Puzzle Corner: Student Life Crossword #1

  1. 4. We know a lot. We live in the library. You like holding us in your hands. You need us during exams.
  2. 6. On 30 and 31 August 2023, I was very bright and close to your planet. What am I?
  3. 7. This movie teaches you to feel 'kenough'.
  4. 9. A 2022 horror movie directed by Adelaide-born directors Danny Philippou and Michael Philippou.
  5. 10. A Kaurna word for “hello, how are you?”.
  6. 11. Black and white, I can fly and love shiny things!
  1. 1. Get _____ is a mystery event series at UniSA, the details of which are not revealed to participants until they reach the destination!
  2. 2. We are UniSA student volunteers. We help you explore Adelaide and make new friends.
  3. 3. What is as simple as tea? Here's a video to help you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQbei5JGiT8.
  4. 5. In February I start, in June I end. You need to look at my details every now and then to keep track of all uni things.
  5. 6. Without this, you cannot have free brekky or print your documents at uni.
  6. 8. When you see a friend who's stressed or sad, you say this.