gossip girl

  1. 2. little brother of s
  2. 4. A summer party where the song "paparazzi" plays
  3. 8. The jew marries the waldorf?
  4. 10. serena's dream university that she never ends up going to
  5. 11. Hey ______ siders
  6. 12. hilary duff's character
  7. 14. part of the band lincoln hawk
  8. 15. Queen bee
  9. 16. Racoon
  1. 1. louis _____ of monaco
  2. 3. you were meant to fall off that building
  3. 5. Owner of the empire hotel for a short period of time
  4. 6. Our fav french male model
  5. 7. Somebody drugged our favorite VDW?
  6. 9. blair was traded for this building?
  7. 13. doorman for the VDW's
  8. 17. The best dog in the whole show