Personal Finance

  1. 6. Amount one must pay to live a standard life.
  2. 8. A federal governments levy on people.
  3. 12. The cost of living.
  4. 14. Cost that is directly proportional.
  5. 15. Money borrowed.
  6. 16. An account at a bank.
  7. 17. Detailed proforma schedule of financial activity.
  8. 18. Regular wages.
  9. 19. Interest paid on previously earned interest as well as on the principal.
  10. 20. Usually hard plastic and borrows money directly when buying.
  11. 23. Expense that's allowable as a reduction of gross taxable income.
  12. 24. Common stockholders' equity.
  13. 26. Amount of money held for safekeeping.
  14. 27. A form of currency.
  1. 1. Interest calculated as a simple percentage.
  2. 2. A price shown as the cost per unit.
  3. 3. A loan secured.
  4. 4. Money someone makes during a form of labor.
  5. 5. Debts in other words.
  6. 7. An expense that doesn't change.
  7. 9. A deposit account.
  8. 10. Regular wages.
  9. 11. Gross income but less a variety of deductions.
  10. 13. Percent tax on selling goods.
  11. 21. Total amount of money being borrowed.
  12. 22. A firm's productive resource.
  13. 25. Income minus cost of goods.