Word Power 01

  1. 4. v. The paint was beginning to __(lose colour)__ due to the sun and the rain.
  2. 6. adj. The cowherd allowed the cows to lead him into a __(far away)__ valley.
  3. 7. n. The children were full of __(expression of admiration)__ for the new bicycle.
  4. 9. n. The schools close during the __(rainy season)__ every year.
  5. 10. n. A fresh __(a sudden strong rush of wind)__ of wind picked up the kite.
  1. 1. v. The boy had to __(bring and hand over)__ the milk every morning.
  2. 2. v. The fog __(moved slowly up through the air)__ up from the valley.
  3. 3. v. The tourist was __(pushed roughly)__ by the crowds in the railway station.
  4. 5. n. The dogs set off in hot __(chase)__.
  5. 8. n. The girl wore a __(an ornamental ring worn around the wrist)__ on her wrist and a necklace of glass beads.