Svante Arrhenius

  1. 4. His parents were amazed to discover that he could read when he was only ... .
  2. 5. Arrhenius proposed that the reason the solution became conductive was that salts in solution disassociated their ... .
  3. 7. The most significant proposal was that salts or water were not good . .. in their pure state, but they became conductive when mixed with each other.
  4. 8. He was the first chemist to suspect that levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere could affect ... .
  5. 9. He was awarded the ... Prize for Chemistry in 1905.
  6. 10. Svante Arrhenius WAS BORN IN ... .
  1. 1. Arrhenius’s work was groundbreaking in explaining why chemical reactions took place and describing the ... needed to initiate a reaction.
  2. 2. he concluded that all chemical reactions that occurred in solutions were actually ... between ions.
  3. 3. Svante Arrhenius is widely recognized as one of the fathers of ... chemistry.
  4. 6. In 1881, he enrolled in the Swedish Academy of ... .