford, Roscommon, Tipperary & Wicklow are typically yellow and __________.
      20. Along with Kerry & Dublin, this is the only other team to have won four-in-a-row in the Senior Football Championship!
      21. This UK city typically competes in the Senior Football Championship each year.

      39 Clues: The player that plays in goal.The ball that is used in hurling.The amount of provinces in Ireland.What each players wears during a match.The amount of points for scoring a goal.The amount of points for scoring a point.You score this when the ball is hit into the net.The stick that players use during a hurling match....

      Topic 5 So Far... 2024-04-18

      Topic 5 So Far... crossword puzzle
      1. The drug given as part of a clinic trial to rule out psychological effects and acts as a control
      2. The protein present on the surface of pathogens
      3. The protein produced by B-lymphocytes
      4. A cell involved in the non-specific immune response
      5. The viral replication method can take hours/days to take place
      6. Diseases caused by pathogens
      7. A description of the form of pathogen present inside vaccines
      8. Herd Immunity reduces the _______ of a pathogen
      9. A physical plant defence
      10. The physical barrier helping to trap dust and pathogens
      11. The disease caused by the plasmodium protist
      12. Organism carrying pathogen from host to host
      1. A chemical produced by bacteria to cause harm to cells
      2. These move mucus out of the body or down to the stomach
      3. The type of cell which allows for a greater secondary response to a pathogen
      4. Another protein produced by B-lymphocytes which can neutralise a bacterial product
      5. A chemical defence produced by plants
      6. The word we can use to describe the relationship between antibodies and antigens
      7. A reason why a child may not receive a vaccine
      8. The part of the pathogen which is injected into the host cell during the lytic cycle
      9. The enzyme present in phagocytes

      21 Clues: A physical plant defenceDiseases caused by pathogensThe enzyme present in phagocytesA chemical defence produced by plantsThe protein produced by B-lymphocytesThe disease caused by the plasmodium protistOrganism carrying pathogen from host to hostA reason why a child may not receive a vaccineThe protein present on the surface of pathogens...

      Public Policy 2024-04-18

      Public Policy crossword puzzle
      1. pay medical bills for persons with low incomes
      2. The current policy for education
      3. protects consumers from hazardous products
      1. book about food industry conditions
      2. pays major share of total bills for senior citizens
      3. help low-income families purchase foods
      4. responsible for protecting the public from poorly processed and improperly labeled foods and drugs
      5. Control spread of infectious diseases
      6. money paid out > funds collected through taxes

      9 Clues: The current policy for educationbook about food industry conditionsControl spread of infectious diseaseshelp low-income families purchase foodsprotects consumers from hazardous productspay medical bills for persons with low incomesmoney paid out > funds collected through taxespays major share of total bills for senior citizens...

      Spelling crossword puzzle 2024-04-18

      Spelling crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
      1. I think I _____ do this puzzle
      2. It sits on your head
      3. Cricket is played with a _____
      1. What a dog chases
      2. Opposite of cold
      3. I sleep on my _______

      6 Clues: Opposite of coldWhat a dog chasesIt sits on your headI sleep on my _______I think I _____ do this puzzleCricket is played with a _____


      PETRECEREA BURLACITELOR crossword puzzle
      1. Meseria Silviei
      2. Prenumele viitorului sot al Silviei
      3. Localitatea in care are loc petrecerea burlacitelor
      4. Piatra inelului de logodna
      5. Orasul in care a crescut Silvia
      1. Numele de familie al Silviei in curand
      2. Culoarea preferata a Silviei
      3. Luna de nastere a Silviei

      8 Clues: Meseria SilvieiLuna de nastere a SilvieiPiatra inelului de logodnaCuloarea preferata a SilvieiOrasul in care a crescut SilviaPrenumele viitorului sot al SilvieiNumele de familie al Silviei in curandLocalitatea in care are loc petrecerea burlacitelor

      Energy 2024-04-18

      Energy crossword puzzle
      1. The unit used to measure energy used in the home
      2. Energy ÷ time
      3. The unit for Power
      4. Power x time
      5. The amount of useful energy transferred
      1. How long it takes to save the money that an efficiency measure costs
      2. The unit of energy
      3. The amount of energy transferred in a second
      4. Energy ÷ power
      5. The ability to do work
      6. The diagram used to show energy transfers

      11 Clues: Power x timeEnergy ÷ timeEnergy ÷ powerThe unit of energyThe unit for PowerThe ability to do workThe amount of useful energy transferredThe diagram used to show energy transfersThe amount of energy transferred in a secondThe unit used to measure energy used in the homeHow long it takes to save the money that an efficiency measure costs

      Testi 2 2024-04-18

      Testi 2 crossword puzzle
      1. myrsky-
      2. -lento
      3. -pallo
      4. -laatikko
      5. -kukka
      6. -karhu
      7. -lasit
      8. pää-
      1. -auto
      2. -lamppu
      3. -talo
      4. palo-
      5. tiski-
      6. kerros-
      7. fysio-

      15 Clues: pää--auto-talopalo--lento-pallotiski--kukka-karhufysio--lasitmyrsky--lamppukerros--laatikko

      mixed words 2024-04-18

      mixed words crossword puzzle
      1. A structure with a roof supported by columns, at the entrance of a building.
      2. A structure projecting from a sloped roof, usually containing a window.
      3. A long, straight board along the lower edge of a roof.
      4. The ledge or shelf at the base of a window.
      5. A tall tower on a building, often topped with a spire.
      6. A window installed in a roof.
      7. A curved structure that serves as a passageway.
      1. A covered entrance to a building or house.
      2. A channel fixed under the edge of a roof to collect and carry away rainwater.
      3. The lowest load-bearing part of a building, usually below ground level.
      4. The triangular part of a wall between the edges of a dual-pitched roof.
      5. A decorative horizontal band running across a wall or building.
      6. A pipe for carrying rainwater from a roof gutter to the ground or drain.
      7. A tall vertical structure used to support a building and as decoration.

      14 Clues: A window installed in a roof.A covered entrance to a building or house.The ledge or shelf at the base of a window.A curved structure that serves as a passageway.A long, straight board along the lower edge of a roof.A tall tower on a building, often topped with a spire.A decorative horizontal band running across a wall or building....

