St. Patrick's Day Crossword
- 3. nonsense or misleading talk
- 7. capital of the Republic of Ireland
- 8. a form of verse, usually humorous, with 5 lines and an AABBA rhyme scheme
- 10. Irish writer and 1922 winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature
- 11. patron saint of Ireland, engineers, and paralegals
- 12. culture group that includes Irish and Scottish
- 1. type of Irish dance
- 2. capital of Northern Ireland
- 4. symbol of Irish mythology and Catholic history, said to represent the holy trinity
- 5. St. Patrick was said to rush these animals out of Ireland
- 6. a four leaf clover gives you ____
- 8. character of Irish folklore associated with gold and rainbows
- 9. musical intrument said to have been stolen from the Irish God Dagda, who used it to order the seasons