ICT Finals

  1. 1. horizontal grouping of cells
  2. 4. Margins
  3. 5. CTRL+B
  4. 7. Bring ________
  5. 9. CTRL+N
  6. 11. at sign
  7. 12. _______font
  8. 14. Intersection of a row and a column
  9. 18. _________bar
  10. 19. Exit
  11. 20. Rows are identified with
  12. 21. CTRL+L
  13. 22. Shapes
  14. 25. Bullets
  15. 28. Print _______
  16. 29. Wrap Text
  17. 31. Justify (v.)
  18. 34. Shading/____ color
  19. 36. MS __________: an electronic presentation software
  20. 39. Increase _______
  21. 40. Underline
  22. 41. Picture
  23. 42. all CTRL+A
  24. 44. vertical grouping of cells
  25. 45. Cut
  26. 46. Clipart
  27. 47. Subscript
  28. 50. F5
  29. 51. Numbering
  30. 56. Chart
  31. 57. CTRL+X
  32. 59. _____box
  33. 62. _______decimal
  34. 63. CTRL+O
  35. 64. Columns are identified with
  36. 66. Header
  37. 68. _____ and Center
  38. 69. Bold
  39. 70. CTRL+I
  40. 72. Drop Cap
  41. 74. Handle
  42. 77. CTRL+S
  43. 78. Undo
  44. 80. Sort
  45. 81. MS _____: an electronic spreadsheet software
  1. 2. Word Art
  2. 3. Where received e-mails are stored
  3. 6. Redo
  4. 8. Orientation
  5. 10. Blind Carbon Copy
  6. 11. CTRL+R
  7. 13. Ruler
  8. 15. ______bar
  9. 16. Superscript
  10. 17. Footer
  11. 18. Font size
  12. 21. Active Cell
  13. 23. Font
  14. 24. CTRL+C
  15. 26. New
  16. 27. Hyperlink
  17. 30. attachment
  18. 32. CTRL+U
  19. 33. Font Color
  20. 35. CTRL+P
  21. 37. What is ‘E’ in E–mail
  22. 38. CTRL+V
  23. 43. Align text ____
  24. 48. New ____
  25. 49. Align text _____
  26. 50. Part of an e-mail where we type a brief description of the content of our e-mail
  27. 52. Border
  28. 53. Rotate
  29. 54. Carbon Copy
  30. 55. Italics
  31. 56. Check box
  32. 58. _____button
  33. 60. MS ____: a word processing software
  34. 61. _____box
  35. 65. ______font
  36. 67. CTRL+Y
  37. 71. _____backward
  38. 73. CTRL+E
  39. 75. It has rows in columns
  40. 76. _____direction
  41. 79. _____box