Oh The Places We've Been

  1. 3. Favorite thing about moving back to the South
  2. 5. Want to retire here
  3. 8. Terrestrial Kingdom of apartments
  4. 10. You only got two options and we're not going to the Chinese place again
  5. 11. "We fancy like _________ on a date night."
  6. 13. Indoor Farmers Market
  7. 14. Neighbor who makes famous milkshakes
  8. 15. This animal is represented by a giant pile of sand
  9. 16. Office of the Miracle Man
  10. 17. Not in but on the Mississippi
  1. 1. Baby Shower location in Lion King
  2. 2. Now that we're not Mormon, we got to go back
  3. 4. Where you worked and what you did
  4. 6. "There's a flip flop right there!"
  5. 7. When we're ______ we're home
  6. 9. Wait.. We haven't been there yet!
  7. 12. Ice________
  8. 15. First Chelsea, than Adam