  1. 3. the red one (the best one)
  2. 5. your costume our first halloween together
  3. 6. purpose for the first playlist i made you
  4. 9. "ollie" lookalike
  5. 10. the realtor next door
  6. 11. weekly winter nights
  7. 16. not sure if i should be listening to this on mother's day
  8. 17. winter commute playlist
  9. 18. a do to bring back
  10. 20. what we ate after we found our apartment
  11. 21. one of the more harrowing experiences of our lives
  12. 22. alternative universe sadie
  13. 23. best night of (irish) dancing at
  1. 1. it’s ok because shawn mendes says it too
  2. 2. location where a heart to heart talk was held ; rest
  3. 4. top of sadie and i's travel list
  4. 7. there are 25, and ours says...
  5. 8. song we waited for all night
  6. 12. tj’s makes a fire version of these
  7. 13. the world… for candles we should revisit
  8. 14. first show we watched together
  9. 15. baby birds we saw 2 years ago
  10. 19. "no one knows this band..."