Community Center Bundles

  1. 3. Hot and Hard
  2. 6. The biggest and juiciest of them all
  3. 9. Check your mail, Jodi might want one
  4. 12. That’s a lot of materials…
  5. 13. It’s Bright and Colourful
  6. 14. The most basic of all the fall forageables
  7. 16. People might panic if you talk about this on a boat
  8. 18. Requires none but the best of your crops
  9. 20. Comes out before winter, just after sunset
  10. 21. This reminds me of something grainy
  1. 1. Pigs will be your guide
  2. 2. All for the low price of 25k
  3. 4. Baby Goat
  4. 5. I’d ask Gil of any of the Duggies have dropped this
  5. 7. Quite old, one might call it “ancient”
  6. 8. From inside the Earth
  7. 10. It’s very, very slow
  8. 11. It’s green and cannot be found in the winter
  9. 14. The only good thing to come of soggy newspaper
  10. 15. Sandy would KILL for one of these
  11. 17. Its both Forageable and Farmable
  12. 19. You’d better not eat one of these…