The Kingdom of Protista

  1. 1. Which phyla moves with flagella ?
  2. 3. a reproductive cell produced by protists and other organisms
  3. 5. an organism that can carry a parasite, and is responsible for infecting other organisms with that parasite
  4. 7. Organisms with eukaryotic cells that are not plants, animals, or fungi are called ________
  5. 8. Animal-like protists are classified according to the way they ____
  6. 9. If you were to take pond scum and look at it under a microscope, you would most likely see _________
  7. 12. _________ is the control center of the cell
  8. 13. ______________ are organisms that live on or in another organism (the host) and cause harm to that organism
  9. 15. Which phyla moves with cilia ?
  10. 17. extensions of cytoplasm that help sarcodines move; fake feet
  11. 18. How many nuclei do ciliates have ?
  12. 19. an organism with eukaryotic cells that is not a plant, animal, or fungus
  13. 20. an organism that feeds off dead, decaying organic matter or a parasite that feeds off living organisms; reproduces through spores
  1. 2. cell with a nucleus
  2. 4. cell without a nucleus
  3. 6. short, tail-like appendages that move from side to side and enable organisms to move
  4. 7. protists that are animal-like
  5. 10. tail-like appendages that whip from side to side in a wavy, snake-like motion, enabling organisms to move
  6. 11. One example of a sporozoan is ____________, which causes malaria
  7. 14. Which phyla move by extensions of cytoplasm?
  8. 16. What type of protozoans are parasites?