Additional Fun Facts You Won't See Anywhere Else in My Application

  1. 3. My first failed small business ( I was 9 and trying to start it up in a tiny old cabin in my family's woods)
  2. 6. Outdoor activity I've been loving since age 2
  3. 8. Winter Sport 2021
  4. 9. Ski/ Snowboard runs I can readily navigate
  5. 10. Classes for which I have 5 years worth of truly hideous costumes in my attic
  1. 1. Event for which my graphic design poster was chosen and posted all over town
  2. 2. Winter sport 2019
  3. 4. Color of my karate belt
  4. 5. Anticipated winter sport 2022 ( I consider myself a three-season athlete, just haven't settled on that third season sport yet...)
  5. 7. My family's nickname for me (because I have a tendency to drop almost everything I touch.)