      Prepare 2nd Edition Level 4 2024-04-18

      Prepare 2nd Edition Level 4 crossword puzzle
      1. sad because one has no friends or company.
      2. an action involving destruction of or damage to public or private property.
      3. one of the places at an airport where you show your ticket so that you can be told where you will be sitting.
      4. a piece of writing included with others in a newspaper, magazine, or other print or online publication.
      5. a room or building for the display or sale of works of art.
      6. the amount of money that you have to pay for something, especially for an activity or service.
      1. a specified part of a road where pedestrians have right of way to cross.
      2. the part of the airport where you board the aircraft from the terminal building.
      3. to transfer (data) from one computer to another.

      9 Clues: sad because one has no friends or transfer (data) from one computer to another.a room or building for the display or sale of works of art.a specified part of a road where pedestrians have right of way to action involving destruction of or damage to public or private property....

      Lempeng Tektonik 2024-04-18

      Lempeng Tektonik crossword puzzle
      1. Proses Dimana Lempeng Tektonik saling bergerak melawan arah
      2. Apa akibat pergerakan lempeng tektonik?
      3. Berapa jumlah lempeng bumi?
      4. Proses Dimana Lempeng Tektonik bertemu dan saling meluncur satu sama lain
      5. Benua yang terletak di atas lempeng Afrika
      1. Gerakan... Adalah gerakan lempeng lempeng tektonik yang saling menjauh
      2. Gerak .....adalah gerakan pada lapisan kulit bumi yang menyebabkan pengangkatan dan penurunan permukaan bumi yang berlangsung relatif cepat dengan daerah lingkup yang sempit.
      3. Litosfer merupakan salah satu komponen utama penyusun bumi yang berbentuk padat. Litosfer berasal dari bahasa yunani, yakni lithos artinya?
      4. Ada berapa pergerakan Lempeng?
      5. Salah satu Lempeng Terbesar Di Dunia

      10 Clues: Berapa jumlah lempeng bumi?Ada berapa pergerakan Lempeng?Salah satu Lempeng Terbesar Di DuniaApa akibat pergerakan lempeng tektonik?Benua yang terletak di atas lempeng AfrikaProses Dimana Lempeng Tektonik saling bergerak melawan arahGerakan... Adalah gerakan lempeng lempeng tektonik yang saling menjauh...

      Borilla 2024-04-18

      Borilla crossword puzzle
      1. it has big
      2. It is good at rolling because of its
      3. It is an
      4. It has sharp
      5. mix from a
      1. its originaly from
      2. what type of animal is it
      3. mix from a

      8 Clues: It is anit has bigmix from amix from aIt has sharpits originaly fromwhat type of animal is itIt is good at rolling because of its

      unsur,senyawa dan campuran 2024-04-18

      unsur,senyawa dan campuran crossword puzzle
      1. satuan terkecil penyusun unsur adalah
      2. o2 merupakan nama unsur kimia dari
      3. suatu zat yang tediri atas dua unsur atau lebih yang terbentuk secara kimia disebut
      4. pemurnian gula dan garam dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode
      5. metode yang tepat untuk memisahakan campuran alkohol dengan serbuk belerang adalah
      1. metode yang digunakan untuk memisahkan campuran gula dan pasir adalah
      2. nama zat tunggal yang unsur penyusun nya terdapat 1 nitrogen dan 3 hidrogen adalah
      3. metode yang digunakan untuk memisahkan campuran gas-gas adalah dengan
      4. angka 5 pada bahasa yunani adalah
      5. unsur yang menghantarkan panas dan listrik yang buruk

      10 Clues: angka 5 pada bahasa yunani adalaho2 merupakan nama unsur kimia darisatuan terkecil penyusun unsur adalahunsur yang menghantarkan panas dan listrik yang burukpemurnian gula dan garam dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan metodemetode yang digunakan untuk memisahkan campuran gula dan pasir adalah...

      Voilà 2 kpl 4 2024-04-18

      Voilà 2 kpl 4 crossword puzzle
      1. afternoon
      2. to succeed
      3. to imagine
      4. surely
      5. Italian (woman)
      6. not yet
      7. a pity
      8. to invite
      9. to stop
      10. in fact
      1. to swear
      2. biligual
      3. to have
      4. a poster
      5. a taste
      6. anyway
      7. a victory
      8. to cross/to meet
      9. almost
      10. the other day
      11. every
      12. to remember
      13. but
      14. to dedicate
      15. all

      25 Clues: butalleveryanywaysurelyalmosta pityto havea tastenot yetto stopin factto swearbiliguala posterafternoona victoryto inviteto succeedto imagineto rememberto dedicatethe other dayItalian (woman)to cross/to meet

      Romantizam 2024-04-18

      Romantizam crossword puzzle
      1. stanje u kojem se u čovjeku miješa melankolija i dosada; opća bezvoljnost
      2. pokret koji prethodi romantizmu, a obilježava ga naziv oluja i prodor (njem. Sturm und Drang)
      3. predstavnik pokreta Sturm und Drang poznat po pisanju romana (prezime)
      4. utemeljitelj kriminalističke priče i priče strave (ime i prezime)
      5. jedna od varijanta romantičarskih likova, nastao po uzoru na junake pisca Byrona
      6. književno razdoblje u kojem se očituju princip originalnosti, sloboda izražavanja, ispreplitanje književnih rodova i vrsta, očaranost prirodom i osjećajima
      7. stoljeće u kojem se afirmira (postaje dominantan) romantizam kao općekulturni i umjetnički pokret (broj i kratica)
      1. poema Nikad više
      2. duševno stanje u kojem se čovjek osjeća potišteno, tužno, u kojem nema volje ni za što
      3. predstavnik pokreta Sturm und Drang poznat po pisanju tragedija (prezime)
      4. romantičarski doživljaj svijeta, odnosno stalni osjećaj melankolije zbog nemoći pojedinca da bilo što u svijetu promijeni
      5. francuski vojskovođa i car koji je obilježio povijest kraja 18. odnosno početka 19. st. (ime)
      6. književnik koji u zbirci Narodne pjesme objavljuje hrvatsku baladu Asanaginicu (prezime)
      7. poznati ruski pjesnik koji stvara tip romantičarskog junaka - suvišnog čovjeka (prezime)
      8. novela poznatog američkog romantičarskog književnika koja govori o protagonistu koji usred duha nastranosti odlučuje počiniti velika zvjerstva
      9. autor prvog ruskog romana u prozi (prezime)

      16 Clues: poema Nikad višeautor prvog ruskog romana u prozi (prezime)utemeljitelj kriminalističke priče i priče strave (ime i prezime)predstavnik pokreta Sturm und Drang poznat po pisanju romana (prezime)stanje u kojem se u čovjeku miješa melankolija i dosada; opća bezvoljnostpredstavnik pokreta Sturm und Drang poznat po pisanju tragedija (prezime)...

