La ropa y los complementos

  1. 9. something you wear to bed
  2. 10. something you wear for work
  3. 11. something your grandma can make
  4. 12. Something you wear in the winter
  5. 13. something you wear on your head
  6. 16. something you wear on your neck
  7. 17. three types of footwear
  8. 18. bag usually for girls
  9. 20. something you wear after you shower
  10. 21. something you put on your ear
  11. 22. something you wear to go swim
  12. 24. womens dress shirt
  1. 1. things you wear to add on to normal clothes
  2. 2. something you put on your wrist
  3. 3. shoes for winter
  4. 4. something you wear when its cold
  5. 5. glasses when its hot
  6. 6. something you wear when it rains
  7. 7. something fancy girls wear
  8. 8. things you put on your feet
  9. 14. something girls wear instead of shorts
  10. 15. something you wear with a suit
  11. 19. something you use to tell the time
  12. 23. something you put on your finger
  13. 25. a circular hat