
  1. 3. A measurement of time.
  2. 5. Container for wine.
  3. 9. A seller.
  4. 11. A polite word used when you want something.
  5. 12. Travelling in the air.
  6. 15. To leave an unwanted place.
  7. 17. Expensive.
  8. 18. How tall something is.
  9. 19. A person who is always first.
  1. 1. What one earns.
  2. 2. almost.
  3. 4. To fix.
  4. 5. Connects opposite sides.
  5. 6. Practical.
  6. 7. Played in Wimbledon.
  7. 8. Lives in a house but does not own it.
  8. 10. Two times.
  9. 13. Directly after the first.
  10. 14. Spoken thoughts by public figures.
  11. 16. It comes from a question.