      Cografiya 2024-04-18

      Cografiya crossword puzzle
      1. Ehalinin sayini,cins-yas terkibini hansi elm oyrenir?
      2. Orta ve yuksek dagliq erazilerde ehalinin sixligi necedir?
      3. IEO nece yarimqrupa bolunur?
      4. Erazisine göre dünyada yeddinci, ehalisinin sayına göre ise ikinci yeri tutur.
      1. Boyuk yeddilik necenci yarimqrupa aiddir?
      2. Insan Inkisaf Indeksine gore 91ci yer tutan olke.

      6 Clues: IEO nece yarimqrupa bolunur?Boyuk yeddilik necenci yarimqrupa aiddir?Insan Inkisaf Indeksine gore 91ci yer tutan olke.Ehalinin sayini,cins-yas terkibini hansi elm oyrenir?Orta ve yuksek dagliq erazilerde ehalinin sixligi necedir?Erazisine göre dünyada yeddinci, ehalisinin sayına göre ise ikinci yeri tutur.

      Power Transmission Systems 2024-04-18

      Power Transmission Systems crossword puzzle
      1. Double chain
      2. Screw-like gear
      3. Mechanical toothed wheel used to transmit power between shafts.
      4. Device used to change rotary motion to reciprocating motion
      5. Simple mechanism with fulcrum
      6. Motion type of a cam
      7. Type of gear with straight teeth
      8. Component of a belt that synchronises motion
      9. Synthetic polymer belt material
      10. Belt that synchronises engine movements
      11. Type of linkage used in engines
      1. Type of belt with angled cross-section, increasing surface friction with pulley.
      2. Power transmission mechanism
      3. Type of motion cam can create
      4. Interconnected links with rollers
      5. Material often used for chain links
      6. Traditional toothed-belt material
      7. Device used to remove slack in belts

      18 Clues: Double chainScrew-like gearMotion type of a camPower transmission mechanismType of motion cam can createSimple mechanism with fulcrumSynthetic polymer belt materialType of linkage used in enginesType of gear with straight teethInterconnected links with rollersTraditional toothed-belt materialMaterial often used for chain links...

      Nutrition in Animals 2024-04-18

      Nutrition in Animals crossword puzzle
      1. The largest gland in the human body.
      2. The removal of undigested food from the body.
      3. The process of absorbing the soluble nutrients from the digested food by the body cells.
      4. The process in which absorbed food is used for producing energy and growth.
      1. The movement of the wall muscles of the Oesophagus.
      2. A special kind of carbohydrate is present in grass, which cannot be digested by humans.
      3. False feet of amoeba which it uses to engulf food

      7 Clues: The largest gland in the human body.The removal of undigested food from the body.False feet of amoeba which it uses to engulf foodThe movement of the wall muscles of the Oesophagus.The process in which absorbed food is used for producing energy and growth.A special kind of carbohydrate is present in grass, which cannot be digested by humans....

      Sebastian 2024-04-18

      Sebastian crossword puzzle
      1. What do you do in class?
      2. What do you eat in the morning?
      3. It's a food and it's flat. And tasty.
      1. Roses are red violets are ....
      2. Where you sit and it starts whit an s?
      3. Where you wash yourself.
      4. Another word for kid.

      7 Clues: Another word for kid.What do you do in class?Where you wash yourself.Roses are red violets are ....What do you eat in the morning?It's a food and it's flat. And tasty.Where you sit and it starts whit an s?

      BAHASA ARAB 2024-04-18

      BAHASA ARAB crossword puzzle


      Partitioning, Regrouping and Rearranging 2024-04-18

      Partitioning, Regrouping and Rearranging crossword puzzle
      1. There were 58,923 spectators at a baseball game. If 32,456 spectators left before the end of the game, how many spectators remained?
      2. A store had 35,872 apples in stock. If they sold 18,345 apples, how many apples are left in stock?
      1. John has 24,589 marbles, and he buys 15,678 more marbles. How many marbles does John have in total?
      2. Emma has 45,678 stickers, and she receives 28,913 more stickers as a gift. How many stickers does Emma have in total?

      4 Clues: A store had 35,872 apples in stock. If they sold 18,345 apples, how many apples are left in stock?John has 24,589 marbles, and he buys 15,678 more marbles. How many marbles does John have in total?Emma has 45,678 stickers, and she receives 28,913 more stickers as a gift. How many stickers does Emma have in total?...

      Motibasyon 2024-04-18

      Motibasyon crossword puzzle
      1. Ito ay naglalaman ng malalim na emosyonal na pagkakakilanlan, romantikong damdamin, at pag-aalaga sa isang tao o bagay nang malalim
      2. Anak ni Haring Linceo, at prinsesa ng Albanya
      3. Hari ng Albanya
      4. Naglalarawan ng kahusayan, kaakit-akit, o kahalagahan ng isang bagay, tao, o karanasan
      5. Nangangahulugang "to catch" o "to capture" sa Ingles
      1. paglabag sa tiwala o pangako, partikular na sa isang relasyon o ugnayan
      2. Damdaming lungkot at pagkawala dahil sa pagkawala ng isang mahal sa buhay o ng isang bagay
      3. pagkikita ng dalawang bagay, tao, o pangyayari
      4. Kristiyanong tinulungan ng moro, at ang mahal ni Laura
      5. Isang Moro na niligtas ang Isang Kristiyano sa isang kagubatan
      6. Ang pagpapahalaga, pag-aalaga, at pag-ibig sa isang tao o bagay

      11 Clues: Hari ng AlbanyaAnak ni Haring Linceo, at prinsesa ng Albanyapagkikita ng dalawang bagay, tao, o pangyayariNangangahulugang "to catch" o "to capture" sa InglesKristiyanong tinulungan ng moro, at ang mahal ni LauraIsang Moro na niligtas ang Isang Kristiyano sa isang kagubatanAng pagpapahalaga, pag-aalaga, at pag-ibig sa isang tao o bagay...

