The Winter Home

  1. 3. From his St. George home, President Young directed the construction of the St. George _____ and tabernacle.
  2. 5. President Young's _____ was a place to rest and relax.
  3. 7. _____ and gardens surrounded the home on three sides, providing good food to eat.
  4. 9. President Young's _____, Amelia, traveled with him to St. George each winter.
  5. 10. The Young family and their friends gathered at the dining room _____ for good food and fun conversations.
  6. 12. President Young's _____, Samuel Goold, said that Brother Brigham "was always pleasant, gentle and kind . . . in every way a great and a good man."
  1. 1. The _____ and dry winter weather in St. George was good for Brigham Young's health.
  2. 2. The large _____ tree supplied leaves for feeding silkworms.
  3. 4. Brigham Young said he believed in working 8 hours, sleeping 8 hours, and spending the other 8 hours of the day in _____. Go play!
  4. 6. The ______ was built as a sacred private place where President Young could meet with other church leaders.
  5. 8. President Young remodeled his St. George home, making it bigger to meet his needs.
  6. 11. Beautiful music was played on the piano in the _____.