
  1. 3. When there is moisture or water present, either from rain or other sources.
  2. 4. When surfaces are covered in ice, making them slippery.
  3. 7. The season between summer and winter, known for its colorful foliage and cooler temperatures.
  4. 10. When there is little to no moisture in the air or on the ground.
  5. 12. The coldest season of the year, with shorter days and lower temperatures. It often brings snow and ice.
  6. 13. The season between winter and summer, when plants begin to bloom and the weather gets warmer.
  7. 14. When the sky is covered with clouds, blocking the sun and making it darker.
  1. 1. When snow is falling or covering the ground.
  2. 2. When the temperature is high and it feels warm.
  3. 5. When the temperature is low and it feels chilly.
  4. 6. The warmest season of the year, characterized by longer days and higher temperatures.
  5. 8. When the temperature is neither too hot nor too cold, but pleasant.
  6. 9. When the weather is clear and the sun is shining brightly.
  7. 11. When it is raining, with water falling from the sky.
  8. 12. When there is a strong breeze or gusts of air blowing.