      ROUNDHEADS 2024-04-18

      ROUNDHEADS crossword puzzle
      1. happened between 1642 and 1646
      2. Why was the king on trial
      3. Where the royalist and the parliamentarian met on July 2, 1644 Marston Moor
      1. With who did the king's forces allied to end the Irish rebellion
      2. The other name that the Roundheads used
      3. Who commanded the army of the roundheads

      6 Clues: Why was the king on trialhappened between 1642 and 1646The other name that the Roundheads usedWho commanded the army of the roundheadsWith who did the king's forces allied to end the Irish rebellionWhere the royalist and the parliamentarian met on July 2, 1644 Marston Moor

      Bokabularyo 2024-04-18

      Bokabularyo crossword puzzle
      1. ______ ako sa opisina bukas. (go)
      2. _____ ako ng report sa boss ko kanina (give)
      3. _____ siya sa mall kanina. (return)
      4. _____ ako ng regalo kahapon. (receive)
      5. _____ ako ng pagkain mamaya. (get)
      6. _______ si kuya kahapon ng gabi. (leave)
      1. ____ kami ng kaibigan ko noong Martes. (meet someone)
      2. ______ si ate mamaya. (leave)
      3. ______ ako mamaya. (drive)
      4. _____ ako ng adobo mamayang gabi (eat)

      10 Clues: ______ ako mamaya. (drive)______ si ate mamaya. (leave)______ ako sa opisina bukas. (go)_____ ako ng pagkain mamaya. (get)_____ siya sa mall kanina. (return)_____ ako ng regalo kahapon. (receive)_____ ako ng adobo mamayang gabi (eat)_______ si kuya kahapon ng gabi. (leave)_____ ako ng report sa boss ko kanina (give)...

      Voragyviai 2024-04-18

      Voragyviai crossword puzzle
      1. ką voratinkliai dažniausiai sugaudo?
      2. voragyvių savybė padedanti medžioti naktį?
      3. kas yra voragyviai?
      4. didžiausias voragyvis pasaulyje?
      5. Voragyvių savybė, kuri padeda gaudyti grobį?
      6. Ar vilkai gyvena grupese ar vieni?
      1. kuri voragyvių rūšis yra žinoma savo gebėjimu keisti spalvą?
      2. Vorų būdas pasižymėti teritoriją?
      3. kuo maitinasi voragyviai?
      4. voragyviu pagrindine gyvenamoji vieta?

      10 Clues: kas yra voragyviai?kuo maitinasi voragyviai?didžiausias voragyvis pasaulyje?Vorų būdas pasižymėti teritoriją?Ar vilkai gyvena grupese ar vieni?ką voratinkliai dažniausiai sugaudo?voragyviu pagrindine gyvenamoji vieta?voragyvių savybė padedanti medžioti naktį?Voragyvių savybė, kuri padeda gaudyti grobį?...

      New words 16/04 2024-04-18

      New words 16/04 crossword puzzle
      1. подзаглавие
      2. представям се
      3. описание
      4. повтарям
      5. подобрявам
      6. мозък
      7. кръстословица
      8. разменям
      1. правя нещо лично
      2. сравнявам
      3. разлика
      4. тема
      5. хиляда
      6. конференция
      7. малко
      8. възраст

      16 Clues: темамозъкмалкохилядаразликавъзрастописаниеповтарямразменямсравнявамподобрявамподзаглавиеконференцияпредставям секръстословицаправя нещо лично

      Literatūros terminai 2024-04-18

      Literatūros terminai crossword puzzle
      1. - dviejų arba kelių veikėjų pokalbis
      2. - meno kūrinio elementų išdėstymas, jų tarpusavio ryšys ir santykis su visuma
      3. - ką nors pagrindžiantis teiginys
      4. - dramos žanras, vaidinti skirtas linksmo, komiško ar satyrinio siužeto kūrinys.
      5. vertybes - tai, kas kūrinio veikėjui brangu, vertinga, suteikia jo gyvenimui prasmės.
      6. - literatūros ir meno kūrinių skirtymo pagal sandaros ypatybes vienetas.
      7. - asmuo, kuris veikia grožiniame kūrinyje.
      8. užuomazga - įvykis, nuo kurio prasideda kūrinio veiksmas
      1. - savo gyvenimo ir veiklos aprašymas
      2. -trumpas knygos straipsnio tūrinio išdėstymas.
      3. - vaizdingas asmens, daikto at reiškinio apibūdinimas
      4. prasmė - netiesioginė žodžio, posakio reikšmė.
      5. kino ar televizijos filmo tekstas, pavyzdžiui, litera tūrinis, režisūrinis scenarijus, koncerto, cirko, vaidinimo, šventes ar kitokio renginio planas, schema

      13 Clues: - ką nors pagrindžiantis teiginys- savo gyvenimo ir veiklos aprašymas- dviejų arba kelių veikėjų pokalbis- asmuo, kuris veikia grožiniame kūrinyje.-trumpas knygos straipsnio tūrinio išdėstymas.prasmė - netiesioginė žodžio, posakio reikšmė.- vaizdingas asmens, daikto at reiškinio apibūdinimasužuomazga - įvykis, nuo kurio prasideda kūrinio veiksmas...

      Dan planeta Zemlje 2024-04-18

      Dan planeta Zemlje crossword puzzle
      1. okruženje u kojem živu ljudi i životinje, moramo ostaviti čist...
      2. uvođenje onečišćenja u okoliš koje uzrokuje štetu
      3. u zelenu kantu idu boce, staklenke, teglice itd. koje su...
      4. biljke koje sadrže latice i dolaze u puno boja
      5. u plavu kantu idu časopisi, novine, itd. koji su..
      6. jedan od osnovnih uvjeta života koji se kemijski piše H2O
      1. Izdvajanja materijala iz otpada i ponovno uporabiti
      2. treći planet Sunčevoga sustava
      3. četvrti mjesec godine s 30 dana
      4. Nebesko tijelo koje obilazi oko zvijezde

      10 Clues: treći planet Sunčevoga sustavačetvrti mjesec godine s 30 danaNebesko tijelo koje obilazi oko zvijezdebiljke koje sadrže latice i dolaze u puno bojauvođenje onečišćenja u okoliš koje uzrokuje štetuu plavu kantu idu časopisi, novine, itd. koji su..Izdvajanja materijala iz otpada i ponovno uporabiti...

