
  1. 5. Men who looked for timberland to cut.
  2. 6. Where the YMCA used to be.
  3. 10. Coach Harry _____ of Superior Central.
  4. 11. A mill destroyed in 1894.
  5. 12. One of three schools Henry Wildhagen built in Ashland, Wisconsin.
  6. 16. Men who stacked lumber sleds.
  7. 18. A type of tree used in syrup tapping.
  8. 20. The third school Henry Wildhagen build in Ashland, Wisconsin.
  9. 23. After WWII, vets played basketball for this local college.
  10. 24. Jim Hoppenyan played basketball for what high school?
  11. 27. Where Henry Wildhagen and his wife are buried.
  12. 29. A popular building material Henry Wildhagen and others used in their local architecture.
  13. 31. Lumber often went out to other areas in the Great Lakes on this type of ship.
  14. 32. A popular choice for Christmas trees.
  15. 34. One of the museum's new displays is on this modern conflict.
  16. 39. Henry owned the patent to this.
  17. 40. Many of the buildings Hendry Wildhagen built belong to this.
  18. 42. Salvaged wood was used for this type of logging.
  19. 43. Men who trimmed branches at logging camps.
  20. 44. By 1890, this was one of the best producing mills in the Great Lakes.
  1. 1. Pinky Melberg, Tweet Jensen, Red Nylen, Fran Hicks.
  2. 2. What workers earned per day working in lumber camps.
  3. 3. The Ashland Historical Museum is open Mondays, ______, and Saturdays.
  4. 4. Paper is made from this.
  5. 7. He invented a method of using boom logs chained together to capture and tow rafts of wood across the lake.
  6. 8. Robert Richie owned a saw mill with him on Willis Avenue.
  7. 9. 2020 was the 100 Year Anniversary for what Amendment?
  8. 13. This building caught fire in 1917.
  9. 14. Where Henry Wildhagen lived after moving away from Detroit, Michigan.
  10. 15. Henry Wildhagen was born here.
  11. 17. A mill located north of Prentice Park.
  12. 19. The second of three schools Hendry Wildhagen built in Ashland, Wisconsin.
  13. 21. Men's sports teams at Northland College.
  14. 22. Women's sports teams at Northland College.
  15. 25. The second joint architect of the Ashland County Courthouse.
  16. 26. A type of tree in Wisconsin known for its distinct smell.
  17. 28. Where Stearn's Lumber Company was located.
  18. 30. The ship Henry Wildhagen used to leave South Hampton.
  19. 33. Used to pull lumber sleds before the steam engine.
  20. 35. These came to Ashland in 1870 and eased transportation to and from the northwoods.
  21. 36. This many men worked yearly at Ashland lumber camps.
  22. 37. This percentage of land is owned publically in Wisconsin.
  23. 38. More often than not, the only source of heat during the winter for lumber camps.
  24. 41. Many men and their families immigrated from here to find work at lumber camps.