Reading Foundations A - Vocabulary Review #1

  1. 3. I don't know ___ the cat got into the yarn!
  2. 6. ___ line is it anyways?
  3. 7. Do you know ___ pair of shoes you'll wear?
  4. 8. Take me as I ___.
  5. 9. They were nowhere to ___ found.
  6. 10. We ___ very excited to be on vacation!
  7. 11. ___ there a doctor in the house?
  8. 12. She ___ her homework as soon as she gets home.
  9. 13. She did not tell us ___ the jewel thief was.
  1. 1. ___ does the class start?
  2. 2. I highly doubt he knows what he is ___.
  3. 4. ___ won't you take the day off?
  4. 5. When ___ I ask you?
  5. 6. Hello, with ___ am I speaking?
  6. 7. She ___ sitting on the bench.
  7. 8. ___ you going to finish that sandwich?
  8. 9. He was ___ very mean to his younger brother.
  9. 10. ___ is the baby shower going to be?
  10. 12. ___ you want a second chance?
  11. 13. ___ did you eat for lunch?