      informatica 2024-04-18

      informatica crossword puzzle
      1. Ik kan kopieën bij de ... maken
      2. ordinateur
      3. Je travaille dans un ...
      4. Ik ga naar de postkantoor met mijn ....
      5. Ik heb een HDMI-... nodig
      6. ordinateur portable
      1. Ik moet mijn file voor 4uur ....(envoyer)
      2. Xcell, word, Outlook, Teams zijn ...
      3. je reçois les clients à ..........
      4. clé usb

      10 Clues: clé usbordinateurordinateur portableJe travaille dans un ...Ik heb een HDMI-... nodigIk kan kopieën bij de ... makenje reçois les clients à ..........Xcell, word, Outlook, Teams zijn ...Ik ga naar de postkantoor met mijn ....Ik moet mijn file voor 4uur ....(envoyer)

      Macroeconomics 1 2024-04-18

      Macroeconomics 1 crossword puzzle
      1. total planned spending by firms on capital goods produced within the economy
      2. Product The sum of all goods and services produced in the economy over a period of time
      3. a leakage of spending power out of the circular flow of income
      4. income which is not spent
      5. a persistent or continuing rise in the average price level
      6. 6 months or more of negative economic growth
      1. the skills, knowledge and experience possessed by the population
      2. domestically produced goods or services sold to residents of other countries
      3. goods or services produced in other countries and sold to residents of this country
      4. total planned spending by households on consumer goods and services produced within the economy

      10 Clues: income which is not spent6 months or more of negative economic growtha persistent or continuing rise in the average price levela leakage of spending power out of the circular flow of incomethe skills, knowledge and experience possessed by the populationtotal planned spending by firms on capital goods produced within the economy...

      Guess the series 2024-04-18

      Guess the series crossword puzzle
      1. Shingeki (10 years)
      2. Fate/stay night (Tsundere)
      3. Angel Beats (Best character)
      4. Clannad (Little Brown)
      5. Kimetsu (MJ)
      6. Steins;Gate (Red)
      7. My Hero (Drama)
      8. GochiUsa (Yellow)
      9. Sword Art Online (Bald)
      10. Monogatari (The man)
      11. Hyouka (Kininarimasu)
      1. Re zero (Gray)
      2. LycoReco (Walnut)
      3. Madoka Magica (Black)
      4. Konosuba (Yellow)
      5. Proseka (Blue)
      6. Bocchi the rock (Yellow)

      17 Clues: Kimetsu (MJ)Re zero (Gray)Proseka (Blue)My Hero (Drama)LycoReco (Walnut)Konosuba (Yellow)Steins;Gate (Red)GochiUsa (Yellow)Shingeki (10 years)Monogatari (The man)Madoka Magica (Black)Hyouka (Kininarimasu)Clannad (Little Brown)Sword Art Online (Bald)Bocchi the rock (Yellow)Fate/stay night (Tsundere)Angel Beats (Best character)

      Speaking B1 2024-04-18

      Speaking B1 crossword puzzle
      1. the process of giving, sharing, spreading
      2. money that retired people get
      3. use
      4. mainly
      1. in another country
      2. agreement
      3. because you want to do it

      7 Clues: usemainlyagreementin another countrybecause you want to do itmoney that retired people getthe process of giving, sharing, spreading

      Des sportifs au féminin 2024-04-18

      Des sportifs au féminin crossword puzzle
      1. le féminin de l'archer
      2. elle joue au football
      3. elle fait du ski
      1. elle partcipe au marathon
      2. elle fait du vélo
      3. elle nage

      6 Clues: elle nageelle fait du skielle fait du véloelle joue au footballle féminin de l'archerelle partcipe au marathon

      TTS Bab 5.Unsur, senyawa dan campuran 2024-04-18

      TTS Bab 5.Unsur, senyawa dan campuran crossword puzzle
      1. Nama unsur nonlogam simbol 'H' berwujud gas
      2. terdiri atas dua atau lebih zat dan tidak membentuk zat baru
      3. terdiri atas 2 atom atau lebih yang saling berkaitan
      4. merupakan jenis campuran di antara larutan dan suspensi
      5. senyawa NaCI adalah
      6. suspensi dapat dipisahkan dengan metode penyaringan
      1. bagian terkecil dari suatu zat
      2. nama lain vitamin D
      3. tabel yang memuat seluruh unsur dinamakan tabel
      4. sifat unsur terbagi 2 yaitu sifat kimia dan sifat
      5. salah satu jenis campuran berdasarkan sifat fisiknya
      6. terbentuk dari 2 atom hidrogen dan 1 atom oksigen

      12 Clues: nama lain vitamin Dsenyawa NaCI adalahbagian terkecil dari suatu zatNama unsur nonlogam simbol 'H' berwujud gastabel yang memuat seluruh unsur dinamakan tabelsifat unsur terbagi 2 yaitu sifat kimia dan sifatterbentuk dari 2 atom hidrogen dan 1 atom oksigensuspensi dapat dipisahkan dengan metode penyaringan...

      Kryžiažodis apie literatūros terminus 2024-04-18

      Kryžiažodis apie literatūros terminus crossword puzzle
      1. kūrinio pagrindinė mintis?
      2. dviejų arba kelių veikėjų pokalbis?
      3. asmuo, kuriam kas adresuotame?
      4. dramos žanras?
      5. asmuo, kuris į ką nors kreipiasi?
      6. meninė priemonė, konkretus vaizdas ar pasakojimas?
      7. literatūros kūrinio konflikto išsprendimas?
      1. trumpas knygos ar straipsnio turinio išdėstymas?
      2. tikslingas tų pačių arba panašiai skambančių priebalsių?
      3. perkeltine reikšme vartojamas žodis ar žodžių junginys?
      4. toks tekstas, kuriame apibūdinamas žmogus?
      5. viena iš trijų pagrindinių grožinės literatūros rūšių?
      6. komiškumo forma-estetinis vertinimas?
      7. ką nors pagrindžiantis teiginys?
      8. nuoseklus svarbiausių valstybės?

      15 Clues: dramos žanras?kūrinio pagrindinė mintis?asmuo, kuriam kas adresuotame?ką nors pagrindžiantis teiginys?nuoseklus svarbiausių valstybės?asmuo, kuris į ką nors kreipiasi?dviejų arba kelių veikėjų pokalbis?komiškumo forma-estetinis vertinimas?toks tekstas, kuriame apibūdinamas žmogus?literatūros kūrinio konflikto išsprendimas?...

