
  1. 4. You can eat it fresh or canned.
  2. 6. Summer is very good season for ..., but in another time this process can do with pan
  3. 8. can be eaten raw, or used for making wine, juice, and jelly/jam.
  4. 11. To... small parts of vegetable for salad
  5. 13. Some foods need to ..., because it need to cook slowly
  6. 14. After product freezing, if want to use it, need to ... it
  7. 16. Need to ... different part of salads.
  8. 17. To... on pan.
  9. 18. The fruit has only one seed; the color runs from yellow to orange and may have a red cast; the surface of the fruit is smooth and nearly hairless.
  10. 20. They can be baked, canned, frozen, or eaten fresh. They can be made into jams, jellies or juice. They can also be made into pies and put into salads or baby food.
  11. 21. -
  12. 22. -
  13. 24. Very tasty fruit. After eating it sometimes lips have pain.
  14. 25. important for ice-cream
  15. 26. - pievienot
  16. 28. - sakult (krējumu)
  17. 30. Soup need to...
  18. 31. ...chips are a part of snack "student breakfest".
  19. 32. - sakult olas (kultenim :) )
  20. 34. for making omelet, need to... opprox. 4 eggs
  21. 37. It is very juicy fruit.
  22. 38. in - iekult
  23. 40. It is yellow fruit.
  24. 41. To ... in pan.
  25. 43. -
  1. 1. You can to ... sousage with your knife.
  2. 2. -
  3. 3. Pumpkin for making salads, need to...
  4. 5. - saputot (sviestu)
  5. 6. Eggs need to...
  6. 7. - nokāst
  7. 9. This vegetables use in dinner with meat.
  8. 10. An eggs need to ... about 8 minutes.
  9. 12. -
  10. 15. Pastry before making cookies, neeed to ... with rolling pin
  11. 16. Name of song - Cake to ...
  12. 19. To... a combination of solid food ingredients that have been cooked in liquid and served in the resultant gravy.
  13. 21. -
  14. 23. -
  15. 27. It is easiest way how to cook a big piece of meat.
  16. 29. It word have two meanings - it is fruit and it is name (trade mark) of big company.
  17. 33. If you want to eat salads of carrot and cheese, all ingredients need to...
  18. 35. The inside of a ... is a golden color. It tastes sweet and sticky.
  19. 36. Wok pan use for vegetables, who ...
  20. 39. Potatoes before making soup, need to...
  21. 42. You need to ... something for geting whipped cream.