Chemistry Vocab 4A

  1. 3. Atom's lowest energy state.
  2. 6. Number of protons in the nucleus of an atom.
  3. 7. The concept that if waves can behave like particles, then particles can also be have like waves.
  4. 8. A packet of electromagnetic energy modeled as a particle that transmits electromagnetic force in the standard model of matter.
  5. 10. The smallest particle capable of chemical reactions.
  6. 12. The center of the atom where the protons and neutrons exist.
  7. 13. This law states that every compound is formed of elements combined in specific ratios by mass that are unique for that compound.
  8. 14. The row of the periodic table where the element resides.
  9. 16. Having to do with quantities in which there are only separate, discrete value's allowed
  10. 17. A complete visual spectrum with no frequency gaps, emitted only by an ideal luminous object.
  11. 18. Positively charged ions are emitted at very high speeds from some radioactive elements.
  1. 1. Neutral particle found in the nucleus.
  2. 2. A beam of electrons emitted from the cathode of a high-vacuum tube.
  3. 4. The principle that it is impossible to know both the energy or momentum and the exact position of an electron at the same time.
  4. 5. Positively-charged particle found in the nucleus.
  5. 9. A spectrum showing only certain colors or wavelengths of light.
  6. 11. Sections of the sub-levels where up to two electrons can exist.
  7. 15. Negatively-charged particle found outside the nucleus in the orbitals.