
  1. 1. Doing something with positive emotions.
  2. 4. When something is more than excellent.
  3. 5. When an atmosphere makes you feel relaxed.
  4. 10. To get rid of stress.
  5. 11. To really like what a person does.
  6. 12. To do something exciting.
  7. 14. An attraction to something exciting.
  8. 15. Pure pleasure.
  9. 16. A hand signal to express a greeting.
  10. 18. Moving your face to show happiness.
  11. 19. Perfect coordination between two people.
  1. 2. A person who always sees the positive.
  2. 3. To wrap your arms around a person or object.
  3. 6. A warm friendly, open character.
  4. 7. To do something positive for yourself or others.
  5. 8. You … a break.
  6. 9. To be very content.
  7. 13. A positive approach to a task.
  8. 16. An expression when you are surprised.
  9. 17. An object given to express kindness.