
  1. 3. ω , rate of change of an angle with which an object that is moving on a circular path
  2. 4. instantaneous acceleration found by taking the derivative of the velocity function with respect to time in unit vector notation
  3. 5. magnitude of which is the time rate of change of speed. Its direction is tangent to the circle
  4. 7. motion of an object subject only to the acceleration of gravity
  5. 8. vector from the initial position to a final position on a trajectory of a particle
  6. 9. vector from the origin of a chosen coordinate system to the position of a particle in two- or threedimensional space
  7. 11. coordinate system in which the position, velocity, and acceleration of an object at rest or moving is measured
  8. 13. component of acceleration of an object moving in a circle that is directed radially inward toward the center of the circle
  1. 1. vector sum of centripetal and tangential accelerations
  2. 2. elapsed time a projectile is in the air
  3. 6. velocity of an object as observed from a particular reference frame, or the velocity of one reference frame with respect to another reference frame
  4. 10. path of a projectile through the air
  5. 12. maximum horizontal distance a projectile travels