      Angels (AUD) 2024-04-18

      Angels (AUD) crossword puzzle
      1. Heavenly food
      2. Also known as Thrones
      3. The second lowest choir that contains the most well known angels
      4. Fiery six-winged serpents
      5. Aura of light usually located around the head
      6. Second choir of the second sphere
      7. Third choir of the second sphere
      1. Four faces and four wings
      2. First choir of the second sphere
      3. First choir of the third sphere
      4. Have twelve wings and are mentioned in the second book of Enoch
      5. Name for the heavens
      6. Third choir of the third sphere

      13 Clues: Heavenly foodName for the heavensAlso known as ThronesFour faces and four wingsFiery six-winged serpentsFirst choir of the third sphereThird choir of the third sphereFirst choir of the second sphereThird choir of the second sphereSecond choir of the second sphereAura of light usually located around the head...

      Fertilizer Application 2024-04-18

      Fertilizer Application crossword puzzle
      1. It is one of the factors affecting the amount of fertilizer application.
      2. These crops add substantial amounts of Nitrogen to the soil.
      1. It is one of the base fertilizers for crops.
      2. It develops and implements policy on the environment, food and rural issues.

      4 Clues: It is one of the base fertilizers for crops.These crops add substantial amounts of Nitrogen to the soil.It is one of the factors affecting the amount of fertilizer application.It develops and implements policy on the environment, food and rural issues.

      Kryžiažodis apie literatūros terminus 2024-04-18

      Kryžiažodis apie literatūros terminus crossword puzzle
      1. kūrinio pagrindinė mintis?
      2. dviejų arba kelių veikėjų pokalbis?
      3. asmuo, kuriam kas adresuotame?
      4. dramos žanras?
      5. asmuo, kuris į ką nors kreipiasi?
      6. meninė priemonė, konkretus vaizdas ar pasakojimas?
      7. literatūros kūrinio konflikto išsprendimas?
      1. trumpas knygos ar straipsnio turinio išdėstymas?
      2. tikslingas tų pačių arba panašiai skambančių priebalsių?
      3. perkeltine reikšme vartojamas žodis ar žodžių junginys?
      4. toks tekstas, kuriame apibūdinamas žmogus?
      5. viena iš trijų pagrindinių grožinės literatūros rūšių?
      6. komiškumo forma-estetinis vertinimas?
      7. ką nors pagrindžiantis teiginys?
      8. nuoseklus svarbiausių valstybės?

      15 Clues: dramos žanras?kūrinio pagrindinė mintis?asmuo, kuriam kas adresuotame?ką nors pagrindžiantis teiginys?nuoseklus svarbiausių valstybės?asmuo, kuris į ką nors kreipiasi?dviejų arba kelių veikėjų pokalbis?komiškumo forma-estetinis vertinimas?toks tekstas, kuriame apibūdinamas žmogus?literatūros kūrinio konflikto išsprendimas?...

      VA grupės nemetalai ir jų junginiai. 2024-04-18

      VA grupės nemetalai ir jų junginiai. crossword puzzle
      1. pavertimo amoniaku procesas vadinamas azoto fiksavimu.
      2. cheminis simbolis perodinėje elementų lentelėje yra P.
      3. aštraus kvapo dujos, naudojamos kaip trąšos ir azoto rūgščiai gaminti,vadinamos amoniaku.
      1. atomas turi 7 elektronus.
      2. vadinamas azoto pavertimo amoniaku procesas?
      3. yra fosforo cheminis simbolis periodinėje elementų lentelėje?
      4. elektronų turi azoto atomas?

      7 Clues: atomas turi 7 elektronus.elektronų turi azoto atomas?vadinamas azoto pavertimo amoniaku procesas?pavertimo amoniaku procesas vadinamas azoto fiksavimu.cheminis simbolis perodinėje elementų lentelėje yra P.yra fosforo cheminis simbolis periodinėje elementų lentelėje?...

      VA grupės nemetalai ir jų junginiai 2024-04-18

      VA grupės nemetalai ir jų junginiai crossword puzzle
      1. aštraus kvapo dujos, naudojamos kaip trąšos ir azoto rūgščiai gaminti, vadinamos amoniaku.
      2. pavertimo amoniaku procesas vadinamas azoto fiksavimu.
      3. yra fosforo cheminis simbolis periodinėje elementų lentelėje?
      1. atomas turi ų elektronus.
      2. vadinamas azoto pavertimo amoniaku procesas?
      3. elektronų turi azoto atomas?

      6 Clues: atomas turi ų elektronus.elektronų turi azoto atomas?vadinamas azoto pavertimo amoniaku procesas?pavertimo amoniaku procesas vadinamas azoto fiksavimu.yra fosforo cheminis simbolis periodinėje elementų lentelėje?aštraus kvapo dujos, naudojamos kaip trąšos ir azoto rūgščiai gaminti, vadinamos amoniaku.

      Adek 2024-04-18

      Adek crossword puzzle
      1. nama kucing kamu
      2. merek hp kamu
      3. nama ibu kamu
      1. nama kakak kamu
      2. jumlah ban mobil
      3. jumlah jari tangan kanan
      4. jumlah kamar rumah kamu

      7 Clues: merek hp kamunama ibu kamunama kakak kamunama kucing kamujumlah ban mobiljumlah kamar rumah kamujumlah jari tangan kanan

      Land of Jesus 2024-04-18

      Land of Jesus crossword puzzle
      1. water defying gravity
      2. sheep servants
      3. joyful celebrations
      4. always, all the time
      1. only 24hrs each day
      2. lending a hand
      3. very common birds
      4. best just out of the oven

      8 Clues: sheep servantslending a handvery common birdsonly 24hrs each dayjoyful celebrationsalways, all the timewater defying gravitybest just out of the oven

      стопанство 2024-04-18

      стопанство crossword puzzle
      1. стопанска гранка која го опфаќа огледување и
      2. човек/група љуѓе која се организират и одат по шума и ловат животни
      3. ловење на риби
      4. систем кој ги гради и организира знаењата и културата
      5. размена на услури и доброта
      6. однесубање на некоја личност спрема некого,неговото понашање спрема другите
      7. огледубање на животни и грижење за нив
      1. основна стопанска гранка и дејност која преставува процес
      2. движење на луѓе,возила
      3. на шумите
      4. производство на храна,храна за животни,влакна и слично.
      5. посетување нови места ,локалитети и занимавања

      12 Clues: на шумителовење на рибидвижење на луѓе,возиларазмена на услури и добротаогледубање на животни и грижење за нивстопанска гранка која го опфаќа огледување ипосетување нови места ,локалитети и занимавањасистем кој ги гради и организира знаењата и културатапроизводство на храна,храна за животни,влакна и слично....

