  1. 3. Faithful, dedicated, devout, steadfast
  2. 6. Something you selected with preference or care
  3. 9. Pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters are ___
  4. 10. A substance we use in cooking to prevent food from sticking, or in salad dressing
  5. 11. A very thin sheet of aluminum that we use in the kitchen
  6. 14. If your expectations are not met, you feel ___
  7. 16. The opposite of quiet or peaceful
  8. 17. To keep away from, or keep from happening
  1. 1. Related to kings and queens; also a shade of bright blue
  2. 2. When food is too old to eat, it is ___
  3. 4. To completely ruin or cause destruction of something
  4. 5. A long trip, often by sea
  5. 7. To really like something
  6. 8. When water is 212 degrees F or 100 degrees C, it is ___
  7. 12. Another word for dirt
  8. 13. A feeling of great happiness
  9. 15. A meeting set for a specific time or place