Personal Finance and Microeconomics

  1. 1. profit shares given by corporations to stockholders
  2. 7. graph demonstrating opportunity cost
  3. 9. economic system which blends both command and free market systems
  4. 13. economic system with no government intervention
  5. 17. any place buyers and sellers get together to trade
  6. 18. education and skills needed to perform jobs
  7. 20. semi-independent business that pays fees to a parent organization
  8. 23. the act of working
  9. 24. business owned by stockholders
  10. 28. merger of two or more companies in the same market
  11. 30. the inability to satisfy all wants with given resources
  12. 31. making similar products unique in order to compete
  13. 34. tool used to help determine where your money goes
  14. 36. describes how readily a person can get their assets in the form of cash
  15. 37. how societies answer the 3 questions and 5 goals
  16. 39. a person who takes a risk to open a business
  17. 40. a measurement of how sensitive a product is to price change
  18. 41. the amount borrowed
  19. 42. when firms work together to set market prices
  20. 43. a home loan
  21. 44. things which will move the demand curve to another spot on the graph
  1. 2. the relationship between demand and price
  2. 3. market structure dominated by one firm
  3. 4. the point where supply and demand curve intersect
  4. 5. curve demonstrating the amount of product producers will sell at all possible prices
  5. 6. resources produce by the environment
  6. 8. share of ownership in a corporation
  7. 10. curve demonstrating the amount of something purchased at all possible prices
  8. 11. defined as money or other valuables
  9. 12. resources used to produce other goods
  10. 14. artificially set price below which the price may not fall
  11. 15. a person's financial GPA
  12. 16. business owned by one person
  13. 19. market structure dominated by a few large firms
  14. 21. businesses designed to do charitable work that other companies don't
  15. 22. income before taxes
  16. 25. the production of a firm
  17. 26. also called communist
  18. 27. the next best thing given up when making a choice
  19. 29. giving up some of one thing to have more of another
  20. 32. the price of money
  21. 33. income after taxes
  22. 35. the relationship between supply and price
  23. 38. banks issue them so people can borrow money for a month