1920s Women

  1. 2. many of women's accessories were made up of these spherical objects
  2. 3. the 19th _________ allowed women to vote
  3. 4. many women applied this cosmetic to their face
  4. 6. many women's hair and skirts were (short/long)
  5. 8. women wore shining and flashy accessories called _______
  6. 9. women began to do this in public, using cigarettes and cigars
  7. 10. style of hair many women had
  1. 1. young women of the time who danced and wore more bold clothing
  2. 5. women wore this piece of clothing which was a loose-fitting upper garment
  3. 7. prior to previous culture, women began to drink this beverage
  4. 8. a new genre of music in which many young women danced to