
  1. 2. red fruit
  2. 4. yellow fruit
  3. 6. green vegetable
  4. 8. round fruit that is red inside
  5. 10. made this food by mixing flour and water
  6. 11. vegetable with brown or yellow skin
  7. 12. sweet substance
  8. 15. round green
  9. 17. white vegetable with thick green leaves around the outside
  10. 18. red vegetable
  11. 19. produced by a female chicken
  12. 20. of some climbing plants
  13. 21. liquid produced
  14. 22. brown food
  15. 24. of vegetables
  16. 26. orange vegetable
  1. 1. green, purple or red fruit, is used to make wine
  2. 3. yellow fruit
  3. 5. made this food from grain and eaten with milk
  4. 7. of fungus
  5. 8. round fruit with thick
  6. 9. fruit with green or red skin
  7. 13. liquid
  8. 14. this food from milk, is white or yellow
  9. 15. yellow food, you put this on bread
  10. 16. vegetable with layers
  11. 20. food, made from sugar and cream
  12. 23. food that is made by bees
  13. 25. orange fruit
  14. 26. green vegetable which is white inside