      Classifying Polynomials 2024-04-18

      Classifying Polynomials crossword puzzle
      1. - The name for a 1st degree polynomial
      2. - The name for a 3rd degree polynomial
      1. - The name for a 2nd degree polynomial
      2. - The name for a polynomial with 0 degree

      4 Clues: - The name for a 2nd degree polynomial- The name for a 1st degree polynomial- The name for a 3rd degree polynomial- The name for a polynomial with 0 degree

      Terminai :P 2024-04-18

      Terminai :P crossword puzzle
      1. Literatūros kūrinio konflikto išsisprendimas, veiksmo pabaiga
      2. situacija situacija, skatinanti veikėją veikti ieškoti išeities.
      3. pradinė literatūros kūrinio dalis kurie susipažinimą su veikėjais.
      4. Viena iš trijų pagrindinių grožinės literatūros rūšių, vaidinti skirti kūriniai.
      5. meno kūrinio elementų išdėstymas, jų tarpusavio ryšys ir santykis so visuma.
      1. dramos žanras, vaidinti skirtas linksmo, komiško at satyrinio siužeto kūrinys.
      2. senovinis fantastinis pasakojimas.
      3. dviejų arba kelių veikėjų pokalbis.
      4. tiksli teksto at kalbos ištrauka.
      5. įžanginė epinio arba draminio literatūros kūrinio dalis prieš užuomazga; įžanga.

      10 Clues: tiksli teksto at kalbos ištrauka.senovinis fantastinis pasakojimas.dviejų arba kelių veikėjų pokalbis.Literatūros kūrinio konflikto išsisprendimas, veiksmo pabaigasituacija situacija, skatinanti veikėją veikti ieškoti išeities.pradinė literatūros kūrinio dalis kurie susipažinimą su veikėjais....

      стопанство 2024-04-18

      стопанство crossword puzzle
      1. посетување на нови места и нови локаци и знаменитисти
      2. одење на лекар внимавање на исхрана болести и др
      3. општо нешто што сите лиѓе треба да го знаат тоа и тоа се однесува на човековата активност.
      4. искористување или одгледување на шумите
      5. услуги во рамка на екологија облок на произвотство
      6. група луѓе кои одат во шума и ловат животни.
      1. одгледување на животни и грижење за нив
      2. движење на луѓе ,превоз,стока, пренос на пратки и др
      3. гради и организира знаења и објаснувања
      4. се занимава со испитување и исцрпување на сите видиви рудни лежишта рство шумарство одгледување и искористување на шумите

      10 Clues: одгледување на животни и грижење за нивгради и организира знаења и објаснувањаискористување или одгледување на шумитегрупа луѓе кои одат во шума и ловат животни.одење на лекар внимавање на исхрана болести и друслуги во рамка на екологија облок на произвотстводвижење на луѓе ,превоз,стока, пренос на пратки и др...

      Kuis review materi tata ruang kantor (office layout) 2024-04-18

      Kuis review materi tata ruang kantor (office layout) crossword puzzle
      1. tata ruang kantor gabungan
      2. skema denah
      3. kata ergonomi berasal dari bahasa
      4. penggunaan secara efektif serta mampu memberikan kepuasan kepada pegawai terhadap pekerjaan yang dilakukan adalah pengertian tata ruang kantor menurut...
      5. kata ergonomi berasal dari bahasa Yunani yaitu...... yang berarti alamiah
      6. tata ruang kantor terbuka
      1. seluruh pegawai untuk mengetahui pentingnya penerapan ergonomi agar produktivitas meningkat
      2. kata ergonomi berasal dari bahasa Yunani yaitu.......yang berarti gerak
      3. tata ruang kantor berkamar
      4. tata ruang kantor bertaman

      10 Clues: skema denahtata ruang kantor terbukatata ruang kantor gabungantata ruang kantor berkamartata ruang kantor bertamankata ergonomi berasal dari bahasakata ergonomi berasal dari bahasa Yunani yaitu.......yang berarti gerakkata ergonomi berasal dari bahasa Yunani yaitu...... yang berarti alamiah...

      Verbs 2024-04-18

      Verbs crossword puzzle
      1. learn
      2. speak
      3. sit
      4. buy
      5. take
      6. hear
      7. go
      8. fall
      9. see
      10. eat
      11. say
      1. sleep
      2. stop
      3. think
      4. have
      5. talk
      6. come
      7. listen
      8. run

      19 Clues: gositbuyseeeatrunsaystophavetaketalkcomehearfallsleeplearnspeakthinklisten

      mode 2024-04-18

      mode crossword puzzle
      1. De chitons waren allemaal verschillend, ze hadden verschillende …

        1 Clue: De chitons waren allemaal verschillend, ze hadden verschillende …

        Die Mauer 2024-04-18

        Die Mauer crossword puzzle
        1. dødstriben
        2. krydse
        3. selvskudsanlæg
        4. pigtråd
        5. bygge
        1. flygte
        2. befaling
        3. adskille
        4. byggelse
        5. sikkerhedspolitiet
        6. skyde

        11 Clues: skydebyggeflygtekrydsepigtrådbefalingadskillebyggelsedødstribenselvskudsanlægsikkerhedspolitiet

        the birthday gifts of pranay pius 2024-04-18

        the birthday gifts of pranay pius crossword puzzle
        1. the extremes of bourgeois quail eremites
        2. A giant top hiding in Argentina and Chile
        3. Taboo keepings amongst this binder
        1. Band is calling, we hear.
        2. Tart is a crazy painter

        5 Clues: Tart is a crazy painterBand is calling, we hear.Taboo keepings amongst this binderthe extremes of bourgeois quail eremitesA giant top hiding in Argentina and Chile

        VA grupės nemetalai ir jų junginiai 2024-04-18

        VA grupės nemetalai ir jų junginiai crossword puzzle
        1. regoje su rūgštimis
        2. kokia medžiaga gaunasi sujungus azota ir degoni
        3. stipri neorganinė rūgštis
        4. medžiagos lydymosi temperatūra lygi 44,2
        1. augalams reikalinga medžiaga
        2. kokia medžiaga žymima raide P
        3. medžiagos spalva geltona
        4. rūgstanti medžiaga
        5. turi du ir daugiau mitybos elementų
        6. kokia medžiaga yra poliatominis junginys

