Health Crossword

  1. 2. After considering possible outcomes, a risk becomes a _____________ risk.
  2. 6. There are ______ main steps to accessing health products, information, and services.
  3. 7. A risk is ______ after you decide a risk isn't worth it.
  4. 8. A health________ is an item used to maintain or restore health.
  5. 10. Your decision-making ______ shows how you make decisions.
  6. 12. A general idea formed around an area of health is a health __________.
  7. 14. These skills help people solve problems.
  8. 15. _______ behavior promotes healthy living.
  9. 20. _________ behavior threatens healthy living.
  10. 21. The quality of life depending on your health status.
  11. 22. A health-care __________ is a place people go to receive health care.
  12. 25. This part of the Health Triangle focuses on the condition of a person's body.
  13. 26. This is what's used to show the three kinds of health.
  14. 27. There are this many advertising appeals.
  15. 28. A health advocate uses their skills to _______ health behavior of others.
  16. 30. This part of the Health Triangle is the condition of somebody's mind and how they express their emotions.
  17. 31. A __________ health goal is a health goal somebody plans to achieve over a longer period of time.
  18. 33. There were _____ main goals in the 1900's project.
  19. 35. This is what happens when you become feeling overwhelmed, stressed, bored, or tired.
  20. 36. A behavior somebody works to achieve or maintain is a ________ goal.
  21. 37. Equipment that can be used to communicate information.
  1. 1. These cause you to take actions that can affect your health.
  2. 3. This is a serious situation that generally occurs without warning.
  3. 4. __________ factors can improve your odds of healthy or positive outcomes.
  4. 5. A volunteer _______ is a place that helps prove people with volunteering work.
  5. 8. There was a project in the 1900's called Healthy _____ 2010.
  6. 9. These are announcements that are paid to give you information on a product.
  7. 10. This part of the Health Triangle focuses on your relationships with others.
  8. 11. This is when you use your time or talent to do something that may help others.
  9. 13. Ads are designed to __________ people.
  10. 16. It is important to quickly take ______ in an emergency.
  11. 17. ________ skills are skills used to get away or say "no" to risky situations.
  12. 18. A ______________ health goal is a healthy goal that somebody plans to achieve in the near future.
  13. 19. This is a person who will provide a service without pay.
  14. 22. There are this many steps in becoming a health advocate.
  15. 23. Critical ________ is evaluating facts and possible outcomes before making a decision.
  16. 24. Any chance that doesn't have a known outcome.
  17. 26. A health behavior inventory lets people see how well they're practicing what type of behaviors?
  18. 29. A _________ event is an event in which you little or no control.
  19. 32. There are this many steps in setting health goals.
  20. 34. Health _______ is knowing and having the characteristics of healthy/important skills.