Family and Routine

  1. 3. Making Food
  2. 4. A place where you go to buy your groceries
  3. 5. Time of day between midnight and non (12:00am - 12:00pm)
  4. 8. The day of the week before Sunday and after Friday
  5. 10. An activity performed in exchange for compensation
  6. 11. plural of child
  7. 13. Act of buying things from shops
  8. 16. The meal you eat in the morning
  9. 17. Time of day at night, usually from 6:00pm
  1. 1. The place where you live
  2. 2. Going on an outing by foot
  3. 4. You do this to wash your body
  4. 6. A person's father or mother
  5. 7. A person's female child
  6. 9. Something that is not interesting
  7. 12. A very young child
  8. 14. A large public garden you can go take walks in
  9. 15. Time of day between noon and sunset (12:00pm - 5:00pm)