        10 Clues: rūgstanti medžiagaregoje su rūgštimismedžiagos spalva geltonastipri neorganinė rūgštisaugalams reikalinga medžiagakokia medžiaga žymima raide Pturi du ir daugiau mitybos elementųkokia medžiaga yra poliatominis junginysmedžiagos lydymosi temperatūra lygi 44,2kokia medžiaga gaunasi sujungus azota ir degoni

        Sąvokų žodynas 2024-04-18

        Sąvokų žodynas crossword puzzle
        1. dviejų žmonių pokalbis.
        2. perkiltinė reikšme vartojamas žodis, bandoma ką nors vaizduoti ir tai yra padidinama.
        3. toks tekstas kuriame apibūdinimas žmogus daiktas kažkas tai.
        4. paslėptas palyginimas
        5. didžiausios įtampos momentas
        6. grožinio kūrinio veikėjo kalba, sakoma kitiems veikėjams
        7. tiksli teksto ar kalbos ištrauka.
        8. vaizdingas dviejų dalykų sugretinimas, pagrįstas jų panašumu.
        1. estetinis vertinimas, pašiepimas, pasityčiojimas.
        2. ką nors pagrindžiantis teiginys.
        3. viena iš triejų pagrindinės literatūros rūšių.
        4. dramos žandras kuriame yra kažkas lateikiama labai juokingo
        5. senovinis fantastinis išgalvotas pasakojimas
        6. literatūros kūrinio konflikto išsprendimas, veiksmo pabaiga.

        14 Clues: paslėptas palyginimasdviejų žmonių pokalbis.didžiausios įtampos momentaską nors pagrindžiantis teiginys.tiksli teksto ar kalbos ištrauka.senovinis fantastinis išgalvotas pasakojimasviena iš triejų pagrindinės literatūros rūšių.estetinis vertinimas, pašiepimas, pasityčiojimas.grožinio kūrinio veikėjo kalba, sakoma kitiems veikėjams...

        Teka teki org gila 2024-04-18

        Teka teki org gila crossword puzzle
        1. sebuah benda sakti.
        2. teman Julio, rival Dyowen
        3. jenis ikan
        1. kawan domba
        2. air hitam
        3. tak tau apa ini

        6 Clues: air hitamjenis ikankawan dombatak tau apa inisebuah benda sakti.teman Julio, rival Dyowen

        The Abdominal Wall Anatomy 2024-04-18

        The Abdominal Wall Anatomy crossword puzzle
        1. The long muscles with the white line down the middle.
        2. A tendon-like sheet of fascia.
        3. The strength layer of the skin.
        4. These can adhere the bowel to the abdominal wall.
        5. The strength layer of the fat.
        6. The pigmented layer of the skin.
        7. The peritoneal cavity has a ______________ pressure.
        1. A line that is formed where the posterior rectus sheath ends.
        2. The deepest of the anterolateral muscles.
        3. The second layer of the abdominal wall.
        4. A white line formed between the rectus muscles.
        5. The _______ oblique is the second anterolateral muscle from the top.
        6. The layer of the skin containing the papillary and reticulum.

        13 Clues: A tendon-like sheet of fascia.The strength layer of the fat.The strength layer of the skin.The pigmented layer of the skin.The second layer of the abdominal wall.The deepest of the anterolateral muscles.A white line formed between the rectus muscles.These can adhere the bowel to the abdominal wall....

        Caracteristicas de la materia 2024-04-18

        Caracteristicas de la materia crossword puzzle
        1. La materia esta compuestas por las unidades más pequeñas e indivisibles de un elemento químico
        2. En conjunto como se le llama a los prinsipales estados de la materia
        3. En este estado las particualas se mueven de manera caótica
        4. El paso de sólido a líquido al aplicar calor
        1. En este estado las particulas pueden moverse libremente
        2. El paso de líquido a gas al aplicar calor
        3. El paso de gas a liquido al retirar calor
        4. En este estado las particulas mantienen una posicion fija

        8 Clues: El paso de líquido a gas al aplicar calorEl paso de gas a liquido al retirar calorEl paso de sólido a líquido al aplicar calorEn este estado las particulas pueden moverse librementeEn este estado las particulas mantienen una posicion fijaEn este estado las particualas se mueven de manera caótica...

        TTS IPA 2024-04-18

        TTS IPA crossword puzzle
        1. Unsur terkecil
        1. Campuran 1 atau lebih Unsur

        2 Clues: Unsur terkecilCampuran 1 atau lebih Unsur

        . 2024-04-18

        . crossword puzzle
        1. marché couvert
        2. chateaux du seigneur
        3. regroupe les personnesd faisant le meme métier
        4. sont des membres du conseil communal
        1. sont des boutiques
        2. reglement qui donne des droits et des libertes
        3. sont les nouveaux quartiers construits en dehors des murailles

        7 Clues: marché couvertsont des boutiqueschateaux du seigneursont des membres du conseil communalreglement qui donne des droits et des libertesregroupe les personnesd faisant le meme métiersont les nouveaux quartiers construits en dehors des murailles

        Literatūros terminai 2024-04-18

        Literatūros terminai crossword puzzle
        1. pasakojimas apie įvykius, kurių dalyviu ar stebėtoju autorius yra buvęs.
        2. asmuo, kuris kreipiasi
        3. dviejų arba kelių veikejų pokalbis.
        4. tiksli teksto ar kalbos ištrauka, pateikta kitame tekste dėstomai minčiai, samprotavimui ar įrodymui patvirtinti.
        5. užuomazga- ivykis, nuo kurio prasideda kūrinio veiksmas.
        6. asmuo, kuriam kas adresuojama
        1. literatūros kurinio konflikto išsprendimas, veiksmo pabaiga.
        2. ką nors pagrindžiantis teiginys.
        3. kas teigiama, teigta; sakinys, pagrindžiantys rašinio pagrindinę mintį.
        4. savo gyvenimo ir veiklos aprašymas

        10 Clues: asmuo, kuris kreipiasiasmuo, kuriam kas adresuojamaką nors pagrindžiantis teiginys.savo gyvenimo ir veiklos aprašymasdviejų arba kelių veikejų pokalbis.užuomazga- ivykis, nuo kurio prasideda kūrinio veiksmas.literatūros kurinio konflikto išsprendimas, veiksmo pabaiga.kas teigiama, teigta; sakinys, pagrindžiantys rašinio pagrindinę mintį....