
  1. 3. the natural science that studies matter, its motion and behavior through space and time, and the related entities of energy and force
  2. 6. the number of duck statues present in the public garden
  3. 7. the number of student clubs and organizations found at suffolk
  4. 9. number of full-time faculty in the Chemistry and Biochemistry department
  5. 10. the location of Suffolk's international campus
  6. 11. the nickname given to Suffolk's mascot
  7. 12. the last name of the current Suffolk University president
  1. 1. on January 15, 1919, a storage tank holding more than 2 million gallons of this substance burst, sending a giant wave of the hot syrupy substance through the North End of Boston resulting in 21 deaths
  2. 2. between 1659-1681, it was against the law to celebrate this upcoming holiday because the Pilgrims believed it to be a corrupted holiday
  3. 4. the branch of science that deals with the properties, composition, and structure of substances
  4. 5. Boston is named after a city in this European country
  5. 8. the most popular major at Suffolk