Chemistry extra credit

  1. 1. What you call it when the atomic number written is different than the atomic number on the periodic table.
  2. 5. part of atom with no charge
  3. 7. above the stair steps
  4. 10. When it is neither polar of non polar
  5. 11. method used to convert values(moles to grams) has 3 words
  6. 15. when a compound is polar or nonpolar it is also______.
  7. 16. not a metal or a nonmetal but a _______.
  8. 17. second part of the label when finding molar mass
  9. 18. first part of the label when finding molar mass
  1. 2. part of atom with negative charge
  2. 3. loses electron but has a positve charge
  3. 4. holder of all the elements created by Dimitri Mendelleev
  4. 6. abbreviation that starts with valence
  5. 8. part of an atom with positive charge
  6. 9. gains electron but has a negative charge
  7. 11. sounds like you are swearing at someone when abbreviated
  8. 12. ________ g/mol H20
  9. 13. creator of the number 6.022x10 to the 23 power
  10. 14. under the stair steps