The Weather and Seasons

  1. 2. What comes after lightning?
  2. 4. People have to scrape this off their windscreens in the winter
  3. 6. Weather that makes a perfect summer day
  4. 8. What can you see if the sun shines when it's raining?
  5. 11. Very severe storm given a name e.g. Sandy
  6. 13. A measurement of temperature
  1. 1. A gentle wind that cools a summer day
  2. 2. Swirling vortex that can cause major damage
  3. 3. Precipitation
  4. 5. Frozen rain
  5. 6. No two of these are the same and they only appear when it's very cold
  6. 7. Birds build nests in the ......?
  7. 9. A season of oranges, yellows and reds
  8. 10. Light rain
  9. 12. Squirrels bury nuts ready for this season