Pre-IB Chemistry

  1. 2. atomic mass average mass of the isotopes of an element.
  2. 4. number and type of different atoms in one molecule.
  3. 5. substance that reduces another substance.
  4. 8. strong electric attraction between oppositely charged ions.
  5. 10. loss of electrons.
  6. 12. simultaneous oxidation and reaction.
  7. 13. hypothesizes is first put forward by Amedeo Avogadro.
  8. 15. par of electrons which are both positive electrons.
  9. 16. compound is defined as the number of different atoms in one molecule.
  10. 17. gain of electrons.
  11. 18. chemical unit.
  12. 19. ions which are packed by regular arrangment.
  13. 20. soft material with slippery feel. It conducts energy.
  1. 1. measured in g/dm3 or mol/dm3.
  2. 3. substance containing 6.02×10(small 23).
  3. 6. strong attraction between oppositely charged ions.
  4. 7. simplest whole number ratio of the different atoms in the compound.
  5. 9. very hard substance.
  6. 11. is used for ionic compounds.
  7. 14. substance which oxides another substance.