February half term crossword!

  1. 3. Lottie and Amy's dad.
  2. 6. The baby boy that sleeps in the right bed.
  3. 7. The month pancake day is on.
  4. 9. The substance you play in when it is cold.
  5. 11. The vehicle were on now.
  6. 12. The person who sits in the middle.
  7. 14. The person who sits by the window.
  1. 1. You.
  2. 2. The airport we are flying from, at the start of the holiday.
  3. 4. The capital of the country we are going to.
  4. 5. The day we are going on.
  5. 8. The temperature it is in the winter.
  6. 9. A winter sport.
  7. 10. The airport we are flying to.
  8. 13. The baby boy that sleeps in the left bed.