Insurance Xword 1

  1. 1. Declare a loss
  2. 3. A story with a balance
  3. 5. Danger like fire and earthquake
  4. 8. What claims and death bring
  5. 12. Superior price of insurance
  6. 13. Sign below to accept the risk
  7. 16. Start to claim a book
  8. 18. A contract for peace?
  9. 19. Wise man has company
  10. 21. Achievement recorded in journals
  11. 22. Shoot this line of business
  12. 23. Accuses for additional money
  1. 1. Woke culture or with a change of mind
  2. 2. A form of asking for marriage
  3. 4. Name of a person sent to collect dues
  4. 6. Damages the compensation
  5. 7. There's a price for this envelope
  6. 9. Fights wars, as a line of business
  7. 10. A well-behaved person who sells insurance
  8. 11. Accept defeat and take the money
  9. 14. Indefinite way to reduce risk
  10. 15. Change of money, change of light
  11. 17. With calm, an amount kept aside
  12. 20. Mistake caused by not paying the bill
  13. 21. Stoppage, or giving away