3460:421 OOP Software Design

  1. 3. One feature of a good design is a consistent, ______ vocabulary
  2. 5. In design, we create a ____ of a software artifact
  3. 6. The layer right below a system
  4. 7. In a good design, it is easy to add _____
  5. 9. In ____ design, we determine what classes exist and what methods they have
  6. 11. In design, we define the overall _____
  7. 13. In a good design, it is easy to ____ bugs
  8. 14. Another name for the layer equivalent to a class
  9. 15. The lowest layer of a system
  10. 16. In low-level design, we are closer to ____
  11. 17. Another name for the layer equivalent to a directory
  12. 19. Treat as the same layer as a method
  13. 20. A good design has the _______ efficiency
  14. 21. One feature of a good design is ___ cohesion
  15. 22. A C++17 method specifier that is a contextual keyword
  1. 1. In class design with more than a single class, we have to determine the ______ of the classes
  2. 2. ____-____ ____, which comes from object-oriented programming, asks the question, "What are the classes?"
  3. 4. In ___-level design we are closer to analysis
  4. 5. In a good design, it is easy to determine the _____ of bugs
  5. 8. ____ _____, which comes from structured programming, asks the question, "What are the functions?"
  6. 10. In good design errors are handled _____
  7. 12. Design primarily involves making choices between _____ ____
  8. 18. One of the C++ access specifiers
  9. 23. One feature of a good design is ____ coupling