
  1. 1. He left on Monday and arrived two days …..
  2. 8. I ….. the green shirt, but it was already sold.
  3. 9. The chocolate mousse is very ….
  4. 11. Yesterday, I bought some new clothes.
  5. 14. The restaurant is 15km …...
  6. 16. A meal eaten outside, often in a park.
  7. 17. The subject of planes and flying.
  8. 18. An item of clothing worn by men.
  9. 19. The area in your neighbourhood.
  10. 20. I saw Mary …. my way home today.
  1. 2. I …. the shoes were very expensive.
  2. 3. We were talking …. the football game.
  3. 4. Chinese use these to eat their food.
  4. 5. I had an interesting …. with our boss today.
  5. 6. The train will be …… 10 minutes late.
  6. 7. …. a trip to the shopping mall?
  7. 10. Butter which is partly made with nuts.
  8. 12. A shop where you can buy meat.
  9. 13. An imaginary story.
  10. 15. He ….. what time it was.