
  1. 2. you are my nuumber ... For choosing the best games and not only that
  2. 6. i wish you a very good new ... To work
  3. 8. something you do in your garden (this is an abbrevation)
  4. 9. your favorite winter sports
  5. 10. now we have ... Phrase
  6. 11. Who want to look ..., speak and who want to be ..., listen
  7. 13. from your ... Benjamin, 1 January 2014
  8. 14. the language I use for this crossword
  1. 1. the habbit we have to do on te first january is to lease a New Year's ...
  2. 3. a winter month
  3. 4. ... In your drink and not in your bath
  4. 5. you are my best ...
  5. 7. Something you do and you have it in your garden
  6. 12. much love from your ...