
  1. 2. color is also a fruit orange
  2. 3. place medal bronze
  3. 5. of light purple lavender
  4. 7. of barnie purple
  5. 9. of the sun yellow
  6. 11. get this on a hot day if you stay outside tan
  7. 12. of tree green
  8. 14. of a sword silver
  9. 15. of a apple red
  10. 16. of the sky and ocean blue
  1. 1. a light version of blue baby blue
  2. 2. color is also a fruit peach
  3. 3. sky turns when it rains grey
  4. 4. in Spanish aqua
  5. 6. of jewelry turquoise
  6. 8. of a piece of wood brown
  7. 9. of the clouds white
  8. 10. of an eraser pink
  9. 12. that burns in sun black
  10. 13. of a retriever golden