Myasthenia Gravis Awareness

  1. 1. where weakness is felt
  2. 5. can help improve nerve-to-muscle message
  3. 7. system that makes antibodies that block signals to muscles
  4. 10. weakness gets worse with this
  5. 11. first word in neuromuscular disease name
  6. 13. specializes in myasthenia gravis disease
  7. 14. what eyelids might do
  8. 15. there is no ____ for MG
  9. 16. weakness temporarily subsides with _____
  1. 2. call if we have trouble breathing
  2. 3. how muscles feel
  3. 4. we are in______ when symptoms go away
  4. 6. visit this person if you have weakness
  5. 8. second word in neuromuscular disease name
  6. 9. lots of information on the ____ to educate us
  7. 12. how your speech might sound